Digital Eliteboard - Das Digitale Technik Forum

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Registriere dich noch heute kostenlos, um Mitglied zu werden! Sobald du angemeldet bist, kannst du auf unserer Seite aktiv teilnehmen, indem du deine eigenen Themen und Beiträge erstellst und dich über deinen eigenen Posteingang mit anderen Mitgliedern unterhalten kannst! Zudem bekommst du Zutritt zu Bereichen, welche für Gäste verwehrt bleiben

gelöst (Gelöst) Oscam Webinterface "LB Value/Reader" PICONS

Webtemplates ? Oder meinst du Skin-Style über css.css ?
Meine OSCam Picons sind auch alle *.templates.:smirk:
Ja, natürlich.
Skin-Styles waren gemeint. :blush:

Naja, zumindest war die Verlinkung dahin richtig. :blush:

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Alles klar @Vigor weiß ich Bescheid für die Zukunft. :blush:
Ich werd mir die png Vorlagen selber machen spart das lange suchen.
Photoshopen ist ja nicht das Problem und mit dem Picon encoder anschließend in die gewünschte tpl umwanden auch nicht.
Danke noch mal für eure schnelle professionelle Unterstüzung.

Kind regards : Guten Morgen , kleine frage mal.

Wie kann ich die JSCRIPT.tpl Datei , von dir Updaten für OSCAM 11681 ?

Habe mir neue savetemplates.html erstellt , und dann deine Datei JSCRIPT.tpl reinkopiert und überschrieben.

Bekomme aber eine fehlermeldung , im OSCAM Webinterface. Darum frage ich dich.

Meldung im OSCAM-Webinterface.
2021/01/17 03:09:30 0AB7E099 h (webif) WARNING: Your http disk template /var/etc/tmpl/JSCRIPT.tpl was created for an older revision of OSCam and was changed in original OSCam (1.20-King regards-Edition,r11546). Please consider upgrading it!
2021/01/17 03:09:30 0AB7E099 h (webif) If you are sure that it is current, add the following line at the beginning of the template to suppress this warning: <!--OSCam;2811700927;1.20_svn;11681;-->

Danke für deine Hilfe.

steht doch hier, was du machen solltest um die Warnung zu beseitigen -->

2021/01/17 03:09:30 0AB7E099 h (webif) If you are sure that it is current, add the following line at the beginning of the template to suppress this warning: <!--OSCam;2811700927;1.20_svn;-->11681;

einfach dieses am Anfang
mit deinem vorhandenen ersetzen ...
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Kind regards : Kleines Problem, hoffe du kannst mir nochmal helfen bitte.

Habe meinen neuen Server aufgesetzt , und OSCAM 11682 Compile erstellt.

Läuft alles Super , nun wollte ich Speichern.

Nun bekomme ich eine fehlermeldung : das ich die Original OSCAM 11682 nutzen soll ?

Was habe ich falsch gemacht , hier das log file.

