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Ariva 202e HomeSharing Freezer


Ist oft hier
22. Juli 2013
Hi zusammen ,

ich habe seit neusten Freezer auf meiner Ariva 202e. Auf meiner Dbox2 läuft alles einwandfrei ohne Freezer.
Auf der Ariva ist die neuste Firmware drauf und seit dem habe ich das Problem. Ein Einspielen auf von der alten Firmware hat nichts geholfen und somit ist das Problem noch da.

Meine Configs:

# oscam.conf generated automatically by Streamboard OSCAM 1.20-unstable_svn SVN r8599
# Read more:

logfile = /var/media/ftp/uStor01/logs/oscam.log
fallbacktimeout = 2500
nice = -1
maxlogsize = 200
preferlocalcards = 1

port = ####
nodeid = 2293FB9D106D14FE
version = 2.1.1
reshare = 1
reshare_mode = 1
ignorereshare = 0
keepconnected = 1

httpport = ##
httpcss = /var/media/ftp/uStor01/service/oscam/style.css
httprefresh = 10
httpallowed =

Mein Server:
Hier habe ich auch das Problem das die Übertaktung nichts bringt. Wenn ich es ausschalte gibt es mir immer noch die gleiche /ms Zahl als wenn Sie auch an ist.

# oscam.server generated automatically by Streamboard OSCAM 1.20-unstable_svn SVN r8599
# Read more:

label = skyv14
protocol = mouse
device = /dev/ttyUSB0
caid = 098C
boxid = 12345678
ins7e11 = 15
detect = cd
mhz = 600
cardmhz = 357
group = 1
emmcache = 1,1,2
blockemm-unknown = 1
ndsversion = 2

Mein Services:

# oscam.services generated by Dunkeltapps 2010.09.01

caid = 1702,1833,098C,09C4
provid = 000000,000001,000003
srvid = 0083,006B,006A,006F,0074,006E,007D,007E,0080,007F,007C,0073,007B,0082,0071,0070,0076,006C,006D,00F2,0081,0072,010C,0116,0120,012A,0134,013E,0148,0152,015C,0069,010B,0115,011F,0129,0133,013D,0147,0151,015B,007A,0084,0077,0075,6FB8,6FB9,002A,07FF,0025,0015,0039,0038,0027,0018,000E,0022,0019,001A,001C,0037,0010,0206,0016,003A,0013,4462,0021,0203,00A8,7001,000C,000D,700A,0026,001B,2EFE,001D,4461,0009,000A,000B,002B,0029,0008,0014,0017,0204,0034,0024,0023,0032,001E,00F1,0011,00DD,00DE,0107,0111,011B,0125,012F,0139,0143,014D,00FD,00DF,0106,0110,011A,0124,012E,0138,0142,014C,00FC,125D,1485,0065,0066,010E,0118,0122,012C,0136,0140,014A,0154,0104,0101,0102

caid = 098C
provid = 3411
srvid = EF10,EF11,EF14,EF74,EF75,EF76

caid = 0B00
provid = 0000
srvid = 6FF1,6FFA,6FF0,6FF3,6FFF,6FEE,6FEF

Vielleicht könnt ihr mir Helfen..

Vielen Dank schonmal
AW: Ariva 202e HomeSharing Freezer


zu den freezern, kannst du dazu ein log posten? treten die freezer überhaupt am server im log auf?

zur übertaktung, wie sind deine zeiten den überhaupt?
AW: Ariva 202e HomeSharing Freezer


wie sind Deine Receiver mit dem Server verbunden ? LAN / WLAN / PowerLAN ?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
AW: Ariva 202e HomeSharing Freezer


also ich habe die beide mit PowerLan an der steckdose dran.

