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Registriere dich noch heute kostenlos, um Mitglied zu werden! Sobald du angemeldet bist, kannst du auf unserer Seite aktiv teilnehmen, indem du deine eigenen Themen und Beiträge erstellst und dich über deinen eigenen Posteingang mit anderen Mitgliedern unterhalten kannst! Zudem bekommst du Zutritt zu Bereichen, welche für Gäste verwehrt bleiben

Freezer beim TV schauen HD01 und V13


Ist oft hier
2. Mai 2011
Hallo zusammen,

ich habe Freezer beim TV schauen festgestellt. Die Freezer kommen unregelmäßig und dauern so ca. 1-3 Sekunden. Als Hardware habe ich eine Fritzbox auf dieser ist von außen ein Port geöffnet und dieser wird per Portforward auf einen Raspberry Pi weitergeleitet. An dem Raspberry Pi hängen zwei USB Kartenleser Easymouse2 Premium dran. In den Kartenlesern steckt jeweils eine HD01 sowie eine V13 Karte drin. Ich bin recht neu in dem Thema und kann daher nicht so wirklich beurteilen an was es genau liegt. An der Konfig habe ich schon etwas rumoptimiert allerdings sind dadurch die Freezer nicht weniger oder gar ausgeblieben. Die Freezer kommen bei HD+ sowie Sky und Sky HD.

Hier mal meine Konfig:
OSCam-Rev10627 als Server

nice = -1
logfile = /var/log/oscam.log
usrfile = /var/log/oscamuser.log
emmlogdir = /var/log/
maxlogsize = 2048
failbancount = 3
failbantime = 60
dropdups = 1

httpport = 81
httpuser = admin
httppwd = password
httprefresh = 10
httpallowed =,
httphelplang = de

port = 50001
version = 2.3.0
reshare = 0
ignorereshare = 0
stealth = 1

label = sky_v13
protocol = mouse
device = /dev/ttyUSB1
services = skyall
caid = 09C4
boxid = 12345678
detect = cd
ecmwhitelist = 09C4:51,63,69,9B,A0,B2,B3,B6
group = 1
emmcache = 1,1,2
blockemm-unknown = 1
blockemm-u = 1
blockemm-s = 1
blockemm-g = 1
saveemm-u = 1
ins7e11 = 15

label = hdplus_hd01
protocol = mouse
device = /dev/ttyUSB0
services = hdplus
caid = 1830
rsakey = BF...D5
boxkey = A7...7C
detect = cd
ecmwhitelist = 1830:92
group = 2
emmcache = 1,1,2
auprovid = 003411


Es sind insgesammt 8 Benutzer die an dem Server hängen. Alle Benutzer verwenden das CCCam-Client Plugin in der Version 2.3.0. Für einen Benutzer ist das Autoupdate aktiviert.

user = User1
pwd = password
au = 1
group = 1,2
uniq = 3
cccmaxhops = 0

user = User2
pwd = password
au = 0
group = 1,2
uniq = 3
cccmaxhops = 0

CCCam Client Konfig
C: servername 50001 User password no { 0:0:1 }

Falls die oscam.services, oscam.tiers sowie oscam.srvid benötigt werden kann ich diese gerne nachliefern.
AW: Freezer beim TV schauen HD01 und V13

Wie sind die Clienten an deren Router verbunden?
Bei einer V13 Karte ist ein Lan Kabel fast ein muß.
AW: Freezer beim TV schauen HD01 und V13


die Boxen sind alle per LAN Kabel angebunden. Eine Box hängt per LAN Kabel an einem WLAN Repeater. Die Freezer kommen aber auf allen Boxen. Meine eigene zum Beispiel hängt per LAN Kabel im Netz.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
AW: Freezer beim TV schauen HD01 und V13

OScam Log zum Zeitpunkt eines Freezer posten, vom Server und am besten auch von einem Client.

AW: Freezer beim TV schauen HD01 und V13

Starte mal oscam neu und zeig bitte log vom Einlesen der Karte.
Im wi ( webinterface) von oscam drückst oben im Menü auf files und dann auf logfiles.
AW: Freezer beim TV schauen HD01 und V13


ab und zu sehe ich im Serverlog das hier:

2015/03/15 18:22:17 1CB49D0 c (client) client(B6A08470) duplicate user 'User2' from x.x.x.x (prev x.x.x.x) set to fake (uniq=3)
2015/03/15 18:22:17 1CCCA80 c (ecm) User2 (09C4&000000/0B58/0074/B3:00000000000000000000000000000000): fake (0 ms) - Sky Action HD
2015/03/15 18:22:17 1CCCA80 c (client) User2 disconnected from x.x.x.x
2015/03/15 18:22:17 1CB49D0 c (client) encrypted cccam-client x.x.x.x granted (User2, au=auto (2 reader))

Dann habe ich auch Freezer. Warum passiert das eigentlich? Meine IP hat sich nicht geändert. Soll ich das uniq = 3 mal raus der oscam.user rausnehmen? Ist das dann ein Risiko wegen Mehrfachverwendung der Lines?
AW: Freezer beim TV schauen HD01 und V13

Der User wird getrennt und verbindet neu, das wird aber weniger ein Problem von OScam sein.
Um Fake ECM zu vermeiden würde ich in der oscam.conf beim Server
dropdups                      = 1

uniq = 3
würde ich bei allen Usern drin lassen, das hat mit den Disconnects eh nichts zu tun.
Das Problem ist auch im LAN oder nur bei externen Clients? Um welche Client Boxen geht es überhaupt?