2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) If you are sure that it is current, add the following line at the beginning of the template to suppress this warning: <!--OSCam;3023138009;1.20_svn;11682;CS_CACHEEX-->
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) WARNING: Your http disk template /var/etc/tmpl/JSONCACHEEXAIOBIT.tpl was created for an older revision of OSCam and was changed in original OSCam (1.20_svn,r11682). Please consider upgrading it!
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) If you are sure that it is current, add the following line at the beginning of the template to suppress this warning: <!--OSCam;3837740404;1.20_svn;11682;CS_CACHEEX_AIO-->
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) WARNING: Your http disk template /var/etc/tmpl/JSONENTITLEMENTBIT.tpl was created for an older revision of OSCam and was changed in original OSCam (1.20_svn,r11682). Please consider upgrading it!
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) If you are sure that it is current, add the following line at the beginning of the template to suppress this warning: <!--OSCam;3720906894;1.20_svn;11682;-->
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) WARNING: Your http disk template /var/etc/tmpl/JSONFOOTER.tpl was created for an older revision of OSCam and was changed in original OSCam (1.20_svn,r11682). Please consider upgrading it!
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) If you are sure that it is current, add the following line at the beginning of the template to suppress this warning: <!--OSCam;3786584286;1.20_svn;11682;-->
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) WARNING: Your http disk template /var/etc/tmpl/JSONHEADER.tpl was created for an older revision of OSCam and was changed in original OSCam (1.20_svn,r11682). Please consider upgrading it!
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) If you are sure that it is current, add the following line at the beginning of the template to suppress this warning: <!--OSCam;2788208896;1.20_svn;11682;-->
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) WARNING: Your http disk template /var/etc/tmpl/JSONREADER.tpl was created for an older revision of OSCam and was changed in original OSCam (1.20_svn,r11682). Please consider upgrading it!
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) If you are sure that it is current, add the following line at the beginning of the template to suppress this warning: <!--OSCam;4276770897;1.20_svn;11682;-->
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) WARNING: Your http disk template /var/etc/tmpl/JSONSTATUS.tpl was created for an older revision of OSCam and was changed in original OSCam (1.20_svn,r11682). Please consider upgrading it!
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) If you are sure that it is current, add the following line at the beginning of the template to suppress this warning: <!--OSCam;3315445728;1.20_svn;11682;-->
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) WARNING: Your http disk template /var/etc/tmpl/JSONSTATUSBIT.tpl was created for an older revision of OSCam and was changed in original OSCam (1.20_svn,r11682). Please consider upgrading it!
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) If you are sure that it is current, add the following line at the beginning of the template to suppress this warning: <!--OSCam;2583506331;1.20_svn;11682;-->
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) WARNING: Your http disk template /var/etc/tmpl/JSONUSERBIT.tpl was created for an older revision of OSCam and was changed in original OSCam (1.20_svn,r11682). Please consider upgrading it!
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) If you are sure that it is current, add the following line at the beginning of the template to suppress this warning: <!--OSCam;2201772299;1.20_svn;11682;-->
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) WARNING: Your http disk template /var/etc/tmpl/APICCCAMCARDLIST.tpl was created for an older revision of OSCam and was changed in original OSCam (1.20_svn,r11682). Please consider upgrading it!
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) If you are sure that it is current, add the following line at the beginning of the template to suppress this warning: <!--OSCam;3059334055;1.20_svn;11682;MODULE_CCCAM-->
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) WARNING: Your http disk template /var/etc/tmpl/APICCCAMCARDBIT.tpl was created for an older revision of OSCam and was changed in original OSCam (1.20_svn,r11682). Please consider upgrading it!
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) If you are sure that it is current, add the following line at the beginning of the template to suppress this warning: <!--OSCam;2448930379;1.20_svn;11682;MODULE_CCCAM-->
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) WARNING: Your http disk template /var/etc/tmpl/APICCCAMCARDNODEBIT.tpl was created for an older revision of OSCam and was changed in original OSCam (1.20_svn,r11682). Please consider upgrading it!
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) If you are sure that it is current, add the following line at the beginning of the template to suppress this warning: <!--OSCam;3660194987;1.20_svn;11682;MODULE_CCCAM-->
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) WARNING: Your http disk template /var/etc/tmpl/APIERROR.tpl was created for an older revision of OSCam and was changed in original OSCam (1.20_svn,r11682). Please consider upgrading it!
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) If you are sure that it is current, add the following line at the beginning of the template to suppress this warning: <!--OSCam;2842155452;1.20_svn;11682;-->
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) WARNING: Your http disk template /var/etc/tmpl/APIFILE.tpl was created for an older revision of OSCam and was changed in original OSCam (1.20_svn,r11682). Please consider upgrading it!
