############### General Instruction - oscam.server ###################
# To activate/deactivate the reader set enable = 1/0 #
# #
# You might specify further entries in each reader section #
# such as "caid =________" and/or "services = _________" but you needn?t #
# For further details see the OSCAM documentation #
######################### Internal Readers ###############################
# Default Config should work with Seca, Conax, Cryptoworks, Viaccess, NDS #
# #
# For Irdeto, Betacrypt just activate "cardmhz=600" by removing the "#" #
# #
# For Nagra activate and complete the "rsakey = " and "boxkey = " entry #
# example for
HDplus is included #
# #
# for specific Smartcards such as TIGER or Viaccess with AES-Key #
# see the OSCAM documentation #
label = c-line
protocol = cccam
device = meine.dyndns.org,16000
account = heilig1,unheilig3
group = 1
emmcache = 1,1,2
caid = 1702,1830
######## end of file ########