AW: Freezer beim TV schauen HD01 und V13

Starte mal oscam neu und zeig bitte log vom Einlesen der Karte.
Im wi ( webinterface) von oscam drückst oben im Menü auf files und dann auf logfiles.


das Log habe ich kann ich das ohne bedenken hier posten? Oder muss ich vorher was rauslöschen? Taucht da irgendwo die Kartennummer auf?
AW: Freezer beim TV schauen HD01 und V13

Kannst du posten, die Kartennummer löscht OScam automatisch aus dem Log.

AW: Freezer beim TV schauen HD01 und V13

Karten Nummern werden bei den neue oscam Versionen gexxt beim log nich.
Aber offentliche IPs löschen

Mir geht es um deine ATR Nummer der Karte.
AW: Freezer beim TV schauen HD01 und V13


das dropdups = 1 habe ich bereits gesetzt. Ok das uniq lass ich dann drin. Die Boxen sind 6x Dreambox und 2x VU. Meine Box ist eine VU Duo und hier tritt das Problem auch auf bzw. hiermit kann ich testen.

- - - - - - - - - -

Hier wie gewünscht das oscam.log

>> OSCam << cardserver started at Sun Mar 15 18:34:08 2015
2015/03/15 18:34:08 0 s >> OSCam << cardserver started, version 1.20-unstable_svn, build r10627 (arm-linux-gnueabihf)
2015/03/15 18:34:08 0 s (main) System name = Linux
2015/03/15 18:34:08 0 s (main) Host name = pi01
2015/03/15 18:34:08 0 s (main) Release = 3.18.7+
2015/03/15 18:34:08 0 s (main) Version = #755 PREEMPT Thu Feb 12 17:14:31 GMT 2015
2015/03/15 18:34:08 0 s (main) Machine = armv6l
2015/03/15 18:34:08 0 s (main) creating pidfile /usr/local/etc/.oscam/oscam.pid with pid 9247
2015/03/15 18:34:08 0 s (config) services reloaded: 0 services freed, 2 services loaded, rejected 0
2015/03/15 18:34:08 0 s (config) userdb reloaded: 8 accounts loaded, 0 expired, 0 disabled
2015/03/15 18:34:08 0 s (main) signal handling initialized
2015/03/15 18:34:08 0 s (config) 170 service-id's loaded in 3 ms
2015/03/15 18:34:08 0 s (config) 36 tier-id's loaded
2015/03/15 18:34:08 0 s (net) cccam: initialized (fd=6, port=54322)
2015/03/15 18:34:08 0 s (main) Binary without Irdeto module - no EMM processing for Irdeto possible!
2015/03/15 18:34:08 0 s (main) Binary without Conax module - no EMM processing for Conax possible!
2015/03/15 18:34:08 0 s (main) Binary without Cryptoworks module - no EMM processing for Cryptoworks possible!
2015/03/15 18:34:08 0 s (main) Binary without Seca module - no EMM processing for Seca possible!
2015/03/15 18:34:08 0 s (main) Binary without Viaccess module - no EMM processing for Viaccess possible!
2015/03/15 18:34:08 0 s (main) Binary without DRE Crypt module - no EMM processing for DRE Crypt possible!
2015/03/15 18:34:08 0 s (main) Binary without TONGFANG module - no EMM processing for TONGFANG possible!
2015/03/15 18:34:08 0 s (main) Binary without Bulcrypt module - no EMM processing for Bulcrypt possible!
2015/03/15 18:34:08 0 s (main) Binary without Griffin module - no EMM processing for Griffin possible!
2015/03/15 18:34:08 0 s (main) Binary without DGCrypt module - no EMM processing for DGCrypt possible!
2015/03/15 18:34:08 0 s (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] creating thread for device /dev/ttyUSB1
2015/03/15 18:34:08 0 s (reader) hdplus_hd01 [mouse] creating thread for device /dev/ttyUSB0
2015/03/15 18:34:08 0 s (main) waiting for local card init
2015/03/15 18:34:09 AE7658 h (webif) webif: decompressed 149164 bytes back into 352624 bytes
2015/03/15 18:34:09 AE7658 h (webif) HTTP Server running. ip= port=8080
2015/03/15 18:34:09 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Buffers readed 0 bytes total time_us 75247
2015/03/15 18:34:09 AE92B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [mouse] Buffers readed 0 bytes total time_us 75758
2015/03/15 18:34:09 AE92B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 1 value 03 time_us 3236
2015/03/15 18:34:09 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 1 value 03 time_us 4854
2015/03/15 18:34:09 AE92B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 2 value 00 time_us 15412
2015/03/15 18:34:09 AE92B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 3 value 56 time_us 18447
2015/03/15 18:34:09 AE92B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 4 value ff time_us 14004
2015/03/15 18:34:09 AE92B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 5 value 00 time_us 15382
2015/03/15 18:34:09 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 2 value 00 time_us 68472
2015/03/15 18:34:09 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 3 value 57 time_us 1649
2015/03/15 18:34:09 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 4 value 5b time_us 4837
2015/03/15 18:34:09 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 5 value 3f time_us 76
2015/03/15 18:34:09 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 6 value f7 time_us 54
2015/03/15 18:34:09 AE92B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 6 value 76 time_us 14242
2015/03/15 18:34:09 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 7 value fe time_us 933
2015/03/15 18:34:09 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 8 value 7d time_us 1710
2015/03/15 18:34:09 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 9 value f2 time_us 1540
