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Hd+04 immer noch dunkel mit gbox.net 811 k


Ist gelegentlich hier
5. Januar 2015

habe mich schon ein wenig durchgelesen, aber komme irgendwie nicht weiter.
Ich nutze eine HDQuad Plus mit OpenATV und habe gbox.net 811 k installiert.
Hin und hergelesen habe ich schon und mir noch gbox keys runtergeladen und nach /var/keys kopiert....aber ich denke mein laienhaftes Wissen in Bezug auf gbox bringt mich kein Stück weiter.

Hier noch meine gbox config:
# gbox config file

# Trace, Debug
# xx yz ; xx=00 no konsole output
# xx yz ; xx=01 konsole output
# xx yz ; y=0 debug output (dont use)
# xx yz ; y=1 no debug output
# xx yz ; z=0 ouput to konsole
# xx yz ; z=1 output to /var/tmp/debug.txt
# xx yz ; z=2 Output to UDP (to capture with gboxt)
Z: { 01 11 } 8024

# gbox working mode
# 00 pure Emu
# 01 pure SoftCam (when card inside), Emu (when no card inside)
# 02 pure Net Client
# 03 Mixed mode !!!!! always use this !!!!!
G: { 03 }

# Display ECM messages on Konsole
# 00 dont show any ECMs
# 01 show only valid ECMs
# 02 show valid and bad ECMs with complete data display
# 1x show ca access , display: set ca%d index=%d (pid %X) typ=%d
# 2x Map Nagra Aladin to Betacrypt , use nagra aladin 1801 in betacrypt mode (for UM-I02)
C: { 01 }

# Display EMM messages on Konsole
# 00 dont show any EMMs
# 01 show only valid EMMs
# 02 show valid and bad EMMs with complete data display
# 1* Log any tier change on PW-Nagra-17xx cards into /var/keys/pwupdate.log
M: { 11 }

# Auto Update
# 00 AU disable (default)
# 01 AU enable
# 02 AU auto
# 03 AU enable with ua,sa and ga filter !!!!! always use this !!!!!
A: { 03 }

# Key Update
# 01 update only new keys, default setting
# 02 update all keys (used for valid PMK checking)
U: { 01 }

# Hash pids
# 01 hash only pids with implemented algos and available keys !!!!! always use this
H: { 01 }

# Key files folder
# 00 keyfiles in /var/keys
# 01 keyfiles in /var/tmp
T: { 00 }

# On Screen Display for the Multysystemcam on com1/com2
# 00 No OSD (default)
# 01 display Smartcard messages in Neutrino
# 02 display Smartcard messages in Neutrino new nhttpd format
# 03 display Smartcard messages in Enigma
# 04 display Smartcard messages in Enigma2
O: { 00 }

# Logger and NET-mode UDP port Init
# 00 do not init UDP port
# 01 Init UDP port for IP, port, UDP
L: { 00 } 7025

# demux, multicam/comport configuration
# example: yz = 0x0A = 00001010 (use com2 with inverted CTS detection line)
# *x ** ; x = device nummber to be used (0= default)
# D* ** ; force use of /proc/bus/gtx for cw write operations (in the dbox2 the gbox writes directly the CWs, 00 is the recommended mode ! No drivers are required) use D* ** ONLY if you have Problems. 0* ** should be prefered !!!
# F* ** ; write CWs in both devices (used for PVR in STB04xxx devices)
# ** y* ; y=0001b (0x1*) use slot1 as Multicam (only on STB04xxx)
# ** y* ; y=0010b (0x2*) use slot2 as Multicam (only on STB04xxx)
# ** y* ; y=0011b (0x3*) use slot1 and slot2 as Multicams (only on STB04xxx)
# ** *z ; z=0001b (0x*1) use com1 as Multicam
# ** *z ; z=0010b (0x*2) use com2 as Multicam
# ** *z ; z=0011b (0x*3) use com1 and com2 as Multicams
# ** yz ; yz=00110011b (0x33) use slot1+slot2+com1+com2 as Multicams
# ** *z ; z=0100b (0x*4) invert CTS detection on com1
# ** *z ; z=1000b (0x*8) invert CTS detection on com2
# V: {00 31} the 2 internal reader + an external reader SC8in1, MCR and 4in1 8in1 addressed
# V: {00 35} the 2 internal reader + an 1 external reader such Smargo, Easy Mouse, Multiprog, Multi Mouse inverted addressed
# V: {00 3F} the 2 internal reader + an USB HUB + 2 Smargos addressed
V: { 00 30 }

# RS232 SSSP mode
# x debug messages, 1=on, 0=off
# y com port to use (0=none, 1=com1, 2=com2)
# R: { 00 }

# Task type
# 00 ** normal mode gbox mode (no season, use Multicam instead)
# 01 ** Season Emulation in a Irdeto allcam chid 0602 nonZ
# 10 ** Season Emulation in a Irdeto allcam chid 1702 nonZ
# 11 ** Season Emulation in a Irdeto allcam chid 1702 Z
# 12 ** Season Emulation in a Irdeto allcam chid 1722 Z
# 13 ** Season Emulation in a Irdeto allcam chid 1762 Z
# ** *1 Com port to use for season emulatiom (1 or 2)
# ** 0* Use CTS for RST detection
# ** 1* Use DCD for RST detection
# ** ** 9600 = Baudrate to be used (working only on dbox2)
# W: { 00 00 } 9600

# =============================================================================
# extra options to override default setting in case you expirience Problems,
# normaly these setings are not required.

