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Emulator Patch für Oscam Raspberry


4. August 2012
hallo suche einen Emulatorpatch für Oscam (nicht OSEmu) auf den Raspberry PI zum selber kompilieren.

Oscam selber haut hin, nur den Patch für PI bräuchte ich noch!

Danke in Voraus

Edit: Wenn ich hier falsch bin, bitte Verschieben!
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AW: Emulator Patch für Oscam Raspberry

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AW: Emulator Patch für Oscam Raspberry

@dodo wo geht der Link hin

Hat sich erledigt, habe Beschreibung gefunden!
Mein Fehler : Patch manuell hinzugefügt!

Gesendet von Amiga mit Tapatalk

Edit: Ok, der link geht mit tapatalk woanders hin!
Habe die u. a. Anleitung ausgeführt!

OSCam-emu: Open Source Conditional Access Module Emulator

OSCam-emu is an Oscam addon module to include emulator support and other functionality that collides with the goal of the original oscam developers.

This patch creates a virtual card reader which is configured automatically.
You may save the default reader configuration with the webif and then modify it to your own liking.

Key file ("SoftCam.Key"):
OSCam-emu does not require, but will make use of "SoftCam.Key" if available.
"SoftCam.Key" is searched in the oscam config folder (where oscam.conf is located) and also in "/var/keys".

You may use OSEmu instead and add it as a reader to your plain oscam server.
OSEmu can be found at https://github.com/oscam-emu/OSEmu

Supported systems

Currently only the following crypto systems are available:
 - Cryptoworks
 - SoftNDS
 - Viaccess 1/2/3
 - Nagra 2
 - Irdeto 2
 - Biss (Mode 1) [Note: only 1 key possible for a sid/pid combination, use the oscam constcw reader if you need more]
 - PowerVU (via Stream Relay)
 - Drecrypt2

All of these are basically working, but far from complete so anyone filling in blanks is welcome...


Work has to be done on the following items:
 - Add other encryption systems

Version history

OSCam-emu history is accessible through GitHub commits at:

Building OSCam-emu from source

 - Get the lastest oscam sources from SVN:
    svn checkout http://www.streamboard.tv/svn/oscam/trunk oscam-svn

 - Save the oscam-emu.patch file:
    wget https://github.com/oscam-emu/oscam-emu/raw/master/oscam-emu.patch

 - Go to oscam-svn directory:
    cd oscam-svn

 - Patch the source with the EMU patch:
    patch -p0 < ../oscam-emu.patch
 - OR: Instead of 'patch', you may also use 'svn patch':
    svn patch ../oscam-emu.patch
 - Put a SoftCam.Key file into the oscam-svn directory (for example from skystar.org)
   Note: This does not apply for Mac OSX and Android, SoftCam.Key cannot be integrated on these systems at the moment.
 - Run `./config.sh -g` to choose the features you want.

 - Run `make` to compile OSCam.

OSCam dvbapi config

If dvbapi is activated, the "delayer" option is forced to have a value of at least 60.
This is to avoid freezes/crashes because of too fast ecm responses.

Help and Support

You may visit our issues system for filling in bug reports regarding EMU issues.

Configuration wiki:

BISS/ConstCW config

Syntax for keys in SoftCam.Key: (key number can be '00' or '01')
F <service id><ecm pid> <key number> <key>


    service id: 2222
    ecm pid: 1111
    key: 0102030405060708

    F 22221111 00 0102030405060708
    The correct ecm pid is only available when using oscam dvbapi.
    For example:
            oscam (dvbapi) <-> OSEmu
            oscam (dvbapi) <-> oscam <-> OSEmu
    When using another client like cccam, the ecm pid seen by OSEmu will always be '1FFF'
    For example:
            cccam <-> oscam <-> OSEmu
            cccam <-> OSEmu
    In this case the above example key line needs to be changed to:
    F 22221FFF 00 0102030405060708
PowerVU config

Keys in SoftCam.Key:
    P <srvid> <nb> <key>
    P 1234 01 11223344556677

    For channels with same srvid the correct key will be detected automatically:
    P 1234 01 11223344556677
    P 1234 01 11223344556677
    P 1234 01 11223344556677
    AU keys:
    P <srvid> <UA> <key>
    P 1234 11223344 11223344556677

On compatible Dreambox STBs:

    1) Disable the Stream Relay (on by default):
        Webif -> Config -> Stream Relay -> Mode
            0 - disabled
        or in oscam.conf:    
        stream_relay_enabled = 0
    2) Select the correct DVB-Api extended CW API:
        Webif -> Config -> DVB-Api -> API for extended CWs
            1 - OE 2.2
            2 - OE 2.0
        or in oscam.conf:
        extended_cw_api = 2

On other devices the Stream Relay must be used:

    The stream relay needs a fast CPU. Not every STB is fast enough.
    If you cannot fix stuttering with the following guide, likely your CPU is 
    too slow.

    For best performance, the "Include ECM in http streams" setting must be enabled.
    If your image supports it (openpli, openatv), you can find it here:
    OpenWebif -> Settings -> Customize
    If the setting is not available, you may need to adjust the "ECM fix delay"
    setting in oscam webif (Config -> Stream Relay).
    Increase/Lower it until there is no stuttering.

    When using VU+ devices, make sure to use the latest drivers (June 2015), if 
    you encounter any problems.

Channel Config:
1. Go to the OpenWebif and click on the "Stream" button for the channel you want to add.
2. Download and save the .m3u file.
3. Open the .m3u file with a text edior and get the stream link. It looks like this:
4. Replace the port (8001) with the relay port (default: 17999) and the host name ("stb") with
5. Add the new stream link to your channel list (for example with DreamBoxEdit)

    Do NOT use the correct Transponder ID/Network ID/Namespace for the stream link.
    Use Transponder ID: "11", Network ID: "22" and Namespace: "33".
    Set Service Type to "1", and enter the correct Service ID for the channel.

    When using DreamBoxEdit:
    A. Go to the list in the middle "Bouquet details".
    B. Right click on a channel, select "IPTV and other streaming services", select "Add".
    C. Select "DVB/TS".
    D. Chosse a name and use the new stream link as URL.
    E. Use the "Service ID" of the original channel. You can find it in the left list ("Services")

Drecrypt2 config:

Keys in SoftCam.Key:

D <caid><provider> <key type><key index> <key>
D 4AE1FF AA01 112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF0011223344556677889900AABBCCDDEEFF

Overcrypt keys (16 keys):
D 0 <number> <key>
D 0 0 1122334455667788
D 0 F 1122334455667788

AU keys:
D <caid><provider> MK<key type><key index> <key>
D 4AE1FF MKAA01 112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF0011223344556677889900AABBCCDDEEFF

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Kann bitte jemand ein Link posten wo die aktuelle oscam-emu Version für raspi zu finden ist ?
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