2015/03/15 18:34:09 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 10 value 1f time_us 693
2015/03/15 18:34:09 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 11 value 69 time_us 1600
2015/03/15 18:34:09 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 12 value 00 time_us 1564
2015/03/15 18:34:09 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 13 value ad time_us 758
2015/03/15 18:34:09 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 14 value f5 time_us 1681
2015/03/15 18:34:09 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 15 value f1 time_us 793
2015/03/15 18:34:09 AE92B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 7 value 7e time_us 15465
2015/03/15 18:34:09 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 16 value ff time_us 3265
2015/03/15 18:34:09 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 17 value ff time_us 851
2015/03/15 18:34:09 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 18 value f5 time_us 1428
2015/03/15 18:34:09 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 19 value 73 time_us 1698
2015/03/15 18:34:09 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 20 value 7f time_us 478
2015/03/15 18:34:09 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 21 value ff time_us 1882
2015/03/15 18:34:09 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 22 value 57 time_us 709
2015/03/15 18:34:09 AE92B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 8 value 71 time_us 14049
2015/03/15 18:34:09 AE92B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 9 value 80 time_us 19573
2015/03/15 18:34:09 AE92B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 10 value 1d time_us 19294
2015/03/15 18:34:09 AE92B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 11 value ff time_us 18615
2015/03/15 18:34:09 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Buffers readed 22 bytes total time_us 180793
2015/03/15 18:34:09 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Reader initialized (device=/dev/ttyUSB1, detect=cd, mhz=357, cardmhz=357)
2015/03/15 18:34:09 AE92B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 12 value dd time_us 22582
2015/03/15 18:34:09 AE92B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 13 value 8d time_us 19924
2015/03/15 18:34:09 AE92B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 14 value 7d time_us 18340
2015/03/15 18:34:09 AE92B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 15 value 35 time_us 20061
2015/03/15 18:34:09 AE92B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 16 value f5 time_us 19791
2015/03/15 18:34:09 AE92B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 17 value 73 time_us 18383
2015/03/15 18:34:09 AE92B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 18 value d3 time_us 19798
2015/03/15 18:34:09 AE92B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 19 value b3 time_us 19835
2015/03/15 18:34:09 AE92B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 20 value fb time_us 18473
2015/03/15 18:34:09 AE92B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 21 value b5 time_us 19834
2015/03/15 18:34:09 AE92B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 22 value 59 time_us 18463
2015/03/15 18:34:09 AE92B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 23 value 91 time_us 19836
2015/03/15 18:34:09 AE92B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 24 value 1d time_us 19946
2015/03/15 18:34:09 AE92B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 25 value 3d time_us 18194
2015/03/15 18:34:09 AE92B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 26 value 93 time_us 19909
2015/03/15 18:34:09 AE92B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [mouse] Flush readed byte Nr 27 value 79 time_us 20061
2015/03/15 18:34:09 AE92B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [mouse] Buffers readed 27 bytes total time_us 561899
2015/03/15 18:34:09 AE92B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [mouse] Reader initialized (device=/dev/ttyUSB0, detect=cd, mhz=357, cardmhz=357)
2015/03/15 18:34:09 AE92B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [mouse] card detected
2015/03/15 18:34:09 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] card detected
2015/03/15 18:34:10 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Buffers readed 0 bytes total time_us 75219
2015/03/15 18:34:10 AE92B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [mouse] Buffers readed 0 bytes total time_us 75318
2015/03/15 18:34:11 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] ATR: 3F FF 11 25 03 10 80 41 B0 07 69 FF 4A 50 70 00 00 50 31 01 00 11
2015/03/15 18:34:11 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Init card protocol T0, FI=1, F=372, D=1, N=3
2015/03/15 18:34:11 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Setting baudrate to 9600 bps
2015/03/15 18:34:11 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Calculated work ETU is 104.20 us reader mhz = 357
2015/03/15 18:34:11 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Buffers readed 0 bytes total time_us 75339
