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OScam dunkel seit update auf OE2.0


Ist oft hier
13. Mai 2012
hallo leute,
habe mal wieder ein Problem seit ich eben auf newnigma2 oe2.0 geupdated habe. bin davon ausgegangen das ich meine config einfach so übernehmen kann also hab ich sie auch einfach wieder so eingespielt. hier mal die config:

P: 1843
P: 1702
P: 1833

I: 1830
I: 09C4
I: 1722
I: 1834
I: 1836
I: 09C7
I: 09AF
I: 1861

logfile = /tmp/oscam.log
unlockparental = 1
nice = -1
maxlogsize = 1000
preferlocalcards = 1
dropdups = 1
failbantime = 10
failbancount = 20

port = xxx
nodeid = E...E
version = 2.3.0
reshare = 0
stealth = 1

enabled = 1
au = 1
user = thisusr
boxtype = dreambox

port = xxx
monlevel = 4
appendchaninfo = 1

httpport = xxx
httpuser = xxx
httppwd = xxx
httpcss = /etc/tuxbox/config/maerklin_DEB_style.css
httphelplang = de
httphideidleclients = 1
httpshowpicons = 1
httpallowed =,
appendchaninfo = 1

user = thisusr
caid = 1702,1833,1843
au = s02,hd02
betatunnel = 1833.FFFF:1702
group = 1,2

label = s02
protocol = mouse
device = /dev/ttyUSB0
caid = 1702,1833
boxkey = 11...88
ecmwhitelist = 1702:93
detect = cd
mhz = 800
cardmhz = 600
group = 1
emmcache = 1,3,2
blockemm-unknown = 1
blockemm-u = 1

label = hd02
protocol = internal
device = /dev/sci1
caid = 1843
boxid = 12345678
boxkey = A7...7C
rsakey = BF...D5
ecmwhitelist = 1843:89
detect = cd
mhz = 368
cardmhz = 368
group = 2
emmcache = 1,1,2
blockemm-unknown = 1
blockemm-u = 1
blockemm-s = 1