# Files, folders, devices
# folder/device comment
# F: { 01 } /var/tmp/pmt.tmp // pmt file
# F: { 02 } /var/tmp/emm.info // key update log file
# F: { 03 } /var/tmp/ecm.info // ecm info file
# F: { 04 } /var/tmp/atack.txt // atack info file
# F: { 08 } 1 // pmt mode (0 - pmt file mode, 1 - pmt socket mode)
# F: { 11 } /var/keys // folder for config files
# F: { 12 } /var/tmp // folder for temporary file
# F: { 13 } /var/tmp // folder for keyfiles
# F: { 21 } /dev/null // ca device
# F: { 22 } /dev/null // dvr device
# F: { 23 } /dev/null // demux device
# F: { 31 } /dev/null // second ca device to write cw's (recording)
# F: { 41 } /dev/sci0 // STB04xxx slot1
# F: { 42 } /dev/sci1 // STB04xxx slot1
# F: { 43 } /dev/tts/0 // rs232 com1 /dev/ttyUSB0
# F: { 44 } /dev/tts/1 // rs232 com2 /dev/ttyUSB1

# For overclocking freaks, Clocking internal STB04xxx slots with:
# 1=7.80MHz 2=6.30MHz 3=5.25MHz 4=4.50MHz 5=3.94MHz 6=3.50MHz 7=3.15MHz
# Irdeto works fine on 7.8MHz, all other fine on 6.30MHz or 5.25MHz
# The Dream has not a clean clock signal, some cards that are sensitive will
# refuse to work even on 3.5MHz, thats why 3.15MHz is the default value there.
# On other STB04xxx recievers the same cards work with 6.30MHz
# F: { 51 } 02 // irdeto
# F: { 52 } 03 // seca
# F: { 53 } 03 // viaccess
# F: { 54 } 03 // nagra
# F: { 55 } 03 // crypto
# F: { 57 } 03 // conax
# F: { 58 } 03 // nds

# force a name change of the season or sssp rs232 device
# F: { 45 } /dev/ttyS1

# set stay alive ping time in seconds (default is 300)
# F: { A0 } 300

# disable direct serial port I/O access on 80x86cpus (win and linux)
# direct port i/o is used to set unusual Baudrates, if you want to
# a 3.579MHz card in a 6.000MHz reader etc ...
# Enabled (A1=0) is the default setting, has always been !!!
# Disable (set to 1) it ONLY if you have problems with ioperm or you want
# to use a usb-to-rs232 smartcard reader
# F: { A1 } 1

# GboxTwin mode (only for old gbox, in gbox.net disabled)
# this options for the 2nd gbox ONLY
# you must have an extra gbox, gbox_cfg and cwshare.cfg running on /tmp,
# all other files can linked to the org. files
# F: { A6 } 5

# Server Mode
# 0 disable
# 1 enable
# F: { A4 } 1

# descrambler selection by camd.socket private descriptor (0 - index mode, 1 - mask mode), mask mode is default
# F: { AA } 1

# Debug card access output
# 0 disable (default)
# 1 simple CA trace
# 2 extended CA trace (with timing)
# F: { CA } 2
Hoffe mir kann jemand weiterhelfen.....
AW: Hd+04 immer noch dunkel mit gbox.net 811 k

Wie sieht den deine softcam.cfg aus!

mach mal so:

# Softcam settings (OLD)
# SoftCam EMM Log configuration
# Save EMM data
# 00 Do not save anything (default)
# 01 Save processed EMMs (/var/tmp/emmproc.bin)
# 02 Save rejected EMMs (/var/tmp/emmblock.bin)
# 03 Save both EMMs
L: { 00 }
# Check additional OSC Frequency !!! ONLY FOR DBOX2 !!!
# 00 No Check (default)
# 01 Check on, Value in KHz , example 8MHz=08000
F: { 0000 }
# Check additional Baurate for ATR !!! ONLY FOR DBOX2 !!!
# 00 No Check (default)
# 01 Check on, Value in bit/s, example 81861
B: { 0000 }
# Enable TPScrypt Support
# 00 TPScrypt off
# 01 TPScrypt on (default)
# 1* don't use PTS on Viaccess cards
# 2* don't use PTS on Cryptoworks cards
# 3* don't use PTS on Viaccess and Cryptoworks cards
# 4* use ICE on Cryptoworks cards
Y: { 01 }
# Empty RS232 buffer before writing
# 00 No reset
# 01 Reset Buffer (default)
E: { 01 }
# SoftCam Blocker/Filter definition
# 00 = Allow EMM (default for all)
# 01 = Block EMM addressed to:
# all card
# | shared address/provider
# | | unique address/hex_serial
# ----------------------------------
I: { 00 00 00 } Irdeto All SA UA
V: { 00 00 00 } Via - SA UA
S: { 00 00 00 } Seca - SA UA
N: { 00 00 00 } Nagra All SA UA
C: { 00 00 00 } Crypto All SA UA
O: { 00 00 00 } Conax - SA UA
D: { 00 00 00 } NDS All SA UA
# Timeout Definitions AND com1/com2 delays, all delays to be entered in decimal !
T: { 00 02 02 } ATR timeout (normal*X), instruction timeout (normal*X)
T: { 01 00000 000 } Irdeto : byte delay (1e-6 s), instruction delay (1e-3 s)
T: { 02 00000 000 } Seca
T: { 03 00000 000 } Viaccess
T: { 04 00000 000 } Nagra
T: { 05 00000 000 } CryptoWorks
T: { 06 00000 000 } Geldkarte
T: { 07 00000 000 } Conax
T: { 08 00000 000 } NDS
reset_rs232_buffer = 1
disable_pts = 0
enable_ice = 0
alternative_frequency = 0
alternative_baudrate = 0
byte_delay = 0
instruction_delay = 0
enable_unique_emm = 1
enable_shared_emm = 1
enable_global_emm = 0
block_unique_emm = 0
block_shared_emm = 0
block_global_emm = 0
block_user_emm = 0
save_processed_emm = 1
save_rejected_emm = 1
disable_pts = 0
enable_ice = 0
alternative_frequency = 0
alternative_baudrate = 0
enable_unique_emm = 1
enable_shared_emm = 1
enable_global_emm = 0
block_unique_emm = 0
block_shared_emm = 0
block_global_emm = 0
block_user_emm = 0
save_processed_emm = 1
save_rejected_emm = 1
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
AW: Hd+04 immer noch dunkel mit gbox.net 811 k

sorry für die späte Antwort, aber ich war die ganze Woche in München und nicht zu Hause. Leider habe ich dort kein iNet.
Heute habe ich die softcam.cfg geändert und gbox.net neu gestartet, aber es bleibt immer noch dunkel. Hast du noch eine Ahnung was ich falsch mache?
AW: Hd+04 immer noch dunkel mit gbox.net 811 k

Moin änder deine gbox.cfg mal .

0: {04}
AW: Hd+04 immer noch dunkel mit gbox.net 811 k

Hi Ralle,

ich hab' die gbox.cfg geändert. Das ist für das Logging richtig? Ich finde aber nix....und die Karte ist immer noch dunkel.
Hast du bitte noch einen Tip für mich?
Gruß, Manolo
AW: Hd+04 immer noch dunkel mit gbox.net 811 k

HD01 oder HD02, mehr sag i net !

Gesendet von meinem SM-T530 mit Tapatalk
AW: Hd+04 immer noch dunkel mit gbox.net 811 k

A geh...sicher ist das einfacher, aber es soll ja auch mit der HD04 funktionieren und mich interessiert halt wie )
AW: Hd+04 immer noch dunkel mit gbox.net 811 k

@ mano...,

welche "Rechte" hast den der gbox.cfg und der softcam.cfg gegeben ?
schau mal in den Ordner "temp" bei sc01.info oder sc02.info je nach dem in welchen Slot die Karte steckt - sollte da so aussehen

ATR:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxNagravision merlin card DNASP420 RevS60

Serial (UA) 1xxxxxxxxxx (xxxxxxxxxxxxx)
SysID 3411
CaID 186A
Timezone 05
Clock 19.06.2016 15:41

3411 expire date 02.08.2016 23:59
3505 expire date 13.12.1923 20:45
3511 expire date 13.12.1923 20:45
3512 expire date 13.12.1923 20:45
3513 expire date 13.12.1923 20:45
8011 expire date 13.12.1923 20:45

id 00108011 min tier 0DAC max tiers 0F9F rights 0000006A 02.06.2016-03.06.2017
id 00008011 min tier 0FA0 max tiers 1193 rights 0000006B 01.01.2014-02.01.2014

Nuid A0A30201

00 AF626E45A45F8AE484DCDB3FF0FBC51B43976F4BFF93E741406CA34622955BE99F6C9C72A32D169423E3EB59D08AF31C2DC06FB16B5DC6BAF23AD4901EBEE6FE9FD145BC706CF43A9556C2B32F1BC5BDA3499B3132A386E14E91B391264B98303DDDA05F2F431D55CBD72235
10 B05418F160C474FD932DCFA4CED3541E2727D8E5A295D67E20822E09213917C1FE7E9CF65A6F92783865AE073EA60932B8239CB2003FA86C24C5741283EECEF6B98644D8C6FE8FB70338FD8643C1B4F2FF508AC9B137E2AEB410939D4379F323117FCDA59BD48AC5