2015/03/15 18:34:11 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to wanted user cardspeed off 3.57 MHz (specified in reader->mhz)
2015/03/15 18:34:11 AE92B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [mouse] ATR: 3F FF 95 00 FF 91 81 71 FE 47 00 44 4E 41 53 50 31 34 32 20 52 65 76 47 43 36 61
2015/03/15 18:34:11 AE92B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [mouse] Init card protocol T1, FI=9, F=512, D=16, N=255
2015/03/15 18:34:11 AE92B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [mouse] Setting baudrate to 111600 bps
2015/03/15 18:34:11 AE92B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [mouse] Calculated work ETU is 8.96 us reader mhz = 357
2015/03/15 18:34:11 AE92B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [mouse] Buffers readed 0 bytes total time_us 75262
2015/03/15 18:34:11 AE92B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [mouse] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to wanted user cardspeed off 3.57 MHz (specified in reader->mhz)
2015/03/15 18:34:11 AE92B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [mouse] Card responded ok for ifsd request of 251
2015/03/15 18:34:12 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Card type: P1TV
2015/03/15 18:34:12 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Rom version: 10A7
2015/03/15 18:34:12 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Unable to get smartcard credit
2015/03/15 18:34:12 AE92B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [mouse] detect native nagra card
2015/03/15 18:34:12 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] classD0 ins7E11: Scheduling card reset for TA1 change from 11 to 15
2015/03/15 18:34:12 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] found card system videoguard2
2015/03/15 18:34:12 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] THIS WAS A SUCCESSFUL START ATTEMPT No 1 out of max alloted of 1
2015/03/15 18:34:12 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] card detected
2015/03/15 18:34:12 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] type: VideoGuard Sky Austria/Germany (09C4)
2015/03/15 18:34:12 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Buffers readed 0 bytes total time_us 75199
2015/03/15 18:34:13 AE92B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [mouse] ready for requests
2015/03/15 18:34:13 AE92B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [mouse] found card system nagra
2015/03/15 18:34:13 AE92B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [nagra] THIS WAS A SUCCESSFUL START ATTEMPT No 1 out of max alloted of 1
2015/03/15 18:34:13 AE92B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [nagra] ROM: D N A S P 1 4 2
2015/03/15 18:34:13 AE92B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [nagra] REV: R e v G C 6
2015/03/15 18:34:13 AE92B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [nagra] SER: ############
2015/03/15 18:34:13 AE92B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [nagra] CAID: 1830
2015/03/15 18:34:13 AE92B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [nagra] Prv.ID: 00 00 34 11 (sysid)
2015/03/15 18:34:13 AE92B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [nagra] Prv.ID: 00 00 00 00
2015/03/15 18:34:13 AE92B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [nagra] IRD ID: ############
2015/03/15 18:34:13 AE92B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [nagra] active to: 2015/05/06 12:59
2015/03/15 18:34:13 AE92B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [nagra] -----------------------------------------
2015/03/15 18:34:13 AE92B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [nagra] |id |tier |valid from |valid to |
2015/03/15 18:34:13 AE92B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [nagra] +----+--------+------------+------------+
2015/03/15 18:34:13 AE92B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [nagra] |8011|0BEA |2011/10/05 |2016/01/25 |
2015/03/15 18:34:13 AE92B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [nagra] |8011|0064 |2010/10/04 |2011/10/05 |
2015/03/15 18:34:13 AE92B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [nagra] |8011|0065 |1992/01/01 |1993/01/01 |
2015/03/15 18:34:13 AE92B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [nagra] -----------------------------------------
2015/03/15 18:34:14 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] ATR: 3F FF 15 25 03 10 80 41 B0 07 69 FF 4A 50 70 00 00 50 31 01 00 15
2015/03/15 18:34:14 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Init card protocol T0, FI=1, F=372, D=16, N=3
2015/03/15 18:34:14 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Setting baudrate to 153600 bps
2015/03/15 18:34:14 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Calculated work ETU is 6.51 us reader mhz = 357
2015/03/15 18:34:14 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Buffers readed 0 bytes total time_us 75187
2015/03/15 18:34:14 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to wanted user cardspeed off 3.57 MHz (specified in reader->mhz)