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) If you are sure that it is current, add the following line at the beginning of the template to suppress this warning: <!--OSCam;3585440460;1.20_svn;11682;-->
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) WARNING: Your http disk template /var/etc/tmpl/APIREADERSTATS.tpl was created for an older revision of OSCam and was changed in original OSCam (1.20_svn,r11682). Please consider upgrading it!
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) If you are sure that it is current, add the following line at the beginning of the template to suppress this warning: <!--OSCam;2701739445;1.20_svn;11682;-->
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) WARNING: Your http disk template /var/etc/tmpl/APIUSERCONFIGLIST.tpl was created for an older revision of OSCam and was changed in original OSCam (1.20_svn,r11682). Please consider upgrading it!
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) If you are sure that it is current, add the following line at the beginning of the template to suppress this warning: <!--OSCam;3908938290;1.20_svn;11682;-->
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) WARNING: Your http disk template /var/etc/tmpl/APIUSEREDIT.tpl was created for an older revision of OSCam and was changed in original OSCam (1.20_svn,r11682). Please consider upgrading it!
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) If you are sure that it is current, add the following line at the beginning of the template to suppress this warning: <!--OSCam;3315640336;1.20_svn;11682;-->
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) WARNING: Your http disk template /var/etc/tmpl/CACHEEXPAGE.tpl was created for an older revision of OSCam and was changed in original OSCam (1.20_svn,r11682). Please consider upgrading it!
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) If you are sure that it is current, add the following line at the beginning of the template to suppress this warning: <!--OSCam;3739405492;1.20_svn;11682;CS_CACHEEX-->
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) WARNING: Your http disk template /var/etc/tmpl/CACHEEXTABLEROW.tpl was created for an older revision of OSCam and was changed in original OSCam (1.20_svn,r11682). Please consider upgrading it!
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) If you are sure that it is current, add the following line at the beginning of the template to suppress this warning: <!--OSCam;3368709034;1.20_svn;11682;CS_CACHEEX-->
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) WARNING: Your http disk template /var/etc/tmpl/CACHEEXAIOTABLEROW.tpl was created for an older revision of OSCam and was changed in original OSCam (1.20_svn,r11682). Please consider upgrading it!
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) If you are sure that it is current, add the following line at the beginning of the template to suppress this warning: <!--OSCam;2673954859;1.20_svn;11682;CS_CACHEEX_AIO-->
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) WARNING: Your http disk template /var/etc/tmpl/CONFIGANTICASC.tpl was created for an older revision of OSCam and was changed in original OSCam (1.20_svn,r11682). Please consider upgrading it!
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) If you are sure that it is current, add the following line at the beginning of the template to suppress this warning: <!--OSCam;4115903103;1.20_svn;11682;CS_ANTICASC-->
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) WARNING: Your http disk template /var/etc/tmpl/CONFIGCACHEEXAIOCSP.tpl was created for an older revision of OSCam and was changed in original OSCam (1.20_svn,r11682). Please consider upgrading it!
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) If you are sure that it is current, add the following line at the beginning of the template to suppress this warning: <!--OSCam;3283404607;1.20_svn;11682;CS_CACHEEX_AIO-->
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) WARNING: Your http disk template /var/etc/tmpl/CONFIGCAMD35.tpl was created for an older revision of OSCam and was changed in original OSCam (1.20_svn,r11682). Please consider upgrading it!
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) If you are sure that it is current, add the following line at the beginning of the template to suppress this warning: <!--OSCam;2194990515;1.20_svn;11682;MODULE_CAMD35-->
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) WARNING: Your http disk template /var/etc/tmpl/CONFIGCAMD35TCP.tpl was created for an older revision of OSCam and was changed in original OSCam (1.20_svn,r11682). Please consider upgrading it!
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) If you are sure that it is current, add the following line at the beginning of the template to suppress this warning: <!--
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) WARNING: Your http disk template /var/etc/tmpl/READERCONFIGNCD524BIT.tpl was created for an older revision of OSCam and was changed in original OSCam (1.20_svn,r11682). Please consider upgrading it!
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) If you are sure that it is current, add the following line at the beginning of the template to suppress this warning: <!--OSCam;4068649833;1.20_svn;11682;MODULE_NEWCAMD-->
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) WARNING: Your http disk template /var/etc/tmpl/READERCONFIGSIDLBOKBIT.tpl was created for an older revision of OSCam and was changed in original OSCam (1.20_svn,r11682). Please consider upgrading it!
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) If you are sure that it is current, add the following line at the beginning of the template to suppress this warning: <!--OSCam;4272110660;1.20_svn;11682;-->
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) WARNING: Your http disk template /var/etc/tmpl/READERCONFIGSIDOKBIT.tpl was created for an older revision of OSCam and was changed in original OSCam (1.20_svn,r11682). Please consider upgrading it!