Mein Log:

Im Log ist selber nichts zusehen.. :-/

2013/11/12 09:11:12 0 s >> OSCam << cardserver started, version 1.20-unstable_svn, build r8599 (mips-linux-uclibc-ssl-libusb-static)
2013/11/12 09:11:12 0 s creating pidfile /var/run/oscam.pid with pid 29641
2013/11/12 09:11:12 0 s services reloaded: 0 services freed, 3 services loaded, rejected 0
2013/11/12 09:11:12 0 s userdb reloaded: 3 accounts loaded, 0 expired, 0 disabled
2013/11/12 09:11:12 0 s signal handling initialized
2013/11/12 09:11:12 0 s 227 service-id's loaded in 18ms
2013/11/12 09:11:12 0 s 116 tier-id's loaded
2013/11/12 09:11:12 0 s 3 provid's loaded
2013/11/12 09:11:12 0 s 22 lengths for caid guessing loaded
2013/11/12 09:11:12 0 s cccam: initialized (fd=#, port=####)
2013/11/12 09:11:12 0 s skyv14 [mouse] creating thread for device /dev/ttyUSB0
2013/11/12 09:11:12 0 s loadbalancer: can't read from file /tmp/.oscam/stat
2013/11/12 09:11:12 0 s waiting for local card init
2013/11/12 09:11:12 5CC518 h webif: decompressed 52416 bytes back into 150704 bytes
2013/11/12 09:11:12 5CC518 h HTTP Server listening on port ##
2013/11/12 09:11:12 6015B8 r skyv14 [mouse] Reader initialized (device=/dev/ttyUSB0, detect=cd, mhz=600, cardmhz=357)
2013/11/12 09:11:13 6015B8 r skyv14 [mouse] card detected
2013/11/12 09:11:14 6015B8 r skyv14 [mouse] ATR: ####
2013/11/12 09:11:14 6015B8 r skyv14 [mouse] Init card protocol T0, FI=1, F=372, D=16, N=2
2013/11/12 09:11:14 6015B8 r skyv14 [mouse] Setting baudrate to 153600 bps
2013/11/12 09:11:14 6015B8 r skyv14 [mouse] Calculated work ETU is 3.88 us
2013/11/12 09:11:14 6015B8 r skyv14 [mouse] ATR Fsmax is: 5 Mhz, clocking card to wanted user cardspeed of 6.00 Mhz (specified in reader->mhz)
2013/11/12 09:11:16 6015B8 r skyv14 [mouse] Card type: P1TV
2013/11/12 09:11:16 6015B8 r skyv14 [mouse] Rom version: 20AA
2013/11/12 09:11:16 6015B8 r skyv14 [mouse] parental lock setting: FF FF FF FF
2013/11/12 09:11:16 6015B8 r skyv14 [mouse] type: VideoGuard Sky Germany (098C), caid: 098C
2013/11/12 09:11:16 6015B8 r skyv14 [mouse] serial: ########, BoxID: ########, baseyear: 2004
2013/11/12 09:11:16 6015B8 r skyv14 [mouse] ready for requests
2013/11/12 09:11:16 6015B8 r skyv14 [mouse] found card system videoguard2
2013/11/12 09:11:16 6015B8 r skyv14 [videoguard2] card detected
2013/11/12 09:11:16 6015B8 r skyv14 [videoguard2] type: VideoGuard Sky Germany (098C)
2013/11/12 09:11:16 6015B8 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 0046, expiry date: 2013/12/06-00:00:00
2013/11/12 09:11:16 6015B8 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 005d, expiry date: 2013/12/06-00:00:00
2013/11/12 09:11:16 6015B8 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 005e, expiry date: 2013/12/06-00:00:00
2013/11/12 09:11:16 6015B8 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 0065, expiry date: 2013/12/06-00:00:00
2013/11/12 09:11:16 6015B8 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 0066, expiry date: 2013/12/06-00:00:00
2013/11/12 09:11:16 6015B8 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 0067, expiry date: 2013/12/06-00:00:00
2013/11/12 09:11:16 6015B8 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 0068, expiry date: 2013/12/06-00:00:00
2013/11/12 09:11:16 6015B8 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 0069, expiry date: 2013/12/06-00:00:00
2013/11/12 09:11:16 6015B8 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 006a, expiry date: 2013/12/06-00:00:00
2013/11/12 09:11:16 6015B8 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 006b, expiry date: 2013/12/06-00:00:00
2013/11/12 09:11:16 6015B8 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 006f, expiry date: 2013/12/06-00:00:00
2013/11/12 09:11:16 6015B8 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 007b, expiry date: 2013/12/06-00:00:00
2013/11/12 09:11:16 6015B8 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 007d, expiry date: 2013/12/06-00:00:00
2013/11/12 09:11:16 6015B8 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 0081, expiry date: 2013/12/06-00:00:00
2013/11/12 09:11:16 6015B8 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 008e, expiry date: 2013/12/06-00:00:00
2013/11/12 09:11:16 6015B8 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 00c0, expiry date: 2013/12/06-00:00:00
2013/11/12 09:11:16 6015B8 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 00c7, expiry date: 2013/12/06-00:00:00
2013/11/12 09:11:16 6015B8 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 00c8, expiry date: 2013/12/06-00:00:00
2013/11/12 09:11:16 6015B8 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 00c9, expiry date: 2013/12/06-00:00:00
2013/11/12 09:11:16 6015B8 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 00ca, expiry date: 2013/12/06-00:00:00
2013/11/12 09:11:16 6015B8 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 00e4, expiry date: 2013/12/06-00:00:00
2013/11/12 09:11:16 6015B8 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 00e5, expiry date: 2013/12/06-00:00:00
2013/11/12 09:11:16 6015B8 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 00f3, expiry date: 2013/12/06-00:00:00
2013/11/12 09:11:16 6015B8 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 00fa, expiry date: 2013/12/06-00:00:00
2013/11/12 09:11:16 6015B8 r skyv14 [videoguard2] tier: 00ff, expiry date: 2013/12/06-00:00:00
2013/11/12 09:11:19 0 s init for all local cards done
2013/11/12 09:11:19 0 s anti cascading disabled
2013/11/12 09:11:26 609CB8 c encrypted cccam-client ####### granted (######, au=off)
2013/11/12 09:11:35 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/0009/98:C8526B66113161BAB9E95FAFB264BE7E): found (118 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Action
2013/11/12 09:11:37 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/0009/98:7EA5C1F3D18F4CE32828C9574A2E7A2B): found (94 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Action
2013/11/12 09:11:44 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/0009/98:703B99FA6054A4E8F8AA37BA5EF53CC0): found (88 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Action
