Da ich stolzer Besitzer eines uralten Toshiba Folio 100 bin und es Leid habe mit Android 2.2 herumzudackeln habe ich mir Gedacht ich werde euch an meiner erfolgreichen Suche noch einem OS Update teilhaben lassen
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[/HIDE]Größe :117 MB
Quelle xda
Läuft Super
Kernel 3.1
HQ Video acceleration
Audio over Speaker
Audio over Headset
Audio over HDMI
HDMI Video
Camera - reported as front and back camera
3D acceleration
LP0 Suspend
Wakeup from LP0 Suspend
Internal USB
USB Host Port
Acceleration Sensor
Power Button
Volume Keys
Touch Screen
Brighness regulation
Internal and external SD
3G using Huawei dongles (may need some improvements)
miniUSB Hotplug
Docking station
Audio jack switch
Internal microphone (sound is little quite yet)
A2DP Audio over Bluetooth
Geht dann nicht mehr
SCO Audio over Bluetooth
Digital Compass (Android lib not finished yet - Kernel part finished)
Touch Buttons (no interest to make them work as they are not required for ICS)
Remote control - initial support added - need more inventigation
Power cable plug detection can take up to 10 seconds
Some people report to have a bad HDMI audio
Audio may knocking sometimes
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