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) If you are sure that it is current, add the following line at the beginning of the template to suppress this warning: <!--OSCam;2399266230;1.20_svn;11682;-->
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) WARNING: Your http disk template /var/etc/tmpl/READERS.tpl was created for an older revision of OSCam and was changed in original OSCam (1.20_svn,r11682). Please consider upgrading it!
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) If you are sure that it is current, add the following line at the beginning of the template to suppress this warning: <!--OSCam;2708130782;1.20_svn;11682;-->
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) WARNING: Your http disk template /var/etc/tmpl/READERSAIO.tpl was created for an older revision of OSCam and was changed in original OSCam (1.20_svn,r11682). Please consider upgrading it!
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) If you are sure that it is current, add the following line at the beginning of the template to suppress this warning: <!--OSCam;2151728058;1.20_svn;11682;CS_CACHEEX_AIO-->
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) WARNING: Your http disk template /var/etc/tmpl/READERLBBIT.tpl was created for an older revision of OSCam and was changed in original OSCam (1.20_svn,r11682). Please consider upgrading it!
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) If you are sure that it is current, add the following line at the beginning of the template to suppress this warning: <!--OSCam;4090821819;1.20_svn;11682;WITH_LB-->
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) WARNING: Your http disk template /var/etc/tmpl/READERLBWD.tpl was created for an older revision of OSCam and was changed in original OSCam (1.20_svn,r11682). Please consider upgrading it!
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) If you are sure that it is current, add the following line at the beginning of the template to suppress this warning: <!--OSCam;3826112114;1.20_svn;11682;WITH_LB-->
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) WARNING: Your http disk template /var/etc/tmpl/READERLBWU.tpl was created for an older revision of OSCam and was changed in original OSCam (1.20_svn,r11682). Please consider upgrading it!
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) If you are sure that it is current, add the following line at the beginning of the template to suppress this warning: <!--OSCam;3449596168;1.20_svn;11682;WITH_LB-->
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) WARNING: Your http disk template /var/etc/tmpl/READERREFRESHBIT.tpl was created for an older revision of OSCam and was changed in original OSCam (1.20_svn,r11682). Please consider upgrading it!
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) If you are sure that it is current, add the following line at the beginning of the template to suppress this warning: <!--OSCam;2860836368;1.20_svn;11682;-->
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) WARNING: Your http disk template /var/etc/tmpl/READERSTATSNOSTATS.tpl was created for an older revision of OSCam and was changed in original OSCam (1.20_svn,r11682). Please consider upgrading it!
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) If you are sure that it is current, add the following line at the beginning of the template to suppress this warning: <!--OSCam;3668535102;1.20_svn;11682;WITH_LB-->
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) WARNING: Your http disk template /var/etc/tmpl/READERSTATSBIT.tpl was created for an older revision of OSCam and was changed in original OSCam (1.20_svn,r11682). Please consider upgrading it!
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) If you are sure that it is current, add the following line at the beginning of the template to suppress this warning: <!--OSCam;3187885999;1.20_svn;11682;WITH_LB-->
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) WARNING: Your http disk template /var/etc/tmpl/READERSTATSROWTIMEOUTBIT.tpl was created for an older revision of OSCam and was changed in original OSCam (1.20_svn,r11682). Please consider upgrading it!
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) If you are sure that it is current, add the following line at the beginning of the template to suppress this warning: <!--OSCam;3790389990;1.20_svn;11682;WITH_LB-->
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) WARNING: Your http disk template /var/etc/tmpl/SCANUSB.tpl was created for an older revision of OSCam and was changed in original OSCam (1.20_svn,r11682). Please consider upgrading it!
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) If you are sure that it is current, add the following line at the beginning of the template to suppress this warning: <!--OSCam;3453573781;1.20_svn;11682;-->
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) WARNING: Your http disk template /var/etc/tmpl/SCANUSBBIT.tpl was created for an older revision of OSCam and was changed in original OSCam (1.20_svn,r11682). Please consider upgrading it!
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) If you are sure that it is current, add the following line at the beginning of the template to suppress this warning: <!--OSCam;4030405854;1.20_svn;11682;-->
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) WARNING: Your http disk template /var/etc/tmpl/SCRIPT.tpl was created for an older revision of OSCam and was changed in original OSCam (1.20_svn,r11682). Please consider upgrading it!
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) If you are sure that it is current, add the following line at the beginning of the template to suppress this warning: <!--OSCam;2201141476;1.20_svn;11682;-->
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) WARNING: Your http disk template /var/etc/tmpl/SERVICECONFIGLIST.tpl was created for an older revision of OSCam and was changed in original OSCam (1.20_svn,r11682). Please consider upgrading it!
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) If you are sure that it is current, add the following line at the beginning of the template to suppress this warning: <!--OSCam;3033371472;1.20_svn;11682;-->
