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Problem Raspberry Pi Clients kein zugang



hier mal mein log bekomme seit einigen stunden kein zugang mehr vorher gings.
2013/11/17 19:43:14 0 s cccam: Bind request failed, waiting another 14 seconds
2013/11/17 19:43:15 0 s cccam: Bind request failed, waiting another 13 seconds
2013/11/17 19:43:16 0 s cccam: Bind request failed, waiting another 12 seconds
2013/11/17 19:43:17 0 s cccam: Bind request failed, waiting another 11 seconds
2013/11/17 19:43:18 0 s cccam: Bind request failed, waiting another 10 seconds
2013/11/17 19:43:19 0 s cccam: Bind request failed, waiting another 9 seconds
2013/11/17 19:43:20 0 s cccam: Bind request failed, waiting another 8 seconds
2013/11/17 19:43:21 0 s cccam: Bind request failed, waiting another 7 seconds
2013/11/17 19:43:22 0 s cccam: Bind request failed, waiting another 6 seconds
2013/11/17 19:43:23 0 s cccam: Bind request failed, waiting another 5 seconds
2013/11/17 19:43:24 0 s cccam: Bind request failed, waiting another 4 seconds
2013/11/17 19:43:25 0 s cccam: Bind request failed, waiting another 3 seconds
2013/11/17 19:43:26 0 s cccam: Bind request failed, waiting another 2 seconds
2013/11/17 19:43:27 0 s cccam: Bind request failed, waiting another 1 seconds
2013/11/17 19:43:28 0 s cccam: Bind request failed, giving up
2013/11/17 19:43:28 0 s Starting listener 0
2013/11/17 19:43:28 0 s pandora: disabled
2013/11/17 19:43:28 0 s Starting listener 0
2013/11/17 19:43:28 0 s radegast: disabled
2013/11/17 19:43:28 0 s http thread started
2013/11/17 19:43:28 0 s reader check thread started
2013/11/17 19:43:28 0 s check thread started
2013/11/17 19:43:28 0 s creating thread for device /dev/ttyUSB0
2013/11/17 19:43:28 0 s loadbalancer: can't read from file /tmp/.oscam/stat
2013/11/17 19:43:28 0 s waiting for local card init
2013/11/17 19:43:28 15B8758 h HTTP Server listening on port 3001
2013/11/17 19:43:31 15B6FD8 r reader reader-1 initialized (device=/dev/ttyUSB0, detect=cd, mhz=357, cardmhz=368)
2013/11/17 19:43:31 0 reader-1 card detected
2013/11/17 19:43:36 15B6FD8 r ATR: 3F FF 95 00 FF 91 81 71 A0 47 00 44 4E 41 53 50 31 38 30 20 4D 65 72 30 30 30 28
2013/11/17 19:43:37 15B6FD8 r Maximum frequency for this card is formally 5 Mhz, clocking it to 3.57 Mhz
2013/11/17 19:43:38 15B6FD8 r detect native nagra card
2013/11/17 19:43:39 15B6FD8 r [nagra-reader] type: NAGRA, caid: 1843, IRD ID: FF FF FF FF
2013/11/17 19:43:39 15B6FD8 r [nagra-reader] ProviderID: 00 00 34 11
2013/11/17 19:43:39 15B6FD8 r [nagra-reader] active to: 2013/12/27 11:59
2013/11/17 19:43:39 15B6FD8 r -----------------------------------------
2013/11/17 19:43:39 15B6FD8 r |id |tier |valid from |valid to |
2013/11/17 19:43:39 15B6FD8 r +----+--------+------------+------------+
2013/11/17 19:43:39 15B6FD8 r |8011|0066 |2013/09/02 |2014/09/03 |
2013/11/17 19:43:39 15B6FD8 r |8011|0067 |2010/01/19 |2010/01/20 |
2013/11/17 19:43:39 15B6FD8 r -----------------------------------------
2013/11/17 19:43:40 15B6FD8 r found cardsystem nagra
2013/11/17 19:43:40 15B6FD8 r ROM: D N A S P 1 8 0
2013/11/17 19:43:40 15B6FD8 r REV: M e r 0 0 0
2013/11/17 19:43:40 15B6FD8 r SER: xxxxxxx
2013/11/17 19:43:40 15B6FD8 r CAID: 1843
2013/11/17 19:43:40 15B6FD8 r Prv.ID: 00 00 34 11 (sysid)
2013/11/17 19:43:40 15B6FD8 r Prv.ID: 00 00 00 00
2013/11/17 19:43:40 15B6FD8 r Prv.ID: 00 00 80 11
2013/11/17 19:43:40 15B6FD8 r [nagra-reader] ready for requests
2013/11/17 19:43:41 0 s init for all local cards done
2013/11/17 19:43:41 0 s anti cascading disabled
2013/11/17 19:44:27 15B8758 h Refresh Server requested by WebIF from
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