2013/11/12 09:11:51 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/0009/981C742A84E574F9B99F17E997D6D9D7F): found (89 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Action
2013/11/12 09:11:58 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/0009/98:12E55227F2FA4168FED452876706FB79): found (92 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Action
2013/11/12 09:12:05 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/0009/98:213243D5A55C8377F015EC3EC701CC8C): found (98 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Action
2013/11/12 09:12:12 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/0009/98:677E7EB357307C913394F373D163697F): found (90 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Action
2013/11/12 09:12:19 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/0009/9865FF7ACB6196F0D3FC6D6C1816C42DC): found (94 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Action
2013/11/12 09:12:26 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/0009/98:4F2F2F493916DF0F9652CDDBFBE6AF8B): found (91 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Action
2013/11/12 09:12:33 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/0009/98:27D6BAD39B3C28D54EC0B85576BB9316): found (86 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Action
2013/11/12 09:13:00 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/0009/98:E7911BF2D7A5A624D27E1A138D21AC99): found (85 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Action
2013/11/12 09:13:00 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/0009/98:6D966A826568C4863AEF2538F71DCB6F): found (89 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Action
2013/11/12 09:13:01 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/0009/98:41D99FE7E8655C110FDF409AC60DB691): found (86 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Action
2013/11/12 09:13:08 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/0009/98:81A2465469F399C35F85EC8D6DA99836): found (92 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Action
2013/11/12 09:13:15 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/0009/98:59AC22583938C9613EB7B6A8C0F4271F): found (93 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Action
2013/11/12 09:13:22 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/0009/98:3FA7D382ACA191BD7A89D0C0518850BB): found (104 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Action
2013/11/12 09:13:29 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/0009/98:F3907CFA47E266403179378A6C9297E4): found (92 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Action
2013/11/12 09:13:36 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/0009/98:60996B71F070116603C1FD06E3D509DD): found (94 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Action
2013/11/12 09:13:43 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/0009/98:E2C1A8843E8E342D4052D45AEE9CE5AA): found (90 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Action
2013/11/12 09:13:50 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/0009/98:78DDCA746F7A6847686E2EED65B19735): found (85 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Action
2013/11/12 09:13:57 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/0009/98:AC37B51BA515CF135E9791817FFAAD5A): found (88 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Action
2013/11/12 09:14:04 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/0009/98:FE967F681A5A9DD2D121B42887B451EE): found (133 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Action
2013/11/12 09:14:11 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/0009/98:37943B1DC957146D663AF9ACF82F9D36): found (91 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Action
2013/11/12 09:14:18 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/0009/98:C0A56C03F122EA4E11A7816F1A62B8D8): found (86 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Action
2013/11/12 09:14:25 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/0009/98:756BEC0EED3565AFA996DA4C64CFF48F): found (93 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Action
2013/11/12 09:14:32 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/0009/98:E5783B2C717103DC5905F1E21CA8EDEF): found (85 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Action
2013/11/12 09:14:39 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/0009/98:0E86503F567B5398E76E8F32F288EE6F): found (91 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Action
2013/11/12 09:15:06 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/0009/98:6FD9CC5BE93F833742BB4A5D77890E10): found (86 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Action
2013/11/12 09:15:06 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/0009/98:18AAE4E264566E6190C5DE327AC2F6DD): found (88 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Action
2013/11/12 09:15:07 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/0009/98:978021470881173E6121C19B9F7FAE25): found (86 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Action
2013/11/12 09:15:14 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/0009/98:94C5591989AFCA95E52ECCC3A7DD1025): found (88 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Action
2013/11/12 09:15:21 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/0009/98:787C63D38A7B5752919126EBBD64ECDF): found (94 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Action
2013/11/12 09:15:28 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/0009/9831BC37F40F964097C9F8FB30FEE9E37): found (94 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Action
2013/11/12 09:15:35 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/0009/98:EB454F63E3A3BB1BA78C5B642CD8E182): found (92 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Action
2013/11/12 09:15:42 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/0009/98:820AF1587EBA4971C82811F50B8EB253): found (93 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Action
2013/11/12 09:15:49 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/0009/98:52101541013449A567BB079E9921315B): found (93 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Action
2013/11/12 09:15:56 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/0009/98:E2CFE20ECCA42FFAD9579F79C1167C98): found (88 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Action
