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CCcam in open ATV Beta


29. März 2011
put the wrong place for cfg file it should be in keys
CCcam in open ATV Beta works just load the ts panel 7.3.ipk and download the cccam you want after it is loaded reboot and put your cccam.cfg file into usr/keys
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AW: CCcam in open ATV Beta

Openatv ranges install openatv camfeed. TsPanel there is not all neccessary.
Re: AW: CCcam in open ATV Beta

Openatv ranges installopenatv camfeed. TsPanel there is not all neccessary.
If you take the time to test the ATV image you wouldn't have to make these Smarm remarks the camfeed does NOT WORK
AW: CCcam in open ATV Beta

Test times here
Link ist nicht mehr aktiv.

DM800se camfeed works
Re: AW: CCcam in open ATV Beta

Are you thick or just stupid this is the dm7080 section not the db800
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AW: CCcam in open ATV Beta

I wonder why does not work just on 7080HD. Openatv there for quite a few boxes and everywhere Camfeed working properly.
And exuse that I want to help.
Re: AW: CCcam in open ATV Beta

7080HD is using a new software and new firmware no problem m8
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