Und der log:
>> OSCam << cardserver started at Sat Jan 4 15:38:51 2014
2014/01/04 15:38:51 0 s >> OSCam << cardserver started, version 1.20-unstable_svn, build r9071 (mipsel-unknown-linux-gnu)
2014/01/04 15:38:51 0 s creating pidfile /tmp/.oscam/oscam.pid with pid 2535
2014/01/04 15:38:51 0 s userdb reloaded: 14 accounts loaded, 0 expired, 0 disabled
2014/01/04 15:38:51 0 s signal handling initialized
2014/01/04 15:38:51 0 s 215 service-id's loaded in 5ms
2014/01/04 15:38:51 0 s 960 provid's loaded
2014/01/04 15:38:51 0 s monitor: initialized (fd=6, port=66666)
2014/01/04 15:38:51 0 s cccam: initialized (fd=7, port=11111)
2014/01/04 15:38:51 0 s s02 [mouse] creating thread for device /dev/ttyUSB0
2014/01/04 15:38:51 0 s hd02 [internal] creating thread for device /dev/sci1
2014/01/04 15:38:51 0 s loadbalancer: can't read from file /tmp/.oscam/stat
2014/01/04 15:38:51 0 s waiting for local card init
2014/01/04 15:38:51 776024D0 r hd02 [internal] Reader initialized (device=/dev/sci1, detect=cd, mhz=368, cardmhz=368)
2014/01/04 15:38:51 B654B0 h webif: decompressed 54806 bytes back into 156568 bytes
2014/01/04 15:38:51 B654B0 h HTTP Server running. ip= port=2002
2014/01/04 15:38:51 77600738 r s02 [mouse] Reader initialized (device=/dev/ttyUSB0, detect=cd, mhz=800, cardmhz=600)
2014/01/04 15:38:52 776024D0 r hd02 [internal] card detected
2014/01/04 15:38:52 77600738 r s02 [mouse] card detected
2014/01/04 15:38:53 776024D0 r hd02 [internal] ATR: 3F FF 95 00 FF 91 81 71 A0 47 00 44 4E 41 53 50 31 38 30 20 4D 65 72 30 30 30 28
2014/01/04 15:38:53 776024D0 r hd02 [internal] Init card protocol T1, FI=9, F=512, D=16, N=255
2014/01/04 15:38:53 776024D0 r hd02 [internal] Calculated work ETU is 8.70 us reader mhz = 368
2014/01/04 15:38:53 77600738 r s02 [mouse] ATR: 3B 9F 21 0E 49 52 44 45 54 4F 20 41 43 53 03 84 55 FF 80 6D
2014/01/04 15:38:53 77600738 r s02 [mouse] Init card protocol T14, FI=2, F=558, D=1, N=0
2014/01/04 15:38:53 77600738 r s02 [mouse] Calculated work ETU is 69.75 us reader mhz = 800
2014/01/04 15:38:53 776024D0 r hd02 [internal] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to 3.68 (specified in reader->mhz)
2014/01/04 15:38:53 77600738 r s02 [mouse] ATR Fsmax is 6 MHz, clocking card to wanted user cardspeed off 8.00 MHz (specified in reader->mhz)
2014/01/04 15:38:54 77600738 r s02 [mouse] detect irdeto tunneled nagra card
2014/01/04 15:38:54 77600738 r s02 [mouse] no rsa key configured -> using irdeto mode
2014/01/04 15:38:54 77600738 r s02 [mouse] detect irdeto card
2014/01/04 15:38:54 77600738 r s02 [mouse] caid: 1702, acs: 3.84, country code: GER
2014/01/04 15:38:54 77600738 r s02 [mouse] providers: 4, ascii serial: ##########, hex serial: ######, hex base: ##
2014/01/04 15:38:55 776024D0 r hd02 [internal] Warning: Card returned error on setting ifsd value to 160
2014/01/04 15:38:56 776024D0 r hd02 [internal] detect native nagra card
2014/01/04 15:38:57 77600738 r s02 [mouse] active providers: 2 (000000,000000)
2014/01/04 15:38:57 77600738 r s02 [mouse] found card system irdeto
2014/01/04 15:38:57 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] THIS WAS A SUCCESFULL START ATTEMPT No 1 out of max alloted of 1
2014/01/04 15:38:57 776024D0 r hd02 [internal] Resync error: readtimeouts 0/0 (max/min) us, writetimeouts 0/0 (max/min) us
2014/01/04 15:38:57 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] entitlements for provider: 2, id: 000000
2014/01/04 15:38:57 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0107, date: 2008/09/30 - 2008/10/16
2014/01/04 15:38:57 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0108, date: 2008/09/30 - 2008/10/16
2014/01/04 15:38:57 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 7D2B, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:57 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 7D24, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:57 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 7D23, date: 2013/09/16 - 2014/02/26
2014/01/04 15:38:57 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 61BD, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:57 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 04BA, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:57 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 04C4, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:57 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 7D2C, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:57 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 7D2D, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:58 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 7D22, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/09/29
2014/01/04 15:38:58 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 03FF, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:58 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 05DC, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:58 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 03F4, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:58 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 03EC, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:58 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 03EF, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:58 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 03E9, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:58 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 03ED, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:58 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 03F3, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:58 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 03F5, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:58 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 03EB, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:58 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 03F6, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:58 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 03F9, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:58 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0401, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:58 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0402, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:58 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 03F7, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:58 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0403, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:58 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0404, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:58 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 03FA, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:58 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 041A, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:58 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 000F, date: 2013/09/16 - 2014/02/26