2013/11/12 09:16:03 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/0009/98:E5B7C58E0E71F1312402A6967961900F): found (92 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Action
2013/11/12 09:16:10 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/0009/98:4C601631F2D8761CEBE9C990E45114EF): found (89 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Action
2013/11/12 09:16:17 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/0009/98:8CD8B86F2CCC33A9CA8701241C8AD1FD): found (94 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Action
2013/11/12 09:16:24 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/0009/98:25CCCE0F2D0DA1447FE21B0AF2C9A7B6): found (89 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Action
2013/11/12 09:16:31 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/0009/98:083A3732B9987E5A64CD27E84CE79A22): found (86 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Action
2013/11/12 09:16:38 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/0009/98:EF96FB87FCD981E566CDA41E1FD8FB17): found (85 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Action
2013/11/12 09:16:45 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/0009/98:97E117E170E60FAC9314BD5A41C66AD4): found (94 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Action
2013/11/12 09:16:52 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/0009/98:AE239CC26AA098227ECF68507ED83C55): found (88 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Action
2013/11/12 09:16:59 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/0009/98:4DBDD9220A960427CB88194ED53348D7): found (90 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Action
2013/11/12 09:17:06 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/0009/98:CF73EA7482384AE368DC064365E30C0A): found (85 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Action
2013/11/12 09:17:13 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/0009/98CF8E16B3C18DDBD18C0D2C270D319A1): found (93 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Action
2013/11/12 09:17:20 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/0009/98:18DA3EA8EFC9EA3EA9DB5C1FE322087A): found (86 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Action
2013/11/12 09:17:27 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/0009/98:98BF2134D93FD791A2348E5FDC8BBB82): found (90 ms) by skyv14 - Sky Action
2013/11/12 09:18:15 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:93B85D9CCBC613B520D6E6D5270F7625): found (87 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:18:19 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:5A5C0870BC90674A6B24B88603BF975E): found (94 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:18:23 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:5A5C0870BC90674A6B24B88603BF975E): cache1 (0 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:18:24 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:5A5C0870BC90674A6B24B88603BF975E): cache1 (1 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:18:26 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:E628D7B8D6F920C5B91AD7962DE65833): found (94 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:18:33 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:641682986A8926E17AC89E684AA38FA8): found (94 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:18:40 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:2ABE0B39DEC08B80FB9E27D5817FC8F4): found (93 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:19:05 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:EC39ADC5D73E01700F4E3E44D3BD5640): found (92 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:19:08 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:FD04BE3EA75C00E495087BFC05573609): found (89 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:19:15 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:4727A97E4B5ED8245405ED46B8527761): found (95 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:19:22 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:F092D4221FDB61058434D77C3572E8AD): found (98 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:19:29 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:21DA1ECD4034A3F5B8AB2ED8FEDF4DC7): found (88 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:19:36 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:A6B10CEC36D409347424E1DA070E8871): found (87 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:19:43 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:28920960116C4C9CC3AECCA013DBEEDC): found (94 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:20:10 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:C3DEC166406E872929D35073B216B2A0): found (85 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:20:10 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:ADA10792E12B1B25E160568EFF64843E): found (86 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:20:11 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:131259EC33D8EE38024F5948F3C2974F): found (90 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:20:18 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:BB32879D70922B4FFAB9FE0206BBD49F): found (94 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:20:25 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:A37924FE2CDB636E11092240363E8C49): found (89 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:20:32 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:9BB9897AB2E66FA3DF7359AFF53B489C): found (91 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:20:39 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98083036B2126416D21F1A6F9F89EAD24): found (83 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:20:46 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:925802240D22BA629EDA5FE2AABED32A): found (94 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:21:13 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:5B32D73BF88332A6D8B264E95E747E99): found (93 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:21:13 