Camkey 5FF3582E3904DD45BDA1AB88B1454FE2

Baudrate = 140625 Baud

MfG sodex
AW: Hd+04 immer noch dunkel mit gbox.net 811 k

Jooaahh....ich glaube da ist noch einiges im argen bei mir. Bitte nicht hauen :emoticon-0143-smirk
Die Berechtigungen sehen so aus:
-rw------- 1 root root 7031 Jun 5 15:31 gbox_cfg
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2613 Jun 4 17:50 softcam.cfg
Das ist der Output:
root@gbquadplus:/usr/keys# cat debug.txt Checking/Logging tiers on every EMM
strange input data in gbox_cfg, OSD, pos 1955

gbox.net 2.2A/Linux@Xileon ( Mar 2 2016, 20:46:00 ) git811.K
mode 03
AU:03/update:01/Keyfile:00 Hash:01 DispECM:01/EMM:01 UDPInit:00 OSD:00
strange input data in Via keyfile filepos 780
strange input data in Via keyfile filepos 841
strange input data in Via keyfile filepos 902
strange input data in Via keyfile filepos 963
strange input data in Via keyfile filepos 1024
strange input data in Via keyfile filepos 1085
strange input data in Via keyfile filepos 1146
enx_conf = 3 ; reset on zap=0
Total 0 ports to monitor
CPU ATI Xileon
using LinuxTV api3
internal slot1 opened
internal slot2 opened
mode: any pid
have to init card 1
have to init card 2
entering main loop
emergency exiting on pos: 206 0
emergency exit done
# gbox config file

# Trace, Debug
# xx yz ; xx=00 no konsole output
# xx yz ; xx=01 konsole output
# xx yz ; y=0 debug output (dont use)
# xx yz ; y=1 no debug output
# xx yz ; z=0 ouput to konsole
# xx yz ; z=1 output to /var/tmp/debug.txt
# xx yz ; z=2 Output to UDP (to capture with gboxt)
Z: { 01 11 } 8024

# gbox working mode
# 00 pure Emu
# 01 pure SoftCam (when card inside), Emu (when no card inside)
# 02 pure Net Client
# 03 Mixed mode !!!!! always use this !!!!!
G: { 03 }

# Display ECM messages on Konsole
# 00 dont show any ECMs
# 01 show only valid ECMs
# 02 show valid and bad ECMs with complete data display
# 1x show ca access , display: set ca%d index=%d (pid %X) typ=%d
# 2x Map Nagra Aladin to Betacrypt , use nagra aladin 1801 in betacrypt mode (for UM-I02)
C: { 01 }

# Display EMM messages on Konsole
# 00 dont show any EMMs
# 01 show only valid EMMs
# 02 show valid and bad EMMs with complete data display
# 1* Log any tier change on PW-Nagra-17xx cards into /var/keys/pwupdate.log
M: { 11 }

# Auto Update
# 00 AU disable (default)
# 01 AU enable
# 02 AU auto
# 03 AU enable with ua,sa and ga filter !!!!! always use this !!!!!
A: { 03 }

# Key Update
# 01 update only new keys, default setting
# 02 update all keys (used for valid PMK checking)
U: { 01 }

# Hash pids
# 01 hash only pids with implemented algos and available keys !!!!! always use this
H: { 01 }

# Key files folder
# 00 keyfiles in /var/keys
# 01 keyfiles in /var/tmp
T: { 00 }

# On Screen Display for the Multysystemcam on com1/com2
# 00 No OSD (default)
# 01 display Smartcard messages in Neutrino
# 02 display Smartcard messages in Neutrino new nhttpd format
# 03 display Smartcard messages in Enigma
# 04 display Smartcard messages in Enigma2
O: { 04 }