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) WARNING: Your http disk template /var/etc/tmpl/SERVICECONFIGLISTBIT.tpl was created for an older revision of OSCam and was changed in original OSCam (1.20_svn,r11682). Please consider upgrading it!
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) If you are sure that it is current, add the following line at the beginning of the template to suppress this warning: <!--OSCam;3603315716;1.20_svn;11682;-->
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) WARNING: Your http disk template /var/etc/tmpl/SERVICEEDITAIO.tpl was created for an older revision of OSCam and was changed in original OSCam (1.20_svn,r11682). Please consider upgrading it!
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) If you are sure that it is current, add the following line at the beginning of the template to suppress this warning: <!--OSCam;4163429263;1.20_svn;11682;CS_CACHEEX_AIO-->
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) WARNING: Your http disk template /var/etc/tmpl/PRESHUTDOWN.tpl was created for an older revision of OSCam and was changed in original OSCam (1.20_svn,r11682). Please consider upgrading it!
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) If you are sure that it is current, add the following line at the beginning of the template to suppress this warning: <!--OSCam;4073151508;1.20_svn;11682;-->
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) WARNING: Your http disk template /var/etc/tmpl/SHUTDOWN.tpl was created for an older revision of OSCam and was changed in original OSCam (1.20_svn,r11682). Please consider upgrading it!
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) If you are sure that it is current, add the following line at the beginning of the template to suppress this warning: <!--OSCam;2552782154;1.20_svn;11682;-->
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) WARNING: Your http disk template /var/etc/tmpl/STATUS.tpl was created for an older revision of OSCam and was changed in original OSCam (1.20_svn,r11682). Please consider upgrading it!
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) If you are sure that it is current, add the following line at the beginning of the template to suppress this warning: <!--OSCam;2706118023;1.20_svn;11682;-->
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) WARNING: Your http disk template /var/etc/tmpl/CACHEEXINFOBIT.tpl was created for an older revision of OSCam and was changed in original OSCam (1.20_svn,r11682). Please consider upgrading it!
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) If you are sure that it is current, add the following line at the beginning of the template to suppress this warning: <!--OSCam;4149973422;1.20_svn;11682;CS_CACHEEX-->
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) WARNING: Your http disk template /var/etc/tmpl/CLIENTHEADLINEBIT.tpl was created for an older revision of OSCam and was changed in original OSCam (1.20_svn,r11682). Please consider upgrading it!
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) If you are sure that it is current, add the following line at the beginning of the template to suppress this warning: <!--OSCam;3093935193;1.20_svn;11682;-->
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) WARNING: Your http disk template /var/etc/tmpl/CLIENTSTATUSBIT.tpl was created for an older revision of OSCam and was changed in original OSCam (1.20_svn,r11682). Please consider upgrading it!
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) If you are sure that it is current, add the following line at the beginning of the template to suppress this warning: <!--OSCam;3018481448;1.20_svn;11682;-->
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) WARNING: Your http disk template /var/etc/tmpl/CLIENTCURRENTCHANNEL.tpl was created for an older revision of OSCam and was changed in original OSCam (1.20_svn,r11682). Please consider upgrading it!
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) If you are sure that it is current, add the following line at the beginning of the template to suppress this warning: <!--OSCam;2223341561;1.20_svn;11682;-->
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) WARNING: Your http disk template /var/etc/tmpl/CLIENTCURRENTCHANNELBIT.tpl was created for an older revision of OSCam and was changed in original OSCam (1.20_svn,r11682). Please consider upgrading it!
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) If you are sure that it is current, add the following line at the beginning of the template to suppress this warning: <!--OSCam;4042010332;1.20_svn;11682;-->
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) WARNING: Your http disk template /var/etc/tmpl/STATUSHEADLINE.tpl was created for an older revision of OSCam and was changed in original
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) WARNING: Your http disk template /var/etc/tmpl/CLIENTCOUNTNOTIFIERBIT.tpl was created for an older revision of OSCam and was changed in original OSCam (1.20_svn,r11682). Please consider upgrading it!
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) If you are sure that it is current, add the following line at the beginning of the template to suppress this warning: <!--OSCam;3685540057;1.20_svn;11682;-->
2021/01/19 23:49:53 1193255A h (webif) HTTP Server running. ip=:: port=5850
2021/01/19 23:49:54 7653C0A3 r (reader) G09 [mouse] Reader initialized (device=/dev/Vodafone, detect=cd, mhz=1000, cardmhz=368)
2021/01/19 23:49:54 532A2FC3 r (reader) G02 [mouse] Reader initialized (device=/dev/SKY, detect=cd, mhz=1000, cardmhz=368)
2021/01/19 23:49:55 00000000 s (main) init for all local cards done
2021/01/19 23:49:55 00000000 s (emmcache) loaded 0 emmcache records from /var/etc/oscam.emmcache in 0 ms
2021/01/19 23:49:55 00000000 s (emmcache) loaded 0 emmstat records from /var/etc/oscam.emmstat in 0 ms
2021/01/19 23:49:55 00000000 s (anticasc) anti cascading disabled
Habe nur OSCAM mit O Compile erstellt.
Wieso bekomme ich diese fehlermeldung jetzt ?