2014/01/04 15:38:58 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 7D21, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:58 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 03DE, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:58 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 03DF, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:58 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0400, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:58 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 03F1, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:58 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 03EA, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:58 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 03F2, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:58 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 7D27, date: 2013/09/16 - 2014/02/26
2014/01/04 15:38:58 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 03FD, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:58 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 00F0, date: 2013/09/16 - 2014/02/26
2014/01/04 15:38:58 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0515, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/09/29
2014/01/04 15:38:58 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 03E8, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:58 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0514, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:58 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 044C, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:58 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 00F5, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:58 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0069, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:58 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0102, date: 2008/09/30 - 2008/10/16
2014/01/04 15:38:58 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 026C, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:58 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 028B, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:59 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 028C, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:59 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 028D, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:59 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 028E, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:59 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 028F, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:59 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0290, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:59 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 029E, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:59 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0291, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:59 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0292, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:59 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0293, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:59 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0294, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:59 776024D0 r hd02 [internal] T1 Resync command error, trying to reactivate!
2014/01/04 15:38:59 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0295, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:59 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 028A, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:59 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0298, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:59 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0299, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:59 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 029A, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:59 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 029B, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:59 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 029C, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:59 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 029D, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:59 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0103, date: 2008/09/30 - 2008/10/16
2014/01/04 15:38:59 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 029C, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:59 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0104, date: 2008/09/30 - 2008/10/16
2014/01/04 15:38:59 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0406, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:59 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0105, date: 2008/09/30 - 2008/10/16
2014/01/04 15:38:59 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0004, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 15:38:59 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 05F1, date: 2013/09/16 - 2014/02/26
2014/01/04 15:38:59 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 05DF, date: 2013/09/16 - 2014/02/26
2014/01/04 15:38:59 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0609, date: 2013/09/16 - 2014/02/26
2014/01/04 15:38:59 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 05E8, date: 2013/09/16 - 2014/02/26
2014/01/04 15:38:59 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 05F6, date: 2013/09/16 - 2014/02/26
2014/01/04 15:38:59 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 05F5, date: 2013/09/16 - 2014/02/26
2014/01/04 15:39:00 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 05FB, date: 2013/09/16 - 2014/02/26
2014/01/04 15:39:00 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0617, date: 2013/09/16 - 2014/02/26
2014/01/04 15:39:00 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 05F4, date: 2013/09/16 - 2014/02/26
2014/01/04 15:39:00 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 05FC, date: 2013/09/16 - 2014/02/26
2014/01/04 15:39:00 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 05DE, date: 2013/09/16 - 2014/02/26
2014/01/04 15:39:00 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0276, date: 2013/09/16 - 2014/02/26
2014/01/04 15:39:00 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0615, date: 2013/09/16 - 2014/02/26
2014/01/04 15:39:00 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 05F2, date: 2013/09/16 - 2014/02/26
2014/01/04 15:39:00 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 05E7, date: 2013/09/16 - 2014/02/26
2014/01/04 15:39:00 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0605, date: 2013/09/16 - 2014/02/26
2014/01/04 15:39:00 776024D0 r hd02 [internal] ATR: 3F FF 95 00 FF 91 81 71 A0 47 00 44 4E 41 53 50 31 38 30 20 4D 65 72 30 30 30 28
2014/01/04 15:39:00 776024D0 r hd02 [internal] Init card protocol T1, FI=9, F=512, D=16, N=255
2014/01/04 15:39:00 776024D0 r hd02 [internal] Calculated work ETU is 8.70 us reader mhz = 368
2014/01/04 15:39:00 776024D0 r hd02 [internal] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to 3.68 (specified in reader->mhz)
2014/01/04 15:39:00 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0606, date: 2013/09/16 - 2014/02/26
2014/01/04 15:39:00 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 04CE, date: 2013/09/16 - 2014/02/26
2014/01/04 15:39:00 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 05DD, date: 2013/09/16 - 2014/02/26
2014/01/04 15:39:00 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0612, date: 2013/09/16 - 2014/02/26
2014/01/04 15:39:01 77600738 r s02 [irdeto] ready for requests
2014/01/04 15:39:02 776024D0 r hd02 [internal] Warning: Card returned error on setting ifsd value to 160