# Logger and NET-mode UDP port Init
# 00 do not init UDP port
# 01 Init UDP port for IP, port, UDP
L: { 00 } 7025

# demux, multicam/comport configuration
# example: yz = 0x0A = 00001010 (use com2 with inverted CTS detection line)
# *x ** ; x = device nummber to be used (0= default)
# D* ** ; force use of /proc/bus/gtx for cw write operations (in the dbox2 the gbox writes directly the CWs, 00 is the recommended mode ! No drivers are required) use D* ** ONLY if you have Problems. 0* ** should be prefered !!!
# F* ** ; write CWs in both devices (used for PVR in STB04xxx devices)
# ** y* ; y=0001b (0x1*) use slot1 as Multicam (only on STB04xxx)
# ** y* ; y=0010b (0x2*) use slot2 as Multicam (only on STB04xxx)
# ** y* ; y=0011b (0x3*) use slot1 and slot2 as Multicams (only on STB04xxx)
# ** *z ; z=0001b (0x*1) use com1 as Multicam
# ** *z ; z=0010b (0x*2) use com2 as Multicam
# ** *z ; z=0011b (0x*3) use com1 and com2 as Multicams
# ** yz ; yz=00110011b (0x33) use slot1+slot2+com1+com2 as Multicams
# ** *z ; z=0100b (0x*4) invert CTS detection on com1
# ** *z ; z=1000b (0x*8) invert CTS detection on com2
# V: {00 31} the 2 internal reader + an external reader SC8in1, MCR and 4in1 8in1 addressed
# V: {00 35} the 2 internal reader + an 1 external reader such Smargo, Easy Mouse, Multiprog, Multi Mouse inverted addressed
# V: {00 3F} the 2 internal reader + an USB HUB + 2 Smargos addressed
V: { 00 30 }

# RS232 SSSP mode
# x debug messages, 1=on, 0=off
# y com port to use (0=none, 1=com1, 2=com2)
# R: { 00 }

# Task type
# 00 ** normal mode gbox mode (no season, use Multicam instead)
# 01 ** Season Emulation in a Irdeto allcam chid 0602 nonZ
# 10 ** Season Emulation in a Irdeto allcam chid 1702 nonZ
# 11 ** Season Emulation in a Irdeto allcam chid 1702 Z
# 12 ** Season Emulation in a Irdeto allcam chid 1722 Z
# 13 ** Season Emulation in a Irdeto allcam chid 1762 Z
# ** *1 Com port to use for season emulatiom (1 or 2)
# ** 0* Use CTS for RST detection
# ** 1* Use DCD for RST detection
# ** ** 9600 = Baudrate to be used (working only on dbox2)
# W: { 00 00 } 9600

# =============================================================================
# extra options to override default setting in case you expirience Problems,
# normaly these setings are not required.

# Files, folders, devices
# folder/device comment
# F: { 01 } /var/tmp/pmt.tmp // pmt file
# F: { 02 } /var/tmp/emm.info // key update log file
# F: { 03 } /var/tmp/ecm.info // ecm info file
# F: { 04 } /var/tmp/atack.txt // atack info file
# F: { 08 } 1 // pmt mode (0 - pmt file mode, 1 - pmt socket mode)
# F: { 11 } /var/keys // folder for config files
# F: { 12 } /var/tmp // folder for temporary file
# F: { 13 } /var/tmp // folder for keyfiles
# F: { 21 } /dev/null // ca device
# F: { 22 } /dev/null // dvr device
# F: { 23 } /dev/null // demux device
# F: { 31 } /dev/null // second ca device to write cw's (recording)
# F: { 41 } /dev/sci0 // STB04xxx slot1
# F: { 42 } /dev/sci1 // STB04xxx slot1
# F: { 43 } /dev/tts/0 // rs232 com1 /dev/ttyUSB0
# F: { 44 } /dev/tts/1 // rs232 com2 /dev/ttyUSB1

# For overclocking freaks, Clocking internal STB04xxx slots with:
# 1=7.80MHz 2=6.30MHz 3=5.25MHz 4=4.50MHz 5=3.94MHz 6=3.50MHz 7=3.15MHz
# Irdeto works fine on 7.8MHz, all other fine on 6.30MHz or 5.25MHz
# The Dream has not a clean clock signal, some cards that are sensitive will
# refuse to work even on 3.5MHz, thats why 3.15MHz is the default value there.
# On other STB04xxx recievers the same cards work with 6.30MHz
# F: { 51 } 02 // irdeto
# F: { 52 } 03 // seca
# F: { 53 } 03 // viaccess
# F: { 54 } 03 // nagra
# F: { 55 } 03 // crypto
# F: { 57 } 03 // conax
# F: { 58 } 03 // nds

# force a name change of the season or sssp rs232 device
# F: { 45 } /dev/ttyS1

# set stay alive ping time in seconds (default is 300)
# F: { A0 } 300

# disable direct serial port I/O access on 80x86cpus (win and linux)
# direct port i/o is used to set unusual Baudrates, if you want to
# a 3.579MHz card in a 6.000MHz reader etc ...
# Enabled (A1=0) is the default setting, has always been !!!
# Disable (set to 1) it ONLY if you have problems with ioperm or you want
# to use a usb-to-rs232 smartcard reader
# F: { A1 } 1

# GboxTwin mode (only for old gbox, in gbox.net disabled)
# this options for the 2nd gbox ONLY
# you must have an extra gbox, gbox_cfg and cwshare.cfg running on /tmp,
# all other files can linked to the org. files
# F: { A6 } 5

# Server Mode
# 0 disable
# 1 enable
# F: { A4 } 1

# descrambler selection by camd.socket private descriptor (0 - index mode, 1 - mask mode), mask mode is default
# F: { AA } 1