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:918D33824BD784AEB2399E71CE28D3A7): found (95 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:21:14 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:66AF3158F5B6D77509A704088DCE0C3A): found (95 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:21:21 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:F8A528DD7AFFD514A1522F84CF6CDD85): found (91 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:21:28 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:C0F7F8DE63FE134D5097140AC1C8A9BC): found (94 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:21:35 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:76D26092455D42AD7F785926C9C5BAC7): found (90 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:21:42 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:6B3F07C5A09943BD7EEAB83F53E48D6A): found (90 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:21:49 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:9C2EE987C72A3224BC6125E98D54B3E6): found (93 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:22:16 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:219486EF3008B53C1FF2E827B8D5200B): found (90 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:22:16 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:19B85BDFA3D3B2D65505B47ACC92BBE2): found (86 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:22:17 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:96854C6EB9174076FE27853576F063CB): found (90 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:22:24 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:A2DA9CF235CBE0805767CC3B5D8D8857): found (91 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:22:31 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:1C23E0BE3D36259E608322E66395571B): found (93 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:22:38 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:85E6AB6BDAA793ED06AFF8D95A5ABC9B): found (85 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:22:45 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:6EF26A16B416EC55C7F3AE3516A0BE6B): found (92 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:22:52 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:F2303FA209CA07D55E8D134F7641BFC7): found (94 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:23:19 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:04F6606C61200D6AF9307C007A1C47E3): found (88 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:23:19 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:BF063DF492D3BF1FB3CA23CB4FB61F14): found (91 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:23:20 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:97D9FFC38C4CAB789E4398833FC0A40D): found (88 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:23:27 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:96C43B7B10216D449669A0397406F4FB): found (93 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:23:34 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:147EEC7F9EF3D6F395BD027A97EE8988): found (87 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:23:41 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/981812DBA9EFCBF5894D89A8A14849E9B): found (90 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:23:48 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:532DCDE754932A2CE54C8F51D4CCF0F2): found (86 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:23:55 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:88FB57901D152AAC8CA17CF911764D56): found (86 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:24:02 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:58CB69ED1BB3FCAC163D48DDD46E87FA): found (81 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:24:09 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:FF1525C6808E66ADAB6C8FD038A327D8): found (89 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:24:16 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:4DB2374424D30C7847FCB8EBD6E6C1E9): found (91 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:24:23 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:4321F96CDC2F45B709D78C6CCEE620F4): found (87 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:24:30 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:0123004B19A407A024F70C0271389992): found (91 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:24:37 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:AF845FDB92F5D100BB4FF0A204FE2414): found (88 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:24:44 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:C900AD3D8C66422C8369182575C8CC96): found (89 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:24:51 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:C342D621607C6761571AE758E58B8454): found (92 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:24:58 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98208DD192F3D4BAA94830E03ED41CF67): found (87 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:25:25 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:EA72D94B214711377131D88E7E44707C): found (91 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:25:25 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:646DB8FC7789E78BFDF736D2A53AD6C8): found (87 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:25:26 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:73CB631DEC8FD2932192A083E8B5E296): found (91 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:25:33 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:BCD3C19A169A6A2197DEB905A722618C): found (86 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:25:40 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:8B36335D55D28A4707F57745FCDE2DE0): found (88 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:25:47 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:2DABF98F087602FA838BFA681BB8550C): found (85 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:25:54 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:C430FD102E727B96DBBF784B71D6E359): found (93 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:26:01 