OSCam-Emu creates a virtual card reader (Emu) which is configured automatically. If an Emu reader is already present in your oscam.server file, it will be used instead. You may save the default reader configuration with the webif and then modify it to your own liking. By default, the Emu reader has the following settings:
label = emulator
protocol = emu
device = emulator
disablecrccws_only_for = 0E00:000000
caid = 0500,0604,090F,0E00,1010,1801,2600,2602,2610,4AE1
detect = cd
ident = 0500:000000,023800,021110,007400,007800;0604:000000;090F:000000;0E00:000000;1010:000000;1801:000000,007301,001101,002111;2600:000000;2602:000000;2610:000000;4AE1:000011,000014,0000FE
group = 1
emmcache = 2,1,2,1
emu_auproviders = 0604:010200;0E00:000000;1010:000000;2610:000000;4AE1:000011,000014,0000FE
emu_datecodedenabled = 0
OSCam-Emu does not require, but will make use of a key file if available. The key file must be named SoftCam.Key. The key file is searched in the OSCam config folder (where oscam.conf is located) and also in /var/keys. On non Android and non Apple (iOS and macOS) systems, a key file can be compiled into the OSCam-Emu binary and used independently of the external SoftCam.Key file. For instruction on how to write keys to your file refer to the configuration pages for each encryption system.
Setups with two or more Emu reader are possible, but with some limitations: The key file and the internal key database will be the same (common) for every Emu reader. The only scenario where having more than one Emu readers makes sense is where incompatible settings are required between channels. A typical example is some PowerVu channels which require cacheex to be enabled, where most other channels won't work with this setting.
If dvbapi is activated, the delayer option is forced to have a value of at least 60 when the Emu reader is enabled. This is to avoid freezing or crashing because of too fast ecm responses.