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ec*pk to dc*pk of st*711*


1. November 2019
i have a i*dto Box and with UART access i only see continous Log and unable to get to Shell. is there anything i am missing to add in via putty?
i've only made connection straight to box UART with Comm to Ttl 4pin , and after starting box i see full log
box is STx7111
You have a passive UART, or break its process.

Try this: send ctrl+c or ctrl+z, i don't remember.

Cau Adas
read fl*sh
correction made


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Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Delete this "broken" dump and insert the correct one.

Cau Adas

There you go

Cau Adas
Commands are not public.

Cau Adas
its been more then a year of search and following experties , i m able to reach at this point , Can say the Last point ,
can someone help regard Cut3 st*711* box with
You will have a problem here STTKDMA, of course, CUT 3 can be done, the question is how much time do you devote to it.

Cau Adas
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