# Debug card access output
# 0 disable (default)
# 1 simple CA trace
# 2 extended CA trace (with timing)
# F: { CA } 2

Beste Grüße, manolo
AW: Hd+04 immer noch dunkel mit gbox.net 811 k

na, ja
mach mal die Rechte so, wie da bei Beschreibung gBox.net für Vu+ mit z.B. VTI Image - 9.0.2
hast zwar eine GB Box aber das sollte auch passen - vielleicht sind die Ordner für die Config's bei Verwendung von Open ATV anders - kann ich nichts sagen , weil ich das nicht kenne - aber die Rechte der .cfg sollten auch da bei 644 stehen

hier mal meine gbox_cfg
# gbox config file

# Trace, Debug
# xx yz ; xx=00 no konsole output
# xx yz ; xx=01 konsole output
# xx yz ; y=0 debug output (dont use)
# xx yz ; y=1 no debug output
# xx yz ; z=0 ouput to konsole
# xx yz ; z=1 output to /var/tmp/debug.txt
# xx yz ; z=2 Output to UDP (to capture with gboxt)
Z: { 01 12 } 8024

# gbox working mode
# 00 pure Emu
# 01 pure SoftCam (when card inside), Emu (when no card inside)
# 02 pure Net Client
# 03 Mixed mode !!!!! always use this !!!!!
G: { 03 }

# Display ECM messages on Konsole
# 00 dont show any ECMs
# 01 show only valid ECMs
# 02 show valid and bad ECMs with complete data display
C: { 02 }

# Display EMM messages on Konsole
# 00 dont show any EMMs
# 01 show only valid EMMs
# 02 show valid and bad EMMs with complete data display
# 1* Log any tier change on PW-Nagra-17xx cards into /var/keys/pwupdate.log
M: { 01 }

# Auto Update
# 00 AU disable (default)
# 01 AU enable
# 02 AU auto
# 03 AU enable with ua,sa and ga filter !!!!! always use this !!!!!
A: { 03 }

# Key Update
# 01 update only new keys, default setting
# 02 update all keys (used for valid PMK checking)
U: { 01 }

# Hash pids
# 01 hash only pids with implemented algos and available keys !!!!! always use this
H: { 01 }

# Key files folder
# 00 keyfiles in /var/keys
# 01 keyfiles in /var/tmp
T: { 00 }

# On Screen Display for the Multysystemcam on com1/com2
# 00 No OSD (default)
# 01 display Smartcard messages in Neutrino
# 02 display Smartcard messages in Neutrino new nhttpd format
# 03 display Smartcard messages in Enigma
# 04 display Smartcard messages in Enigma2
O: { 00 } coolstream

# Logger and NET-mode UDP port Init
# 00 do not init UDP port
# 01 Init UDP port for IP, port, UDP
L: { 00 } 7025

# demux, multicam/comport configuration
# example: yz = 0x0A = 00001010 (use com2 with inverted CTS detection line)
# *x ** ; x = device nummber to be used (0= default)
# D* ** ; force use of /proc/bus/gtx for cw write operations
(in the dbox2 the gbox writes directly the CWs, 00 is the
recommended mode ! No drivers are required) use D* ** ONLY if
you have Problems. 0* ** should be prefered !!!
# F* ** ; write CWs in both devices (used for PVR in STB04xxx devices)
# ** y* ; y=0001b (0x1*) use slot1 as Multicam (only on STB04xxx)
# ** y* ; y=0010b (0x2*) use slot2 as Multicam (only on STB04xxx)
# ** y* ; y=0011b (0x3*) use slot1 and slot2 as Multicams (only on STB04xxx)
# ** *z ; z=0001b (0x*1) use com1 as Multicam
# ** *z ; z=0010b (0x*2) use com2 as Multicam
# ** *z ; z=0011b (0x*3) use com1 and com2 as Multicams
# ** yz ; yz=00110011b (0x33) use slot1+slot2+com1+com2 as Multicams
# ** *z ; z=0100b (0x*4) invert CTS detection on com1
# ** *z ; z=1000b (0x*8) invert CTS detection on com2
#V: { 00 10 } #Slot 1
#V: { 00 20 } #Slot 2
#V: { 00 30 } #Slot 1+2
V: { 00 3F } #Slot 1+2+SC8in1

# RS232 SSSP mode
# x debug messages, 1=on, 0=off
# y com port to use (0=none, 1=com1, 2=com2)
R: { 00 } 9600

# Task type
# 00 ** normal mode gbox mode (no season, use Multicam instead)
# 01 ** Season Emulation in a Irdeto allcam chid 0602 nonZ
# 10 ** Season Emulation in a Irdeto allcam chid 1702 nonZ
# 11 ** Season Emulation in a Irdeto allcam chid 1702 Z
# 12 ** Season Emulation in a Irdeto allcam chid 1722 Z
# 13 ** Season Emulation in a Irdeto allcam chid 1762 Z
# ** *1 Com port to use for season emulatiom (1 or 2)
# ** 0* Use CTS for RST detection
# ** 1* Use DCD for RST detection
# ** ** 9600 = Baudrate to be used (working only on dbox2)
W: { 00 00 } 9600

# =============================================================================
# extra options to override default setting in case you expirience Problems,
# normaly these setings are not required.

