imam 800SU i open pli je na njemu ,media portal mi ne radi od prije par dana probao sam deinstalacijom i instalirao opet preko bluepanel ali poruka je "wird nicht mehr unterstüzt" da li nekao ima ideju ili je app jednostavno ukinut .
to je greska koju mi izmaciva:
parse_from_stream_nomalloc: Missing new line character at end of file!
* satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for enigma2-plugin-extensions-mediaportal:
* python-pycrypto * python-robotparser * python-mechanize *
* opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package enigma2-plugin-extensions-mediaportal.
Welcome to openATV for gb800ueplus
openatv 4.2 gb800ueplus
gb800ueplus login: root
root@gb800ueplus:~# cd /tmp
root@gb800ueplus:/tmp# opkg install /tmp/*.ipk
Collected errors:
* parse_from_stream_nomalloc: Missing new line character at end of file!
* wfopen: /tmp/*.ipk: No such file or directory.
* pkg_init_from_file: Failed to extract control file from /tmp/*.ipk.
root@gb800ueplus:/tmp# opkg install /tmp/*.ipk
Installing enigma2-plugin-extensions-mediaportal (9.0.4) on root.
enigma2-plugin-extensions-mediaportal: unsatisfied recommendation for python-arg parse
enigma2-plugin-extensions-mediaportal: unsatisfied recommendation for python-pye xecjs
enigma2-plugin-extensions-mediaportal: unsatisfied recommendation for nodejs
Installing enigma2-plugin-extensions-mpgz (1.0.3) on root.
Installing enigma2-plugin-extensions-mediaportal (9.0.4) on root.
Checking for an older version of MediaPortal in the system...
MediaPortal was not found in the system
Checking free space...
Proceeding to installation...
Configuring enigma2-plugin-extensions-mediaportal.
* MediaPortal installed *
* *
* Restart the Engima2 GUI to activate the plugin *
Configuring enigma2-plugin-extensions-mpgz.
* mpgz installed *
* *
* Restart the Engima2 GUI to activate the plugin *
Collected errors:
* parse_from_stream_nomalloc: Missing new line character at end of file!
* satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for enigm a2-plugin-extensions-mediaportal:
* python-six * python-pycrypto * python-robotparser * python-m echanize * python-requests (>= 2.0.0) *
* opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package enigma2-plugin-extensions-mediaporta l.
root@gb800ueplus:/tmp# opkg install /tmp/*.ipk
Installing enigma2-plugin-extensions-mediaportal (9.0.4) on root.
enigma2-plugin-extensions-mediaportal: unsatisfied recommendation for python-argparse
enigma2-plugin-extensions-mediaportal: unsatisfied recommendation for python-pyexecjs
enigma2-plugin-extensions-mediaportal: unsatisfied recommendation for nodejs
Installing enigma2-plugin-extensions-mpgz (1.0.3) on root.
Installing enigma2-plugin-extensions-mediaportal (9.0.4) on root.
Installing python-six (1.7.3-r1) on root.
Installing python-requests (2.8.1-r0) on root.
Checking for an older version of MediaPortal in the system...
An older version of MediaPortal was found
Checking free space...
Proceeding to installation...
Installing python-cfscrape (1.6.6-r0) on root.
Installing python-js2py (0.39-r0) on root.
Package python-js2py (0.39-r0) installed in root is up to date.
Package python-requests (2.8.1-r0) installed in root is up to date.
Package python-six (1.7.3-r1) installed in root is up to date.
Installing softcam-feed-mipsel (1.0) on root.
Configuring softcam-feed-mipsel.
Configuring python-six.
Configuring python-requests.
Configuring enigma2-plugin-extensions-mediaportal.
* MediaPortal installed *
* *
* Restart the Engima2 GUI to activate the plugin *
Configuring enigma2-plugin-extensions-mpgz.
* mpgz installed *
* *
* Restart the Engima2 GUI to activate the plugin *
Configuring python-js2py.
Configuring python-cfscrape.
Collected errors:
* parse_from_stream_nomalloc: Missing new line character at end of file!
* satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for enigma2-plugin-extensions-mediaportal:
* python-pycrypto * python-robotparser * python-mechanize *
* opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package enigma2-plugin-extensions-mediaportal.
root@gb800ueplus:/tmp# apt get update
-sh: apt: command not found
root@gb800ueplus:/tmp# apt-get update
-sh: apt-get: command not found
root@gb800ueplus:/tmp# opkg install /tmp/*.ipk
Installing enigma2-plugin-extensions-mediaportal (9.0.4) on root.
enigma2-plugin-extensions-mediaportal: unsatisfied recommendation for python-argparse
enigma2-plugin-extensions-mediaportal: unsatisfied recommendation for python-pyexecjs
enigma2-plugin-extensions-mediaportal: unsatisfied recommendation for nodejs
Installing enigma2-plugin-extensions-mpgz (1.0.3) on root.
Installing enigma2-plugin-extensions-mediaportal (9.0.4) on root.
Installing python-six (1.7.3-r1) on root.
Installing python-requests (2.8.1-r0) on root.
Checking for an older version of MediaPortal in the system...
An older version of MediaPortal was found
Checking free space...
Proceeding to installation...
Installing python-cfscrape (1.6.6-r0) on root.
Installing python-js2py (0.39-r0) on root.
Package python-js2py (0.39-r0) installed in root is up to date.
Package python-requests (2.8.1-r0) installed in root is up to date.
Package python-six (1.7.3-r1) installed in root is up to date.
Installing softcam-feed-mipsel (1.0) on root.
Configuring softcam-feed-mipsel.
Configuring python-six.
Configuring python-requests.
Configuring enigma2-plugin-extensions-mediaportal.
* MediaPortal installed *
* *
* Restart the Engima2 GUI to activate the plugin *
Configuring enigma2-plugin-extensions-mpgz.
* mpgz installed *
* *
* Restart the Engima2 GUI to activate the plugin *
Configuring python-js2py.
Configuring python-cfscrape.
Collected errors:
* parse_from_stream_nomalloc: Missing new line character at end of file!
* satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for enigma2-plugin-extensions-mediaportal:
* python-pycrypto * python-robotparser * python-mechanize *
* opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package enigma2-plugin-extensions-mediaportal
einige pluginns sind nicht verfügbar jje prva poruka
kad odem pod plug ins nigdja nema mediaportal i malo me buni poruka cannot install plugin med.port