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NC+ 21Entitements

masz jakis link skad idzie aktualne Services dostac kos.hdsat nie idzie
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This not really correct to get invalid entitlements printed on oscam with expiry date : 0x/0x/2036.

you need to get only valid Entitlements printed on OSCam and there are only 2 Valid Entitlements:
1813 : 0001A0 ..........................................................
1813 : 000068 ..........................................................
and the others should not be printed because they are invalid (expiry dates incorect)
and all this it's a bug in oscam exactly in the cak7 part.
which is not good for the Cameleon Cards ...
oscam services wyczyszczony i Polsat znowu smiga
Nadal mam 21 Entitlements ale tak jak kolega rumas84 to opisal to 22 Entitlements sa wcale nie potrzebne albo
moze ktos spojzec przyokazi czy ma podobnie ewentualnie podeslec nowa parka ja mam takie

nuid = A6XXXXXX
cwekey0 = 39............................84

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Narazie Adas