# Files, folders, devices
# folder/device comment
#F: { 01 } /var/tmp/pmt.tmp // pmt file
#F: { 02 } /var/tmp/emm.info // key update log file
#F: { 03 } /var/tmp/ecm.info // ecm info file
#F: { 04 } /var/tmp/atack.txt // atack info file
#F: { 08 } 1 // pmt mode (0 - pmt file mode, 1 - pmt socket mode)
#F: { 11 } /var/keys // folder for config files
#F: { 12 } /var/tmp // folder for temporary file
#F: { 13 } /var/tmp // folder for keyfiles
#F: { 21 } /dev/null // ca device
#F: { 22 } /dev/null // dvr device
#F: { 23 } /dev/null // demux device
#F: { 31 } /dev/null // second ca device to write cw's (recording)
#F: { 41 } /dev/sci0 // STB04xxx slot1
#F: { 42 } /dev/sci1 // STB04xxx slot1
#F: { 43 } /dev/tts/0 // rs232 com1
#F: { 44 } /dev/tts/1 // rs232 com2
F: { 43 } /dev/ttyUSB0 // rs232 com1# f�r externen Cardreader an com1 SC8in1 oder MCR 4/8 oder Smargo
#F: { 44 } /dev/ttyUSB1 // rs232 com2# f�r externen Cardreader an com2 SC8in1 oder MCR 4/8 oder Smargo

# For overclocking freaks, Clocking internal STB04xxx slots with:
# 1=7.80MHz 2=6.30MHz 3=5.25MHz 4=4.50MHz 5=3.94MHz 6=3.50MHz 7=3.15MHz
# Irdeto works fine on 7.8MHz, all other fine on 6.30MHz or 5.25MHz
# The Dream has not a clean clock signal, some cards that are sensitive will
# refuse to work even on 3.5MHz, thats why 3.15MHz is the default value there.
# On other STB04xxx recievers the same cards work with 6.30MHz
# Ist nicht Aktiv geschaltet ,also keine Funktion
#F: { 51 } 02 // irdeto
#F: { 52 } 03 // seca
#F: { 53 } 03 // viaccess
#F: { 54 } 03 // nagra
#F: { 55 } 03 // crypto
#F: { 57 } 03 // conax
#F: { 58 } 03 // nds

# force a name change of the season or sssp rs232 device
F: { 45 } /dev/ttyS1

# set stay alive ping time in seconds (default is 300)
#F: { A0 } 300

# disable direct serial port I/O access on 80x86cpus (win and linux)
# direct port i/o is used to set unusual Baudrates, if you want to
# a 3.579MHz card in a 6.000MHz reader etc ...
# Enabled (A1=0) is the default setting, has always been !!!
# Disable (set to 1) it ONLY if you have problems with ioperm or you want
# to use a usb-to-rs232 smartcard reader
F: { A1 } 1

# descrambler selection by camd.socket private descriptor (0 - index mode, 1 - mask mode), mask mode is default
#F: { AA } 1