2015/03/15 18:34:15 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Card type: P1TV
2015/03/15 18:34:15 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Rom version: 10A7
2015/03/15 18:34:15 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Unable to get smartcard credit
2015/03/15 18:34:15 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] FuseByte: 25
2015/03/15 18:34:15 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Region Code: 00BO0102
2015/03/15 18:34:15 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Country Code: DEU
2015/03/15 18:34:15 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Pincode read: 8425
2015/03/15 18:34:15 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] PCB settings: FF FF FF FF
2015/03/15 18:34:15 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] type: VideoGuard Sky Austria/Germany (09C4) FastMode, caid: 09C4
2015/03/15 18:34:15 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] serial: ########, BoxID: ########, baseyear: 2004
2015/03/15 18:34:15 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] ready for requests
2015/03/15 18:34:15 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] found card system videoguard2
2015/03/15 18:34:15 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] THIS WAS A SUCCESSFUL START ATTEMPT No 1 out of max alloted of 1
2015/03/15 18:34:15 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] card detected
2015/03/15 18:34:15 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] type: VideoGuard Sky Austria/Germany (09C4) FastMode
2015/03/15 18:34:15 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] ------------------------------------------------------------------
2015/03/15 18:34:15 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] |- class -|-- tier --|----- valid to ------|--- package name ----|
2015/03/15 18:34:15 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] +---------+----------+---------------------+---------------------+
2015/03/15 18:34:15 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 0068 --| 2015/04/24-01:00:00 |
2015/03/15 18:34:15 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 0069 --| 2015/04/24-01:00:00 |
2015/03/15 18:34:15 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 006a --| 2015/04/24-01:00:00 |
2015/03/15 18:34:15 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 006b --| 2015/04/24-01:00:00 |
2015/03/15 18:34:15 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 0065 --| 2015/04/24-01:00:00 |
2015/03/15 18:34:15 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 0066 --| 2015/04/24-01:00:00 | Sky HD Bundesliga Fanzone
2015/03/15 18:34:15 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 0067 --| 2015/04/24-01:00:00 |
2015/03/15 18:34:15 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 006f --| 2015/04/24-01:00:00 |
2015/03/15 18:34:15 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 007b --| 2015/04/24-01:00:00 | Sky AT/DE / 19.2E / de
2015/03/15 18:34:15 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 007d --| 2015/04/24-01:00:00 | Sky Sport SD
2015/03/15 18:34:15 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 0081 --| 2015/04/24-01:00:00 | Sky Bundesliga SD
2015/03/15 18:34:15 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 008e --| 2015/04/24-01:00:00 | Beate-Uhse.tv
2015/03/15 18:34:15 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00c0 --| 2015/04/24-01:00:00 | Sky Welt Extra
2015/03/15 18:34:15 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00c8 --| 2015/04/24-01:00:00 | Sky Film SD
2015/03/15 18:34:15 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00c9 --| 2015/04/24-01:00:00 | Sky Welt HD
2015/03/15 18:34:15 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00ca --| 2015/04/24-01:00:00 | Sky Film HD
2015/03/15 18:34:15 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00c7 --| 2015/04/24-01:00:00 | Sky Welt SD
2015/03/15 18:34:15 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00e4 --| 2015/04/24-01:00:00 | Sky Bundesliga HD
2015/03/15 18:34:15 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00e5 --| 2015/04/24-01:00:00 | Sky Sport HD
2015/03/15 18:34:15 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00fa --| 2015/04/24-01:00:00 | Sky Blue Movie HD
2015/03/15 18:34:15 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00f3 --| 2015/04/24-01:00:00 | Sky Blue Movie (Info, 1-3)
2015/03/15 18:34:15 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00ff --| 2015/04/24-01:00:00 | Sky AT/DE / 19.2E / de
2015/03/15 18:34:15 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] ------------------------------------------------------from-ins70--
2015/03/15 18:34:16 0 s (main) init for all local cards done
2015/03/15 18:34:16 0 s (emmcache) loaded 47 emmcache records from /usr/local/etc/oscam.emmcache in 4 ms
2015/03/15 18:34:16 0 s (emmcache) loaded 47 emmstat records from /usr/local/etc/oscam.emmstat in 7 ms
2015/03/15 18:34:16 0 s (anticasc) anti cascading disabled
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
AW: Freezer beim TV schauen HD01 und V13

