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Info Audi MMI oil level sensor: showing full when low / fictitious oil "consumption"

28. Dezember 2023
Hello all. Posting this in case it may be helpful to someone with an Audio 3.0T engine which may be pointing to oil consumption issues (for which Audi is known for). Bottom line: if you get weird oil level readings from MMI on 3.0T engine, make sure your oil level sensor is in good shape.

I drive 2015 Audi A8L, 3.0T, CREC engine. In the last couple of months it looked like my car was burning 1 quart of oil per 500/600 miles (1 liter per 800km or so), or even worse. Note: where was no blue smoke, no signs of any leaks, no issues with how the engine "felt", etc. I changed PCV valve (DIY job)--no change. In fact, oil level readings became more erratic. Did a piston soak in Chemtool B-12--no change. Then, something dawned on me.

My engine has no dipstick. However, Audi sells a universal oil level tool, T40178. I got that, drained the oil, refilled with 6L, checked my oil, and was shocked. MMI says I am full (see picture). Oil level gauge, with the adjuster ring set 141mm per Elsawin (for my specific engine) shows near-empty (see pictures). I know for a fact that I have 6 liters of oil in the engine, because I just drained it and put 6 liters in. My engine takes 7 liters, so I am a liter short. MMI should be at the bottom on the range--but it's full! The T40178 is correct (level shows 3mm, should be 0--but it is because I am on a very slight incline). MMI is wrong. Conclusion: my oil level sensor is likely busted.

After discovering this, I searched the internet and found a TSB. Unbelievable: it says that oil level sensor on my cars could go bad. The failure mode described in the TSB is different but still points to the oil level sensor.

So, if you drive and Audi with a 3.0 engine, do a dipstick mod or get the T40178 tool before panicking :).

Forgot to attach in the first post. In this attachment, see the table for how to set the Audi T40178 tool adjuster ring for your specific engine (3rd from last column).


  • Oil-Level-MMI.jpg
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  • Oil-level-dipstick.jpg
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  • Ausi-dipstick-set.jpg
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  • Faulty minimum oil warning TSB.pdf
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  • Table for using tool T40178.pdf
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You just can Change the Oillevel Sensor for about 40€ i also had this problem. if you perform your next oil change just 3 screws to exchange the sensor.