und die softcam.cfg
# CAS settings (NEW)#
#reset_rs232_buffer = 1 ; (default: 1) empty RS232 buffer before writing
#[slot-n] ; slot section with n=1..18
#include = /foo/slot.cfg ; looking for section parameters in user defined configuration file, only outside of a section defined parameters will be used
#initialization = basic ; (default: basic) [basic,extended] init card in basic or extended mode
#disable_pts = 0 ; (default: 0) enable/disable protocol type selection (PTS) handshake
#enable_ice = 0 ; (default: 0) enable/disable irdeto cryptoworks enveloped support
#enable_onionmode = 0 ; (default: 0) enable/disable irdeto/nagra aladin onion mode (1833(1702)1833)
#alternative_frequency = 0 ; (default: 0) check additional osc frequency, value in kHz, example 8MHz=8000000
#alternative_baudrate = 0 ; (default: 0) check additional baudrate for atr, value in bit/s, example 81861
#byte_delay = 0 ; (default: 0) unit (1e-6 s)
#instruction_delay = 0 ; (default: 0) unit (1e-3 s)
#enable_unique_emm = 0 ; (default: 0) set unique emm section filter on demux device
#enable_shared_emm = 0 ; (default: 0) set shared emm section filter on demux device
#enable_global_emm = 0 ; (default: 0) set global emm section filter on demux device
#block_unique_emm = 1 ; (default: 1) block unique address/hex_serial emm
#block_shared_emm = 1 ; (default: 1) block shared address/provider emm
#block_global_emm = 1 ; (default: 1) block global address/all_card emm
#block_user_emm = 1 ; (default: 1) block user emm, read from /var/tmp/remm.txt
#save_processed_emm = 0 ; (default: 0) save processed EMMs to (/var/tmp/scXX.emmproc)
#save_processed_emm_file= /var/keys/sc0X.emmproc; (default: /var/tmp/scXX.emmproc) user defined output file
#save_rejected_emm = 0 ; (default: 0) save rejected EMMs to (/var/tmp/scXX.emmblock)
#save_rejected_emm_file = /var/keys/sc0X.emmblock; (default: /var/tmp/scXX.emmblock) user defined output file
#sidfilter = 000C,000D ; define sids can dispatch or not dispatch by card
#sidfilter_local_policy = allow_all ; (default: allow_all) [deny_all,allow_all,allow_defined,deny_defined]
# ; deny_all - old cwshare S-Line local rule 00
# ; allow_all - old cwshare S-Line local rule 01
# ; allow_defined - old cwshare S-Line local rule 02
# ; deny_defined - old cwshare S-Line local rule 03
#sidfilter_global_policy= allow_defined ; (default: allow_all) [deny_all,allow_all,allow_defined,deny_defined]
# ; deny_all - old cwshare S-Line global rule 00
# ; allow_all - old cwshare S-Line global rule 01
# ; allow_defined - old cwshare S-Line global rule 02
# ; deny_defined - old cwshare S-Line global rule 03
#sidfilter_teacher = card ; [card,network] use selected ecm request source to update sidfilter (add or delete current sid)
# ; card - old cwshare S-Line global rule 03, means allow defined and update by zone0
# ; network - old cwshare S-Line global rule 03, means allow defined and update by zone1
#pidfilter = 100C,100D ; define pids can dispatch or not dispatch by card
#pidfilter_local_policy = allow_all ; (default: allow_all) [deny_all,allow_all,allow_defined,deny_defined]
#pidfilter_global_policy= allow_defined ; (default: allow_all) [deny_all,allow_all,allow_defined,deny_defined]
#V13/14 Karten
#Sobald f�r die Karte eine Verl�gerung gesendet wird erstellt die gbox in/tmp eine Datei
#Namens SC01.emmblock.Den dort enthaltenen Verl�gerer kopiert ihr dann in eine Datei Namens remm.txt
#und schiebt diese dann nach /tmp die gbox arbeitet diese Datei dann automatisch ab,
#und verl�gert dann die Karte.Ihr k�nnt die V13/14 karte nat�rlich auch in einen anderen Slot stecken ,
#ihr m�� dann aber die config genauso anlegen wie die f�r Slot 1.
#Solltet ihr noch mehr Karten haben und ein/en externe/n Reader/s benutzen dann m�� ihr die Slots erweitern.
#Ihr k�nnt bis zu 18 Slots erstellen. Slot1 und Slot2 sind immer eure internen Reader der Box ,ab Slot3 beginen dann
#eure externen Reader.

reset_rs232_buffer = 1

[slot-1] # Exklusiv f�r V13/14 Karten
initialization = extended
disable_pts = 0
enable_ice = 0 # ORF Karte 0=cryptoworks/Mode 1=irdeto/Mode
alternative_frequency = 0
alternative_baudrate = 0
byte_delay = 0
instruction_delay = 0
enable_unique_emm = 1
enable_shared_emm = 1
enable_global_emm = 0
block_unique_emm = 1
block_shared_emm = 1
block_global_emm = 1
block_user_emm = 0
save_processed_emm = 1
save_rejected_emm = 1

[slot-2] # Karten die nicht geblock werden brauchen
initialization = extended
disable_pts = 0
enable_ice = 0 # # ORF Karte 0=cryptoworks/Mode 1=irdeto/Mode
alternative_frequency = 0
alternative_baudrate = 0
enable_unique_emm = 1
enable_shared_emm = 1
enable_global_emm = 1
block_unique_emm = 0
block_shared_emm = 0
block_global_emm = 0
block_user_emm = 0
save_processed_emm = 0
save_rejected_emm = 0

MfG sodex
Ich habe unter GBOX eine HD 03 und eine HD 04 am laufen.

Welche Box mit welcher Software hast du in Verwendung.
Box : Opticum ax odin
mit openatv

V13 karte wird eingelesen macht nix auf wegen Pairing ( oder soll das auch gehen wenn sie gepairt ist )

Meine HD03 karte wird nicht eingelesen auch nicht die Hd02 Karte !!!

Diese laufen alle im orginal der box oder im Smargo !
Meine HD01 Karte läuft in der Gbox !!
Meine MTV auch
Srg auch

Verstehe nicht wieso die hd02 und hd03 nicht laufen was mache ich falsch
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