Bezüglich Responsezeiten finde ich sieht es eigentlich gut aus. Im Durchschnitt ist das bei Sky 120ms - 250ms je nach dem was gerade los ist. Bei HD+ sind es 290ms-700ms. Oder ist das nicht gut?
AW: Freezer beim TV schauen HD01 und V13

hab ich mir fast gedacht: 2015/03/15 18:34:11 AE71B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] ATR: 3F FF 11 25 03 10 80 41 B0 07 69 FF 4A 50 70 00 00 50 31 01 00 11
Deine Karte läuft noch nicht hiermit: https://www.digital-eliteboard.com/172957-ubertaktung-durch-parameter-ins7e11-fuer-nds-karten.html
Hat dadurch zu hohe ECM Zeiten.
trag das beim V13 reader nach: ndsversion = 2
roscam neu starten und noch mal den log liefern.

Wie hoch sind die Ecm Zeiten zur Zeit.
AW: Freezer beim TV schauen HD01 und V13


in deinem verlinkten Beitrag sind die Parameter mhz und cardmhz gesetzt benötige ich diese?

Hier das Log:

>> OSCam << cardserver started at Sun Mar 15 18:52:32 2015
2015/03/15 18:52:32 0 s >> OSCam << cardserver started, version 1.20-unstable_svn, build r10627 (arm-linux-gnueabihf)
2015/03/15 18:52:32 0 s (main) System name = Linux
2015/03/15 18:52:32 0 s (main) Host name = pi01
2015/03/15 18:52:32 0 s (main) Release = 3.18.7+
2015/03/15 18:52:32 0 s (main) Version = #755 PREEMPT Thu Feb 12 17:14:31 GMT 2015
2015/03/15 18:52:32 0 s (main) Machine = armv6l
2015/03/15 18:52:32 0 s (main) creating pidfile /usr/local/etc/.oscam/oscam.pid with pid 13990
2015/03/15 18:52:32 0 s (config) services reloaded: 0 services freed, 2 services loaded, rejected 0
2015/03/15 18:52:32 0 s (config) userdb reloaded: 8 accounts loaded, 0 expired, 0 disabled
2015/03/15 18:52:32 0 s (main) signal handling initialized
2015/03/15 18:52:32 0 s (config) 170 service-id's loaded in 3 ms
2015/03/15 18:52:32 0 s (config) 36 tier-id's loaded
2015/03/15 18:52:32 0 s (net) cccam: initialized (fd=6, port=54322)
2015/03/15 18:52:32 0 s (main) Binary without Irdeto module - no EMM processing for Irdeto possible!
2015/03/15 18:52:32 0 s (main) Binary without Conax module - no EMM processing for Conax possible!
2015/03/15 18:52:32 0 s (main) Binary without Cryptoworks module - no EMM processing for Cryptoworks possible!
2015/03/15 18:52:32 0 s (main) Binary without Seca module - no EMM processing for Seca possible!
2015/03/15 18:52:32 0 s (main) Binary without Viaccess module - no EMM processing for Viaccess possible!
2015/03/15 18:52:32 0 s (main) Binary without DRE Crypt module - no EMM processing for DRE Crypt possible!
2015/03/15 18:52:32 0 s (main) Binary without TONGFANG module - no EMM processing for TONGFANG possible!
2015/03/15 18:52:32 0 s (main) Binary without Bulcrypt module - no EMM processing for Bulcrypt possible!
2015/03/15 18:52:32 0 s (main) Binary without Griffin module - no EMM processing for Griffin possible!
2015/03/15 18:52:32 0 s (main) Binary without DGCrypt module - no EMM processing for DGCrypt possible!
2015/03/15 18:52:32 0 s (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] creating thread for device /dev/ttyUSB1
2015/03/15 18:52:32 0 s (reader) hdplus_hd01 [mouse] creating thread for device /dev/ttyUSB0
2015/03/15 18:52:32 0 s (main) waiting for local card init
2015/03/15 18:52:32 1A8E658 h (webif) webif: decompressed 149164 bytes back into 352624 bytes
2015/03/15 18:52:32 1A8E658 h (webif) HTTP Server running. ip= port=8080
2015/03/15 18:52:32 1A902B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [mouse] Buffers readed 0 bytes total time_us 75227
2015/03/15 18:52:32 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Buffers readed 0 bytes total time_us 75608
2015/03/15 18:52:33 1A902B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [mouse] Buffers readed 0 bytes total time_us 75200
2015/03/15 18:52:33 1A902B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [mouse] Reader initialized (device=/dev/ttyUSB0, detect=cd, mhz=357, cardmhz=357)
2015/03/15 18:52:33 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Buffers readed 0 bytes total time_us 76363
2015/03/15 18:52:33 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Reader initialized (device=/dev/ttyUSB1, detect=cd, mhz=357, cardmhz=357)
2015/03/15 18:52:33 1A902B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [mouse] card detected
2015/03/15 18:52:33 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] card detected
2015/03/15 18:52:33 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Buffers readed 0 bytes total time_us 75349
2015/03/15 18:52:33 1A902B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [mouse] Buffers readed 0 bytes total time_us 77250
2015/03/15 18:52:35 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] ATR: 3F FF 11 25 03 10 80 41 B0 07 69 FF 4A 50 70 00 00 50 31 01 00 11
2015/03/15 18:52:35 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Init card protocol T0, FI=1, F=372, D=1, N=3
2015/03/15 18:52:35 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Setting baudrate to 9600 bps
2015/03/15 18:52:35 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Calculated work ETU is 104.20 us reader mhz = 357
2015/03/15 18:52:35 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Buffers readed 0 bytes total time_us 75324
2015/03/15 18:52:35 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to wanted user cardspeed off 3.57 MHz (specified in reader->mhz)
