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Letztes Filesystem für die Q-Box HD

AW: Letztes Filesystem für die Q-Box HD

New Stone Distribution Filesystem version 1.00 for QBoxHD

Duolabs proudly presents "Stone Distribution Filesystem version 1.00 for QBoxHD".

Duolabs is thankful to all those who belived in us and patiently waited for this big software release. We have been working hard in the last 6 months to completely rewrite almost all the software for this box. The implementation of this new software has been started from the QBox Mini that will be on the market from next week.

We dedicated most of our time in solving big problems with Player 2 (the main engine for playing) and finally we obtained a stable version working for QboxHD.

We apologize to all those who have been disappointed for the leak of features and stability that were present on QBox Hd for the last year and that's why we completely addandoned the support of Fire Distibution to develope this completely new distribution. We preferred not to release any beta version up to this moment just not to disattend any expectation until we have had the final approval from the Qbox Mini and then ported all to QboxHD.

This version is dedicated to Duolabs' fans who stuck with us through this bad times and to all those who opposed.

Let's talk about the new features now:



1. Stability Problem. Most of the stability problems have been successfully solved by using native hardware functions of the STB. In the previous version most of this functions were handled in software. USB Filesystem handling is now much more stable thanks to some fixes on USB drivers. Other low lever drivers have been completely rewritten for more stability. Larger memory for applications (8MB of RAM) now available.

2. Channel Speed. The Channel speed now is less than 3 seconds per each channel while it was from 3 to 6 on previous version.

3. HD Channels and SD bug fixed. HD & SD Channels on some transponders were looping the machine ending a crash if freezes occoured. This problem have been solved in the most critical HD channels. This is not related to scanning on some Thor channels (this needs to use the AVLink tuner and not Sharp). Unfortunately the Sharp tuner has some problems with some transponders and seems like Sharp cannot fix it releasing a firmware for it.
AVLink Tuner has no problem unders this point of view.

4. 3x Tuner finally supported. Finally the "Magic Box" inside is dynamically mixing the Tuner input and output. Now user can finally install any tuner configuration (2xDVB-S2 + 1x DVB-T or DVB-C etc etc) zapping without any problem from Tuner 1 to Tuner 2 to Tuner 3 with no problem.
Tuner 1 port: DVB-T or DVB-C or DVB-S2 Tuner (Sharp or Avlink)
Tuner 2 port: DVB-T or DVB-C or DVB-S2 Tuner (Sharp or Avlink)
Tuner 3 port: DVB-T or DVB-C NOT DVB-S2 Tuner
Once the tuner/s are installed please do a "Factory Reset" - IMPORTANT!!!

5. PVR is now fully supported and stable. It is possible to record from Tuner x and watch/timeshft on Tuner y. Up to now it is possible to record from one tuner and watch on another tuner. We will enlarge this possibility next.
Example. Watch on Tuner 1 (timeshift also) and record from Tuner 2 or Tuner 3.

6. NAS Server fully working. Now NAS Server is fully supported so it will be possible to use Network HDD or PC.

7. Internal CSA descrambling. Now the box is using the native descrambler inside and not the FPGA descrambler. This is much faster and can support third parties software much easily.

8. Multimedia Center. Multimedia Center completely changed with the following new features:

8.1 MKV, MP4, AVI, XVID formats now fully supported.
8.2 MP3 formats now fully supported.
8.3 Picture Player fully supported - NOT LARGER THAN 2 MB.
8.4 MyTube (YouTube) fully supported no need for PC. Possibility of recording YouTube movies directly on the Harddrive
8.5 IDEVS. This is the support for IPOD and coming next IPhone. This is an exclusive function that none (AFAIK) is supporting. By connecting your IPOD via USB you can browse the AUDIO and VIDEO contents on your IPOD and play it directly on your TV.
8.6 Internet Browser. Linx internet broser is supported using Mouse and Keyboard. This is a small and light Internet browser that will be developed more in the future. Up to now it is supporting simple web pages protocols.
8.7 Other minor appz.

9. Receiver information screen added. Now you can get all the receiver information such as connected tuners, IP address, peripherias etc etc from a dedicated page. All the important informations you have to know about your box are now shown.
This page is inside Infromation->Receiver Information menu. It is very important to have a look at this to have a shortcut to all the settings of the receiver like Tuner Status, IP Address, Keyboard, IPOD connection etc etc.

