image working fine but after few days working receiver stop on boot and then i load image again then working \
any solution of this when receiver on boot stop i can connect with dcc but which file crypt i do,t know
image working fine but after few days working receiver stop on boot and then i load image again then working \
any solution of this when receiver on boot stop i can connect with dcc but which file crypt i do,t know
My box is running for a couple of weeks now, no problem at all.
If it corrupts your flash, I would say it's hardware related. Try another power supply.
when stop then receiver connect through dcc i try to delete skin but not recover it i use oscam or ncam possible any add on problem
but i can,t trace it. when i reinstall image then working and work very fine but after 2,3,or 4 days problem come when start receiver
when stop then receiver connect through dcc i try to delete skin but not recover it i use oscam or ncam possible any add on problem
but i can,t trace it. when i reinstall image then working and work very fine but after 2,3,or 4 days problem come when start receiver
If I understand correctly; you are using a different skin ? Please try a couple of days without that custom skin, maybe that's the part which causes your problem.
I like to know what you think the gain is with this update ?
I am planning to release a 6.2 version, this will have 1.14.1. I don't build images with non stable gst versions.
Newer versions isn't always better.........