Die s02 ist in ner easymouse. Habe es mit der oscam unstable #9044 versucht die man direkt über die box installieren kann und mit der neusten aus dem oscam download center, alles bleibt dunkel. setup alles so gelassen, unter newnigma2 oe1.6 lief alles ohne probleme. alle datei berechtigungen stehen auf 755 oder 777.

Wäre echt gut wenn jemand rat wüsste, weiß nämlich nicht weiter.

Gruß ChrizDoe
AW: OScam dunkel seit update auf OE2.0

die S02 wird doch eingelesen sollte dann auch im WebIF mit CARDOK stehen, das log hört aber zu früh auf, man sieht nicht ob die HD02 dann richtig eingelesen wird

werden beide karten im WerIF mit CARDOK aufgeführt?
was sagt das log wenn ein sender abgefragt wird?
AW: OScam dunkel seit update auf OE2.0

das log ist alles was angezeigt wird, geht nicht weiter. ja die s02 steht auf cardok und 24 entitlements aber alle user werden als offline angezeigt, selbst die dreambox selbst, beim umschalten passiert beim oscam webif garnichts
AW: OScam dunkel seit update auf OE2.0

also der dvbapi user wird auch als OFFLINE angezeigt?

würde dann alles in der oscam.conf neu einrichten übers webIF und die user, also Cccam abschnitt, dvbapi in der oscam.conf löschen, speichern, neu starten und über das webIF neu eintragen, das gleiche mit den User
AW: OScam dunkel seit update auf OE2.0

ja der dvbapi user wird auch als offline angezeigt. ok werde das jetzt mal ausprobieren und alles im webif eintragen
AW: OScam dunkel seit update auf OE2.0

so alles per hand eingetragen und die s02 läuft jetzt, aber die hd02 läuft immernoch nicht, mit scam 3.60 läuft die hd02 aber...
bekomme jetzt diese meldungen im log:

>> OSCam << cardserver started at Sat Jan 4 17:03:28 2014
2014/01/04 17:03:28 0 s >> OSCam << cardserver started, version 1.20-unstable_svn, build r9071 (mipsel-unknown-linux-gnu)
2014/01/04 17:03:28 0 s creating pidfile /tmp/.oscam/oscam.pid with pid 8188
2014/01/04 17:03:28 0 s userdb reloaded: 1 accounts loaded, 0 expired, 0 disabled
2014/01/04 17:03:28 0 s signal handling initialized
2014/01/04 17:03:28 0 s cccam: initialized (fd=6, port=11112)
2014/01/04 17:03:28 0 s s02 [mouse] creating thread for device /dev/ttyUSB0
2014/01/04 17:03:28 0 s hd02 [internal] creating thread for device /dev/sci0
2014/01/04 17:03:28 0 s loadbalancer: can't read from file /tmp/.oscam/stat
2014/01/04 17:03:28 0 s waiting for local card init
2014/01/04 17:03:28 774022E0 r hd02 [internal] Reader initialized (device=/dev/sci0, detect=cd, mhz=368, cardmhz=368)
2014/01/04 17:03:28 A45480 h webif: decompressed 54806 bytes back into 156568 bytes
2014/01/04 17:03:28 A45480 h HTTP Server running. ip= port=2002
2014/01/04 17:03:28 774004F8 r s02 [mouse] Reader initialized (device=/dev/ttyUSB0, detect=cd, mhz=800, cardmhz=600)
2014/01/04 17:03:29 774022E0 r hd02 [internal] card detected
2014/01/04 17:03:29 774004F8 r s02 [mouse] card detected
2014/01/04 17:03:30 774022E0 r hd02 [internal] ATR: 3F FF 95 00 FF 91 81 71 A0 47 00 44 4E 41 53 50 31 38 30 20 4D 65 72 30 30 30 28
2014/01/04 17:03:30 774022E0 r hd02 [internal] Init card protocol T1, FI=9, F=512, D=16, N=255
2014/01/04 17:03:30 774022E0 r hd02 [internal] Calculated work ETU is 8.70 us reader mhz = 368
2014/01/04 17:03:30 774004F8 r s02 [mouse] ATR: 3B 9F 21 0E 49 52 44 45 54 4F 20 41 43 53 03 84 55 FF 80 6D
2014/01/04 17:03:30 774004F8 r s02 [mouse] Init card protocol T14, FI=2, F=558, D=1, N=0
2014/01/04 17:03:30 774004F8 r s02 [mouse] Calculated work ETU is 69.75 us reader mhz = 800
2014/01/04 17:03:31 774022E0 r hd02 [internal] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to 3.68 (specified in reader->mhz)
2014/01/04 17:03:31 774004F8 r s02 [mouse] ATR Fsmax is 6 MHz, clocking card to wanted user cardspeed off 8.00 MHz (specified in reader->mhz)
2014/01/04 17:03:32 774004F8 r s02 [mouse] detect irdeto tunneled nagra card
2014/01/04 17:03:32 774004F8 r s02 [mouse] no rsa key configured -> using irdeto mode
2014/01/04 17:03:32 774004F8 r s02 [mouse] detect irdeto card
2014/01/04 17:03:32 774004F8 r s02 [mouse] caid: 1702, acs: 3.84, country code: GER
2014/01/04 17:03:32 774004F8 r s02 [mouse] providers: 4, ascii serial: ##########, hex serial: ######, hex base: ##
2014/01/04 17:03:32 774022E0 r hd02 [internal] Warning: Card returned error on setting ifsd value to 160
2014/01/04 17:03:33 774022E0 r hd02 [internal] detect native nagra card
2014/01/04 17:03:35 774004F8 r s02 [mouse] active providers: 2 (000000,000000)
2014/01/04 17:03:35 774004F8 r s02 [mouse] found card system irdeto
2014/01/04 17:03:35 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] THIS WAS A SUCCESFULL START ATTEMPT No 1 out of max alloted of 1
2014/01/04 17:03:35 774022E0 r hd02 [internal] Resync error: readtimeouts 0/0 (max/min) us, writetimeouts 0/0 (max/min) us
2014/01/04 17:03:35 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] entitlements for provider: 2, id: 000000
2014/01/04 17:03:35 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0107, date: 2008/09/30 - 2008/10/16
2014/01/04 17:03:35 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0108, date: 2008/09/30 - 2008/10/16
2014/01/04 17:03:35 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 7D2B, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:35 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 7D24, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:35 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 7D23, date: 2013/09/16 - 2014/02/26
2014/01/04 17:03:35 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 61BD, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:35 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 04BA, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:35 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 04C4, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:35 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 7D2C, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:35 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 7D2D, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:35 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 7D22, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/09/29
2014/01/04 17:03:35 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 03FF, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:35 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 05DC, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:35 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 03F4, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:35 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 03EC, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:35 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 03EF, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:35 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 03E9, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:35 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 03ED, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:35 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 03F3, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:35 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 03F5, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:35 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 03EB, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:35 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 03F6, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:35 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 03F9, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:35 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0401, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:35 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0402, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:35 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 03F7, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:35 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0403, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:35 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0404, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:35 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 03FA, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:35 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 041A, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:36 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 000F, date: 2013/09/16 - 2014/02/26