10. Menu structure is completely changed to make it more user friendly.

11. HD Skin by default with automatic screen resize.

12. HDMI and other video Output problems solved.

13. Minor bugs are solved and general stability is improved uncomparably with the previous version especailly if freezes are coming from the streaming.
WebInterface fully working, Teletext fully working etc etc

Known bugs:

1. Minor bugs related to menus (like OSD languages not translated in full) and other small menu leaks.

2. Motor scan on 4W is stopping. Work in progress.

3. DVB-C scanning is now working just with pre-loaded settings.

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AW: Letztes Filesystem für die Q-Box HD

New Stone Distribution Filesystem version 1.02 for QBoxHD available 03/10/2010

- Bugfix: Ticket #610: Scan with the motor doesn’t work as expected
- Bugfix: Ticket #633: The new frontend.cpp is not compatible with the RETRY_LOCK patch
- Bugfix: Ticket #575: Automatic scan of dvb-c tuner doesn’t work
- Bugfix: Ticket #376: wifi: Sometimes the fw is not properly loaded or it doesn’t load at the right time
- Bugfix: Ticket #581: SCART output doesn’t work after choosing it as output mode in the video output options.
- Bugfix: Ticket #203: USB reset
- Bugfix: Ticket #291: Problem when zapping from a DVB-S tuner to tuner a DVB-T
- Bugfix: Ticket #599: Pause doesn’t completely freezes the TS.
- Enhancement: Several improvements in default skin
- Enhancement: Add translations for italian and french

Faster channel zapping (0,5 secs less)

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AW: Letztes Filesystem für die Q-Box HD

Latest Stone Distribution FileSystem version 1.0.4 – 22/10/2010
What is Stone Distribution?
This is a new firmware distribution for the QBoxHD using native functions for QBoxHD.
A significant Enigma 2 upgrade has been done that improves many functions and fixes many bug that still remain in the “stable version”
This is the firmware for QBox Mini. Please make sure you don’t use Update Files for QBoxHD on QBox mini and vice versa.

The bootloader update QHU from May 11th 2010. Bootloader update is done through the serial port connected to the PC.
Use this QHU in case of corrupted Flash.
Further information can be read in the “Boot Update” section of Link veralten (gelöscht).

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AW: Letztes Filesystem für die Q-Box HD

QBoxHD Stone Distribution Filesystem 1.0.14 - 15.04.2011

  • Bugfix: Ticket #703: Parental Control without icon for bouquets.
  • Bugfix: Ticket #710: DHCP doesn’t work in u-boot when there isn’t the siaddr parameter.
  • Bugfix: Ticket #563: OSD screenshot from WebInterface doesn’t work.
  • Bugfix: Ticket #709: Upgrade terrestrial.xml with new transponders (Belgium and Copenhagen).
  • Bugfix: Ticket #708: Upgrade satellite.xml with new transponders.
  • Bugfix: Ticket #591: Crash with big jpeg pictures ( >= 1.5MB) in Media Player. (if >= 1.5MB, it is showed stretched).
  • Bugfix: Ticket #176: When you change the led color of the Sensewheel, the Sensewheel doesn’t work anymore.
  • Bugfix: Fixed some Skin bugs and Greek Language.
  • Enhancement: Create a ramdisk with video images.
MD5 checksum: 5ce1da63cafa056f8db31cd4bd629fe6

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Macht bitte ein Bootloader Update(qboxhd_boot_20110414), da die Box beim updaten sonst stehen bleibt.

Die alten Skins bis zum SD 1.0.12 laufen auch nicht so richtig, die müssen erst noch angepasst werden
> es gibt auf dem QUT-Server ein Plugin, damit laufen die Skins wieder :)

MfG. mal schauen
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
AW: Letztes Filesystem für die Q-Box HD

Latest Stone Distribution FileSystem version 1.0.15 – 05/05/2011
What is Stone Distribution?
This is a new firmware distribution for the QBoxHD using native functions for QBoxHD.
A significant Enigma 2 upgrade has been done that improves many functions and fixes many bug that still remain in the “stable version”
This is the firmware for QBox Mini. Please make sure you don’t use Update Files for QBoxHD on QBox mini and vice versa.

The bootloader update QHU from May 11th 2010. Bootloader update is done through the serial port connected to the PC.
Use this QHU in case of corrupted Flash.
Further information can be read in the “Boot Update” section of Tutorial 4.

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AW: Letztes Filesystem für die Q-Box HD

Release "Stone Distribution" 1.0.16

- Bugfix: Upgrade satellites.xml.
- Bugfix: Upgrade terrestrial.xml (added transponder for Estonia).
- Bugfix: Upgrade cables.xml (added transponder for Estonia).
- Bugfix: Added the Estonian language.
- Bugfix: The "TV Settings" menù is not displayed it when it is used the default skin.
- Bugfix: Some options of "TV Settings" menù (Just scale, Letterbox, ect.) are not applied when the decoder is restarted.
- Bugfix: Some minor bugfixes.
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AW: Letztes Filesystem für die Q-Box HD

hat zufällig jemand die letzte Firmware für die große QBoxHD vorrätig und könnte sie mir zur Verfügung stellen? Wäre sehr nett. Vielen Dank! Gruß, Micha.
AW: Letztes Filesystem für die Q-Box HD

Kann nochmal jemand das 1.0.16 orig. filesystem wo hochladen? Nirgends zu finden. thx
AW: Letztes Filesystem für die Q-Box HD

in der Database:

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AW: Letztes Filesystem für die Q-Box HD

kommt immer Updatefehler, nen neuen Bootloader gibts doch nicht, oder?
AW: Letztes Filesystem für die Q-Box HD

QBox HD – Latest Bootloader 14/04/2011
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