2015/03/15 18:52:35 1A902B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [mouse] ATR: 3F FF 95 00 FF 91 81 71 FE 47 00 44 4E 41 53 50 31 34 32 20 52 65 76 47 43 36 61
2015/03/15 18:52:35 1A902B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [mouse] Init card protocol T1, FI=9, F=512, D=16, N=255
2015/03/15 18:52:35 1A902B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [mouse] Setting baudrate to 111600 bps
2015/03/15 18:52:35 1A902B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [mouse] Calculated work ETU is 8.96 us reader mhz = 357
2015/03/15 18:52:35 1A902B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [mouse] Buffers readed 0 bytes total time_us 75263
2015/03/15 18:52:35 1A902B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [mouse] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to wanted user cardspeed off 3.57 MHz (specified in reader->mhz)
2015/03/15 18:52:35 1A902B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [mouse] Card responded ok for ifsd request of 251
2015/03/15 18:52:36 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Card type: P1TV
2015/03/15 18:52:36 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Rom version: 10A7
2015/03/15 18:52:36 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Unable to get smartcard credit
2015/03/15 18:52:36 1A902B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [mouse] detect native nagra card
2015/03/15 18:52:36 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] classD0 ins7E11: Scheduling card reset for TA1 change from 11 to 15
2015/03/15 18:52:36 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] found card system videoguard2
2015/03/15 18:52:36 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] THIS WAS A SUCCESSFUL START ATTEMPT No 1 out of max alloted of 1
2015/03/15 18:52:36 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] card detected
2015/03/15 18:52:36 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] type: VideoGuard Sky Austria/Germany (09C4)
2015/03/15 18:52:36 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Buffers readed 0 bytes total time_us 75305
2015/03/15 18:52:37 1A902B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [mouse] ready for requests
2015/03/15 18:52:37 1A902B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [mouse] found card system nagra
2015/03/15 18:52:37 1A902B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [nagra] THIS WAS A SUCCESSFUL START ATTEMPT No 1 out of max alloted of 1
2015/03/15 18:52:37 1A902B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [nagra] ROM: D N A S P 1 4 2
2015/03/15 18:52:37 1A902B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [nagra] REV: R e v G C 6
2015/03/15 18:52:37 1A902B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [nagra] SER: ############
2015/03/15 18:52:37 1A902B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [nagra] CAID: 1830
2015/03/15 18:52:37 1A902B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [nagra] Prv.ID: 00 00 34 11 (sysid)
2015/03/15 18:52:37 1A902B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [nagra] Prv.ID: 00 00 00 00
2015/03/15 18:52:37 1A902B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [nagra] IRD ID: ############
2015/03/15 18:52:37 1A902B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [nagra] active to: 2015/05/06 12:59
2015/03/15 18:52:37 1A902B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [nagra] -----------------------------------------
2015/03/15 18:52:37 1A902B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [nagra] |id |tier |valid from |valid to |
2015/03/15 18:52:37 1A902B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [nagra] +----+--------+------------+------------+
2015/03/15 18:52:37 1A902B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [nagra] |8011|0BEA |2011/10/05 |2016/01/25 |
2015/03/15 18:52:37 1A902B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [nagra] |8011|0064 |2010/10/04 |2011/10/05 |
2015/03/15 18:52:37 1A902B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [nagra] |8011|0065 |1992/01/01 |1993/01/01 |
2015/03/15 18:52:37 1A902B8 r (reader) hdplus_hd01 [nagra] -----------------------------------------
2015/03/15 18:52:38 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] ATR: 3F FF 15 25 03 10 80 41 B0 07 69 FF 4A 50 70 00 00 50 31 01 00 15
2015/03/15 18:52:38 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Init card protocol T0, FI=1, F=372, D=16, N=3
2015/03/15 18:52:38 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Setting baudrate to 153600 bps
2015/03/15 18:52:38 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Calculated work ETU is 6.51 us reader mhz = 357
2015/03/15 18:52:38 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Buffers readed 0 bytes total time_us 75321
2015/03/15 18:52:38 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to wanted user cardspeed off 3.57 MHz (specified in reader->mhz)
2015/03/15 18:52:39 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Card type: P1TV
2015/03/15 18:52:39 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Rom version: 10A7
2015/03/15 18:52:39 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Unable to get smartcard credit
2015/03/15 18:52:39 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] FuseByte: 25
