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Gbox Einstellungen. Englisch FAQ


5. Juli 2007
Digital Eliteboard
Configuring gbox – a work in progress

Author: Anakin aka Psycho
Date: 7th august 2005
Version: 1.1

No rights whatsoever can be claimed from this document. It is purely
meant for people to be able to read the logging and edit configuration-files for gbox.
Errors and mal-functioning machines cannot be blamed upon this
document. It’s a proven concept.

Everything I have documented will be commented here. As I find out something new, it will be
added. Text Marked Anyone? I don't know the answer to. Please fill in the blanks!



The template is:

M: { <OWN IP> { <KEY_A> }}
D: { <OTHER_IP> { port_from port_to { <KEY_B> { <X> <Y> }}}}

M: { <OWN IP> { <KEY_B> }}
D: { <OTHER_IP> { port_from port_to { <KEY_A> { <X> <Y> }}}}

· <OWN_IP> => IP-address of the box. If this is going over the internet, use the WAN-IPaddress!!
· <KEY_*> => Encryption-key of the box
· <OTHER_IP> => The IP- or DNS-address of the person you want to connect to.
· <PORT_FROM> => Port you want to use on the box. If this is going over the internet, this
needs to be forwarded if behind a router! UDP!!
· <PORT_TO> => Port that the other sided uses on the box.
· <X> => Share-level for the LOCAL cards.
· <Y> => Share-level for cards you receive from others.

Assuming the server has the IP-address and the client

Find the file /var/keys/cwshare.cfg and alter the following lines accordingly:

M: { { 1234ABCD }}
D: { { 8019 8020 { DCBA4321 { 5 5 }}}} # Client

M: { { DCBA4321 }}
D: { { 8020 8019 { 1234ABCD { 5 5 }}}} # Server

This will off-course work over the internet! Use the WAN-IP-address or Just use a DynDNS or noip
address... Looks cooler..


Analyzing logging

So, you've got things sorted, and you want to take a look at what's what. Well, actually, there are
6 files to be viewed, of which 4 are permanent:

· /var/tmp/share.info => shows the cards you receive from others
To make things easy, I took myself as an example. I did this on my dreambox:

/tmp > cat share.info
CardID 0 at Card 0100006A Sl:3 Lev:0 dist:1 id:87F4
CardID 1 at Card 0100006B Sl:3 Lev:0 dist:1 id:87F4
CardID 2 at Card 0100006C Sl:3 Lev:0 dist:1 id:87F4
CardID 3 at Card 0100006D Sl:3 Lev:0 dist:1 id:87F4
CardID 4 at Card 06260000 Sl:11 Lev:0 dist:1 id:87F4

OK, to break things down I'll use the first line:

o CardID 0 => ranking-number of the card the way they are sorted... Alphabetically
on Card-number.
o at => IP-address of where they are coming from
o Card 0100006A => Card-number. This is how the card is identified
o Sl:3 => Displays the slot the card is in at the provider, when run on a Linux-PC
up to 18 has been seen.
o Lev:0 => Amount of hops I'm allowed to reshare. Zero.
o dist:1 => Amount of hops the card is at. In this case: 1.
o id:87F4 => Identification-number for gbox that is providing the card.

· /var/tmp/share.log => Same as share.stat, only that this displays the real-time data.

· /var/tmp/share.onl => shows who's on-line
Again, I'll use myself as an example:

/tmp > cat share.onl
1 87F4 2.01

o 1 => 1 is on-line, 0 is offline.
o => The entry you use in cwshare.cfg.
o => The way gbox translated cwshare.cfg to an actual IPaddress.
See the 002 ?
o 87F4 => Identification-number for gbox on the other end.
o 2.01 => Version-number of gbox on the other end.

· /var/tmp/share.stat => Same as share.log, only that this displays the stats over the
entire running-time, and of the last 5 minutes.

o Hello_I/O=> Number of hello's or "handshakes" between 2 peers.
o ECM_I/O/F => ECM received (In), sent (Out) and Forwarded by gbox.
o CW_I/O/F => Control Words received (In), sent (Out) and Forwarded by gbox.
Control Word is the reply to an ECM request.
o GSMS_I/O => Messages received (In) and sent (Out) and by gbox.
o loc_up and loc_down => LOCAL Network traffic. (Probably filters defined by the
internet standard, 10.x.x.x / 127.x.x.x / 192.268.x.x / 169.254.x.x)
o inet_up and inet_down => Network tracfic in and out of internet. (Probably
every other IP-addres different from what I mentioned 1 point before?)