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:BD9F4619D299EAA56C55BED2D643800D): found (92 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:26:08 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:0224C8FFAE0A52B305AF528E434DDD6E): found (89 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:26:15 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:1B424C87EB51385C96AA87347E68ABA7): found (86 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:26:22 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98CB0F0734D59AD129080336B9F5870B6): found (90 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:26:29 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:CCDF56C0842FEB2541862F04FAB5D2CA): found (85 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:26:36 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:C01C191E2CE0F21073053085A6403536): found (93 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:26:43 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:EF0EEE5321A42C53313233180D685529): found (91 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:26:50 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:1F5DF246B4D7486BD605E130A62B55BC): found (91 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:26:57 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:8428703D15E05F33792C42378B54080B): found (88 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:27:04 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:18358FDF1354BC54D6B41A01D9512654): found (91 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:27:31 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:819AF6AE4D514A3070D5F1D987ADC3C1): found (91 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:27:31 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:C79A703396BEB442DF7E62234FDBF47E): found (86 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:27:32 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:C3850455C2791300F069F1349A0F4AF9): found (91 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:27:39 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:846898C9D316FE49193D2A9AB68BB5FA): found (94 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:27:46 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:6CEE5DDB67792D6B8FFE6B14B9ACC452): found (91 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:27:53 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:2472F5F3DD47F0D4F5266524188B9E26): found (88 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:28:00 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:780F94884C85C01DA5B4761A4446DEEA): found (86 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:28:07 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:671C91BD458103526B980ACDE76EF0FF): found (91 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:28:14 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:3EA2CB9BE0C5B193CDA1392611A6457E): found (93 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:28:21 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:BF8001500ED0C3AB757597CE6DA5523D): found (89 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:28:28 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:730DA93135C70BDBE1A6AB6950AC2390): found (90 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:28:35 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:15474BDFE3DF294F2083644D5EB85AB4): found (94 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:28:42 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:1F974B94EE5C7DEF8FC143ABCAF05C17): found (94 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:28:49 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:C81B297B8F55C3B040667AB1FC6AA4E7): found (89 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:28:56 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:B61AECBBCDFCB4CAE3DE0E83DE518D6E): found (94 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:29:03 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:27D0E98E421C99CE7403FA63B6048E95): found (87 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:29:10 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:EE9637F28AF720649050C1D8EDFAAD6B): found (91 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:29:37 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:B7A726011DEE6F874463533AAF80BA12): found (94 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:29:37 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:A9A0CAC96F2012780CA1273C85BEFD3B): found (87 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:29:38 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/9800B3BA59A8A539007884099E9CE6B91): found (93 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:29:45 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:F65FFD24E91A70434428253DC8390DF6): found (88 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:29:52 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:271ED2F66D72612B33392B59441BAC82): found (92 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:29:59 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:311732424076EF1F807ADD4AD00BA876): found (85 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:30:06 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:A0996EC9FBC9110C372A62656ECE44BD): found (89 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:30:13 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:64D33E4CF85F908341A174FDAAE13C48): found (85 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:30:20 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:0015FFC220339FB118F9B3C6C6CE6974): found (93 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:30:27 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:F20AD6830DA633F4CBAC6FAF8FCC98F5): found (87 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:30:34 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:50F68C7AE171D4E5149CDA86375D8C69): found (91 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
2013/11/12 09:30:41 609CB8 c Noel2004 (098C&000000/0000/001D/98:1461A7FF936C4702C29B3FE73D14B9D1): found (86 ms) by skyv14 - RTL Passion
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