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OpenPLi 6.1 Sim2 DM800SE image develop build

23. Oktober 2013
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OpenPLi 6.1 release

-Build from OpenPLi git source develop branch
-GCC 6.3.0
-Glibc 2.25
-GStreamer 1.12.4
-Python 2.7.13
-Some big binaries compressed with UPX (Ultimate Packer for eXecutables)
-Dedicated feed server

The box has about 8MB free after a virgin install, it's enough to run a softcam, and some other small plugins.
Plugins not installed in default image: ofgwrite, openssh-sftp en openssh-sftp-server and samba-base
Keep in mind the free space is limited and don't go wild on installing plugins.

See for more info.

OpenPLi-6.1-dm800se #ssl84d:

For those of you with a SIM A8P box:

Flash this image and before you press reboot goto the flash webpage again and flash the original ssl84 on top. You can find the original ssl here:
I tested this on my own Sunray dm800se with tripple tuner and sim a8p inserted, it works fine !

For both a8p and original boxes you can also update to the latest (non patched) drivers, just telnet or ssh to your box and enter the following command:
wget -qO- http://sources.dreamboxupdate.com/download/opendreambox/2.0.0/dreambox-dvb-modules/dreambox-dvb-modules-dm800se-3.2-dm800se-20151201.tar.bz2 | tar -xj -C /lib/modules/3.2-dm800se/extra
depmod -a
and reboot the box.

Btw this also works for original dm800se boxes !

[edit] I forgot the depmod -a, latest unpatched drivers also work on sim a8p boxes !
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
flashexpander will work fine with this image ?
can you tell me how will work ...i have HDD on my box
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