2015/03/15 18:52:39 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Region Code: 00BO0102
2015/03/15 18:52:39 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Country Code: DEU
2015/03/15 18:52:39 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] Pincode read: 8425
2015/03/15 18:52:39 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] PCB settings: FF FF FF FF
2015/03/15 18:52:39 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] type: VideoGuard Sky Austria/Germany (09C4) FastMode, caid: 09C4
2015/03/15 18:52:39 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] serial: ########, BoxID: ########, baseyear: 2004
2015/03/15 18:52:39 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] ready for requests
2015/03/15 18:52:39 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] found card system videoguard2
2015/03/15 18:52:39 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] THIS WAS A SUCCESSFUL START ATTEMPT No 1 out of max alloted of 1
2015/03/15 18:52:39 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] card detected
2015/03/15 18:52:39 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] type: VideoGuard Sky Austria/Germany (09C4) FastMode
2015/03/15 18:52:39 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] ------------------------------------------------------------------
2015/03/15 18:52:39 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] |- class -|-- tier --|----- valid to ------|--- package name ----|
2015/03/15 18:52:39 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] +---------+----------+---------------------+---------------------+
2015/03/15 18:52:39 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 0068 --| 2015/04/24-01:00:00 |
2015/03/15 18:52:39 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 0069 --| 2015/04/24-01:00:00 |
2015/03/15 18:52:39 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 006a --| 2015/04/24-01:00:00 |
2015/03/15 18:52:39 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 006b --| 2015/04/24-01:00:00 |
2015/03/15 18:52:39 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 0065 --| 2015/04/24-01:00:00 |
2015/03/15 18:52:39 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 0066 --| 2015/04/24-01:00:00 | Sky HD Bundesliga Fanzone
2015/03/15 18:52:39 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 0067 --| 2015/04/24-01:00:00 |
2015/03/15 18:52:39 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 006f --| 2015/04/24-01:00:00 |
2015/03/15 18:52:39 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 007b --| 2015/04/24-01:00:00 | Sky AT/DE / 19.2E / de
2015/03/15 18:52:39 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 007d --| 2015/04/24-01:00:00 | Sky Sport SD
2015/03/15 18:52:39 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 0081 --| 2015/04/24-01:00:00 | Sky Bundesliga SD
2015/03/15 18:52:39 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 008e --| 2015/04/24-01:00:00 | Beate-Uhse.tv
2015/03/15 18:52:39 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00c0 --| 2015/04/24-01:00:00 | Sky Welt Extra
2015/03/15 18:52:39 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00c8 --| 2015/04/24-01:00:00 | Sky Film SD
2015/03/15 18:52:39 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00c9 --| 2015/04/24-01:00:00 | Sky Welt HD
2015/03/15 18:52:39 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00ca --| 2015/04/24-01:00:00 | Sky Film HD
2015/03/15 18:52:39 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00c7 --| 2015/04/24-01:00:00 | Sky Welt SD
2015/03/15 18:52:39 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00e4 --| 2015/04/24-01:00:00 | Sky Bundesliga HD
2015/03/15 18:52:39 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00e5 --| 2015/04/24-01:00:00 | Sky Sport HD
2015/03/15 18:52:39 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00fa --| 2015/04/24-01:00:00 | Sky Blue Movie HD
2015/03/15 18:52:39 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00f3 --| 2015/04/24-01:00:00 | Sky Blue Movie (Info, 1-3)
2015/03/15 18:52:39 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] |-- 00 ---|-- 00ff --| 2015/04/24-01:00:00 | Sky AT/DE / 19.2E / de
2015/03/15 18:52:39 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [videoguard2] ------------------------------------------------------from-ins70--
2015/03/15 18:52:40 0 s (main) init for all local cards done
2015/03/15 18:52:40 0 s (emmcache) loaded 47 emmcache records from /usr/local/etc/oscam.emmcache in 3 ms
2015/03/15 18:52:40 0 s (emmcache) loaded 47 emmstat records from /usr/local/etc/oscam.emmstat in 7 ms
2015/03/15 18:52:40 0 s (anticasc) anti cascading disabled
AW: Freezer beim TV schauen HD01 und V13

Wenn es bei dir ohne mhz und cardmhz läuft, lass so laufen.

ATR ist immer noch auf 11: 2015/03/15 18:52:35 1A8E1B8 r (reader) sky_v13 [mouse] ATR: 3F FF 11 25 03 10 80 41 B0 07 69 FF 4A 50 70 00 00 50 31 01 00 11
Deswegen auch diese Zeiten: 120ms - 250ms j
Also greift das nicht https://www.digital-eliteboard.com/172957-ubertaktung-durch-parameter-ins7e11-fuer-nds-karten.html

Warum das so ist, weiß ich ehrlich gesagt nicht.
Da muß ein Raspi Spezi ran. Werd dir mal einen vorbeischicken, der sich das ansehen kann.
Hab selbst einen Igel und V14 Karte unter anderem.

Oder du fragst hier nach, warum ins7e11 bei dir nicht greift: Link Removed