Danke für deine Hilfe.
dann liegen in deinem config Pfad (/var/etc/tmpl/) keine aktuellen templates , diese dann aktualisieren oder keine externen Verwenden ..
Danke werde das Prüfen nochmal.

So habe das jetzt nochmal gemacht , der fehler bleibt leider.

Auf meinem Alten Server funktioniert es , aber auf dem neuen bekomme ich immer diese fehlermeldung.

im Pfad : /var/etc/tmpl/

Sind aber alle 275 Dateien aktuell vom 20.01 , aber es funktioniert nicht ?

Hoffe du hast ne lösung , oder ein Tipp. Würde es gerne lösen das Problem.

Danke für deine Hilfe.

Du musst Regestriert sein, um das angehängte Bild zusehen.
Du musst Regestriert sein, um das angehängte Bild zusehen.
Du musst Regestriert sein, um das angehängte Bild zusehen.

Wie du siehst , sind die Dateien auf dem Server erstellt worden.

Im Webinterface von Oscam ist auch alles Super und Stimmt.

Aber die Meldung im Webinterface bleibt bestehen.

Finde das Problem aktuell nicht, vielleicht weißt du noch rat.

Danke dir für deine eure Hilfe.

PS: Könnte es an meiner Architektur liegen ? , diese ist jetzt aarch64 Oscam 11682.


Du musst angemeldet sein, um die Anhangsliste zu sehen.
@Kind regards
Seit der OScam Version 11734 funktioniert die Anzeige vom Schalter (JSCRIPT.tpl) "Provider/LB/Reader*" nur genau einmal, sobald man ihn gesetzt hat.
Sobald der Pollintervall greift und die Anzeige aktualisiert, ist das vorher angezeigte Picon in der Spalte verschwunden.
Gleichzeitig wird auch die Anzeige unter "Online & Idle*" zurück gesetzt.
Wenn ich auf die OScam Version 11732 zurück gehe, dann bleibt die Anzeige erhalten.

Kann man es wieder so einstellen, dass die Anzeige dauerhaft sichtbar bleibt?


Du musst angemeldet sein, um die Anhangsliste zu sehen.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Das problem habe leider auch, funktioniert nicht mehr so wie vorher !

Vielleicht gibt es ja ne lösung dafür !
Hätte mich auch gewundert, wenn es nur bei mir gewesen wäre. :ROFLMAO:

Sobald man den Schalter "Online & Idle*" einmal betätigt, ist die Anzeige kurz wieder vorhanden, leider nur bis zum Pollintervall.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Naja, es beeinträchtigt die Funktion ja nicht, ist eben nur eine optische Sache. ;)