2014/01/04 17:03:36 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 7D21, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:36 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 03DE, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:36 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 03DF, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:36 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0400, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:36 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 03F1, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:36 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 03EA, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:36 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 03F2, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:36 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 7D27, date: 2013/09/16 - 2014/02/26
2014/01/04 17:03:36 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 03FD, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:36 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 00F0, date: 2013/09/16 - 2014/02/26
2014/01/04 17:03:36 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0515, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/09/29
2014/01/04 17:03:36 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 03E8, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:36 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0514, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:36 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 044C, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:36 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 00F5, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:36 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0069, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:36 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0102, date: 2008/09/30 - 2008/10/16
2014/01/04 17:03:36 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 026C, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:36 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 028B, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:36 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 028C, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:36 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 028D, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:36 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 028E, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:36 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 028F, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:36 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0290, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:36 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 029E, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:36 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0291, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:36 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0292, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:36 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0293, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:36 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0294, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:36 774022E0 r hd02 [internal] T1 Resync command error, trying to reactivate!
2014/01/04 17:03:36 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0295, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:36 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 028A, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:36 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0298, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:36 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0299, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:36 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 029A, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:36 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 029B, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:36 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 029C, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:36 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 029D, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:36 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0103, date: 2008/09/30 - 2008/10/16
2014/01/04 17:03:36 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 029C, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:37 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0104, date: 2008/09/30 - 2008/10/16
2014/01/04 17:03:37 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0406, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:37 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0105, date: 2008/09/30 - 2008/10/16
2014/01/04 17:03:37 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0004, date: 2008/01/19 - 2008/01/21
2014/01/04 17:03:37 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 05F1, date: 2013/09/16 - 2014/02/26
2014/01/04 17:03:37 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 05DF, date: 2013/09/16 - 2014/02/26
2014/01/04 17:03:37 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0609, date: 2013/09/16 - 2014/02/26
2014/01/04 17:03:37 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 05E8, date: 2013/09/16 - 2014/02/26
2014/01/04 17:03:37 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 05F6, date: 2013/09/16 - 2014/02/26
2014/01/04 17:03:37 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 05F5, date: 2013/09/16 - 2014/02/26
2014/01/04 17:03:37 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 05FB, date: 2013/09/16 - 2014/02/26
2014/01/04 17:03:37 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0617, date: 2013/09/16 - 2014/02/26
2014/01/04 17:03:37 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 05F4, date: 2013/09/16 - 2014/02/26
2014/01/04 17:03:37 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 05FC, date: 2013/09/16 - 2014/02/26
2014/01/04 17:03:37 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 05DE, date: 2013/09/16 - 2014/02/26
2014/01/04 17:03:37 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0276, date: 2013/09/16 - 2014/02/26