· atack.txt => Shows a misconfiguration or someone that is trying to connect to you
without being authorized to do so.
An example. On my server I mutilated the key for the client (that means the line starting
with D:). On the client the atack.txt is created and filled with a number of messages:

EDB2097E (32) Sun Aug 7 16:32:09 2005

This means that someone it trying to connect using a wrong password.

I then remove the server completely out of the config:

o INTRUDER ALERT: IP Port 3101 (PASS 2346A4B2 ID 87F4
unknown) Sun Aug 7 16:40:50 2005

You see the difference?

o goneOFFLINE: BAD IP|PORT (DynDNS Peer1) Actual IP Peer1/Localport (IPaddress
from local DNS Resolve/Localport) Tue Aug 23 12:55:02 2005

This message says that the actual IP-address off the Peer doesn't match with
what gbox thinks it should be.

· Debug.txt => Can take all message generated by gbox. Depends on what you put after
Z: in the file gbox_cfg

o ->HelloL to => Initial request to every "D:-line" in cwshare.cfg
o ->Hello1 to => Second request if first not answered to (quickly enough)
o ->Hello2 to => Third request if first not answered to (quickly enough)
o ->HelloR to => I think this means Reconnect to peer if timed out? Anyone?
o ->HelloW to => Don't know. Anyone?
o ->HelloS1 to => Don't know. Anyone?
o ->Here? to => Repetitive request every x seconds to see if peer has come online.
o <-Hello from => Reply to Hello L/1/2/R from Peer, Or first request after Peer
reboot? Anyone?
o <=Hello from => Don't know. Reply is received in the same millisecond as "<-
Hello from". Anyone?
o ->Hello to => Reply to "<- Hello from".
o ||CW (->1) blocked from Peer1 to Peer2/GboxID Peer2 => Don't know
actually. Anyone?
o <>ECM (1->1) from Peer1 forwarded to Peer2 (GboxID Peer2 )
<>CW (->1) from Peer2 forwarded to Peer1 => Here you see a request being
relayed to someone else, and the answer to that request. In (1->1), the first "1"
stands for the slot the card is in at the supplier, "->1" stands for the amount of
hops the message has to travel to that supplier. In (->1) "1" stands for for the slot
the card is in at the supplier.
o <-ECM (1<-) received from Peer1
->CW (->1) send to Peer1 (527 ms) => This is a request from Peer1 to a local
card, the reply and the time it took to read the card and supply the key.
o dbox2 Peer1 is not responding 6 times => Well, that says enough I think?
o goneOFFLINE: Removing Peer1 from list, seems offline => Sets Peer1 from
1 to 0 in share.onl, after not responding 6 times.

· online.log => Shows the coming and going of peers. Creation of this file depends on the
line N: in cwshare.cfg

o comeONLINE : Welcome PEER1 IP xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/<Port PEER1> Sun Sep
4 16:22:45 2005 => PEER1 comes online
o goneOFFLINE: Removing PEER1 from list, seems offline Sun Sep 4
17:45:39 2005 => PEER1 doesn't respond anymore
o IP update : PEER1 was xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx now xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx Sun Sep 4
17:45:53 2005 => PEER1 has a new IP-address
o comeONLINE : Welcome PEER1 IP xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/<Port PEER1> Sun Sep
4 18:01:05 2005 => PEER1 is back on-line again!
AW: Gbox Einstellungen. Englisch FAQ

wie verhält es sich mit der online.log in einer fritzbox? gbox rennt. jedoch kann ich im webinterface nichts sehen. weder share online und share info

Möglich das es hier mit etwas zu tuen hat? Ich komme da nicht mehr weiter.
Error: /usr/bin/modreg file gboxseca: Registration without <pkg> argument is deprecated. Please switch to the new style. See /usr/bin/modreg....
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