2014/01/04 17:03:37 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0615, date: 2013/09/16 - 2014/02/26
2014/01/04 17:03:37 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 05F2, date: 2013/09/16 - 2014/02/26
2014/01/04 17:03:37 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 05E7, date: 2013/09/16 - 2014/02/26
2014/01/04 17:03:37 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0605, date: 2013/09/16 - 2014/02/26
2014/01/04 17:03:38 774022E0 r hd02 [internal] ATR: 3F FF 95 00 FF 91 81 71 A0 47 00 44 4E 41 53 50 31 38 30 20 4D 65 72 30 30 30 28
2014/01/04 17:03:38 774022E0 r hd02 [internal] Init card protocol T1, FI=9, F=512, D=16, N=255
2014/01/04 17:03:38 774022E0 r hd02 [internal] Calculated work ETU is 8.70 us reader mhz = 368
2014/01/04 17:03:38 774022E0 r hd02 [internal] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to 3.68 (specified in reader->mhz)
2014/01/04 17:03:38 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0606, date: 2013/09/16 - 2014/02/26
2014/01/04 17:03:38 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 04CE, date: 2013/09/16 - 2014/02/26
2014/01/04 17:03:38 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 05DD, date: 2013/09/16 - 2014/02/26
2014/01/04 17:03:38 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] chid: 0612, date: 2013/09/16 - 2014/02/26
2014/01/04 17:03:38 774004F8 r s02 [irdeto] ready for requests
2014/01/04 17:03:39 774022E0 r hd02 [internal] Warning: Card returned error on setting ifsd value to 160
2014/01/04 17:03:42 774022E0 r hd02 [internal] Resync error: readtimeouts 0/0 (max/min) us, writetimeouts 0/0 (max/min) us
2014/01/04 17:03:43 774022E0 r hd02 [internal] T1 Resync command error, trying to reactivate!
2014/01/04 17:03:45 774022E0 r hd02 [internal] ATR: 3F FF 95 00 FF 91 81 71 A0 47 00 44 4E 41 53 50 31 38 30 20 4D 65 72 30 30 30 28
2014/01/04 17:03:45 774022E0 r hd02 [internal] Init card protocol T1, FI=9, F=512, D=16, N=255
2014/01/04 17:03:45 774022E0 r hd02 [internal] Calculated work ETU is 8.70 us reader mhz = 368
2014/01/04 17:03:45 774022E0 r hd02 [internal] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to 3.68 (specified in reader->mhz)
2014/01/04 17:03:46 774022E0 r hd02 [internal] Warning: Card returned error on setting ifsd value to 160
2014/01/04 17:03:46 774022E0 r hd02 [internal] card system not supported
2014/01/04 17:03:46 774022E0 r hd02 [internal] Normal mode failed, reverting to Deprecated Mode
2014/01/04 17:03:48 774022E0 r hd02 [internal] ATR: 3F FF 95 00 FF 91 81 71 A0 47 00 44 4E 41 53 50 31 38 30 20 4D 65 72 30 30 30 28
2014/01/04 17:03:48 774022E0 r hd02 [internal] Init card protocol T1, FI=9, F=512, D=16, N=255
2014/01/04 17:03:48 774022E0 r hd02 [internal] Calculated work ETU is 101.09 us reader mhz = 368
2014/01/04 17:03:48 774022E0 r hd02 [internal] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to 3.68 (specified in reader->mhz)
2014/01/04 17:03:49 774022E0 r hd02 [internal] Warning: Card returned error on setting ifsd value to 160
2014/01/04 17:03:50 774022E0 r hd02 [internal] detect native nagra card
2014/01/04 17:03:52 774022E0 r hd02 [internal] Resync error: readtimeouts 0/0 (max/min) us, writetimeouts 0/0 (max/min) us
2014/01/04 17:03:54 774022E0 r hd02 [internal] T1 Resync command error, trying to reactivate!
2014/01/04 17:03:55 774022E0 r hd02 [internal] ATR: 3F FF 95 00 FF 91 81 71 A0 47 00 44 4E 41 53 50 31 38 30 20 4D 65 72 30 30 30 28
2014/01/04 17:03:55 774022E0 r hd02 [internal] Init card protocol T1, FI=9, F=512, D=16, N=255
2014/01/04 17:03:55 774022E0 r hd02 [internal] Calculated work ETU is 8.70 us reader mhz = 368
2014/01/04 17:03:55 774022E0 r hd02 [internal] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to 3.68 (specified in reader->mhz)
2014/01/04 17:03:57 774022E0 r hd02 [internal] Warning: Card returned error on setting ifsd value to 160
2014/01/04 17:04:00 774022E0 r hd02 [internal] Resync error: readtimeouts 0/0 (max/min) us, writetimeouts 0/0 (max/min) us
2014/01/04 17:04:01 774022E0 r hd02 [internal] T1 Resync command error, trying to reactivate!
2014/01/04 17:04:03 774022E0 r hd02 [internal] ATR: 3F FF 95 00 FF 91 81 71 A0 47 00 44 4E 41 53 50 31 38 30 20 4D 65 72 30 30 30 28
2014/01/04 17:04:03 774022E0 r hd02 [internal] Init card protocol T1, FI=9, F=512, D=16, N=255
2014/01/04 17:04:03 774022E0 r hd02 [internal] Calculated work ETU is 8.70 us reader mhz = 368
2014/01/04 17:04:03 774022E0 r hd02 [internal] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to 3.68 (specified in reader->mhz)
2014/01/04 17:04:04 774022E0 r hd02 [internal] Warning: Card returned error on setting ifsd value to 160
2014/01/04 17:04:04 774022E0 r hd02 [internal] card system not supported
2014/01/04 17:04:04 774022E0 r hd02 [internal] THIS WAS A FAILED START ATTEMPT No 1 out of max alloted of 1
2014/01/04 17:04:04 774022E0 r hd02 [internal] card initializing error
2014/01/04 17:04:05 0 s init for all local cards done
2014/01/04 17:04:05 0 s anti cascading disabled
2014/01/04 17:04:05 77405518 c plain dvbapi-client granted (dreamusr, au=on (2 reader))
2014/01/04 17:04:05 77405518 c [DVBAPI] Detected /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0 Api: 0, userconfig boxtype: 1
2014/01/04 17:04:06 77405518 c [DVBAPI] Receiver sends PMT command 3 for channel EF75
2014/01/04 17:04:06 77405518 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 1830 ECM_PID: 1CEC PROVID: 000000
2014/01/04 17:04:06 77405518 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 1843 ECM_PID: 19EC PROVID: 000000
2014/01/04 17:04:06 77405518 c [ADD PID 2] CAID: 09C4 ECM_PID: 1BEC PROVID: 000000
2014/01/04 17:04:06 77405518 c [ADD PID 3] CAID: 098C ECM_PID: 1AEC PROVID: 000000
2014/01/04 17:04:06 77405518 c [ADD PID 4] CAID: 1860 ECM_PID: 1EEC PROVID: 000000
2014/01/04 17:04:06 77405518 c Found 5 ECMpids and 4 STREAMpids in PMT
2014/01/04 17:04:06 77405518 c [DVBAPI] Receiver wants to demux srvid EF75 on adapter 0000 camask 0008 index 0003
2014/01/04 17:04:06 77405518 c New program number: EF75 (1830:EF75 unknown) [pmt_list_management 3]
2014/01/04 17:04:06 77405518 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/01/04 17:04:06 77405518 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/01/04 17:04:06 77405518 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/01/04 17:04:06 77405518 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/01/04 17:04:06 77405518 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/01/04 17:04:06 77405518 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!

2014/01/04 17:04:06 77405518 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/01/04 17:04:06 77405518 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/01/04 17:04:14 77405518 c [DVBAPI] Receiver sends PMT command 3 for channel 0083

Habe die hd02 mal in den anderen slot (sci0) gesteckt also das stimmt schon so...

Edit: ich verstehe garnichts mehr, irgendwas scheint mit der hd02 nicht zu stimmen, sobald ich die von anfang an in der box lasse geht auch die s02 nicht und alle user sind offline. zieh ich aber die hd02 raus, starte oscam dann geht die s02 und dann steck ich die hd02 wieder rein und die bleibt bei need init hängen...

hier der log nachdem ich die hd02 wieder reinmache:

2014/01/04 17:25:51 A4F258 r hd02 [internal] card detected
2014/01/04 17:25:52 A4F258 r hd02 [internal] ATR: 3F FF 95 00 FF 91 81 71 A0 47 00 44 4E 41 53 50 31 38 30 20 4D 65 72 30 30 30 28
2014/01/04 17:25:52 A4F258 r hd02 [internal] Init card protocol T1, FI=9, F=512, D=16, N=255
2014/01/04 17:25:52 A4F258 r hd02 [internal] Calculated work ETU is 8.70 us reader mhz = 368
2014/01/04 17:25:52 A4F258 r hd02 [internal] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to 3.68 (specified in reader->mhz)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
AW: OScam dunkel seit update auf OE2.0

2014/01/04 17:04:01 774022E0 r hd02 [internal] T1 Resync command error, trying to reactivate!
das problem kommt jetzt öfters glaube ich bei den neueren oscam versionen, probier mal eine ältere oder mal die HD02 in der easymouse oder wühl dich mal in den letzten Threads durch, da waren paar themen zu dem Resync error
AW: OScam dunkel seit update auf OE2.0

bin jetzt zurück bis auf 8451 und immer der selbe fehler, wenn ich die hd02 karte rausnehme und starte läuft s02 und unter scam 3.60 läuft hd02... Weiß nicht mehr weiter
AW: OScam dunkel seit update auf OE2.0

hast du die hd02 auch in der easymouse probiert?
AW: OScam dunkel seit update auf OE2.0

nein habe ich nicht.
ich verstehe garnichts mehr, habe jetzt einfach zufällig die version 8662 ausprobiert und die funktioniert...

danke für die hilfe
AW: OScam dunkel seit update auf OE2.0

Link ist nicht mehr aktiv.
immer änderungen per webif machen, dann passieren solche fehler hoffentlich nicht
AW: OScam dunkel seit update auf OE2.0

achso wäre das dann bei ner hd02 anstatt mhz = 368 dann mhz = 3680 oder immer konstant mhz = 2700 ??? aber die s02 in der easymouse2 bleibt bei mhz = 800 und cardmhz = 600 oder?
bei meiner #8662 steht im webif bei den reader einstellungen aber auch schon "Dreambox Mipsel: 2700, PPC: 3150, DM7025: 8300" aber es geht mit mhz = 368, sollte ich das schon ändern?
AW: OScam dunkel seit update auf OE2.0

nur ab 8940 oder dann ab 9099 ändern, ist bei beiden unterschiedlich
AW: OScam dunkel seit update auf OE2.0

aber wieso steht das dann schon bei der #8662 in den reader einstellungen??
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