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Sonstige Panele Nice Restreamer Panel


23. Januar 2013
Hello all. I would like to present you Nice-Restreamer!

It's a unique tool to manipulate,restream or encode remote or local streams on demand or static ! Build on node.js+ffmpeg. You get a fast,reliable and rock stable Restreamer to get 1000+ connections on single core cpu !

Input Streams = All that FFMPEG can "eat" :)
Output to Mpegts and HLS (on-demand or static)
Main and Backup streams are switched without client interruption !

Tested on Ubuntu 14.x.x | 16.x.x server
upd: Installer reworked..should work on most debian distro !


cd / && rm install.sh && wget && chmod 755 install.sh && ./install.sh

and Follow on screen instructions !

Simple and Fast installation for all.
You Can put it every thing in this Free Pannell. I test it and every thing is ok.
Nice re/streamer personal (free)
Fast,reliable,less resource-hungry and rock solid encoder and restreamer

* 50 concurrent connections for users
* Static(independent) binary for (restreamer,ffmpeg and m3u8-segmenter)
* Easy installation and (de)installation for debian based systems
* Web interface with real live information for channels,system load
* Stream to mpegts and hls (simultaneously or separate)
* Channels with (main and back source)
* Channel analyzer for main input stream
* Live add and edit channels without user interaction
* Immediately switch from main to back source (and reverse) not affecting user viewing
* Configuration for copy or encode input channels (h264+aac)
* 2 modes for streaming (static/allways connected to source/ and dinamyc/on-demand call to channel/)
* Connections Logger with (Channel,IP,Online Time,User-Agent)
* Export M3U list

Nice re/streamer pro (license)
Fast,reliable,less resource-hungry and rock solid encoder and restreamer

** Unlimited connections for channels,streams,users
** User management (Username,Password,Max conections,Allowed ip(s),Export Playlists per user /mpegts,hls/ or both)
** Connections Logger with (Channel,User,IP,Online Time,User-Agent)
** Import from M3U
** Broken(empty) stream detector
** Notifications for new version(update)

* Static(independent) binary for (restreamer,ffmpeg and m3u8-segmenter)
* Easy installation and (de)installation for debian based systems
* Web interface with real live information for channels,users,system load
* Stream to mpegts and hls (simultaneously or separate)
* Channels with (main and back source)
* Channel analyzer for main input stream
* Live add,edit channels and users without user interaction
* Immediately switch from main to back source (and reverse) not affecting user viewing
* Configuration for copy or encode input channels (h264+aac with subtitles)
* 2 modes for streaming (static/allways connected to source/ and dinamyc/on-demand call to channel/)

Nice re/streamer personal (free)
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
1.New features
1.1 RTMP server to push your streams with server key on selected chid (look in config page).
1.2 RTMP push to Youtube, Facebook , Twich or custom server (look in config page).
1.3 Bouquets for categories for fast add / edit users.
1.4 FFmpeg stats for channels in FFmpeg mode.
1.5 Switch button to show/hide errors on channels.
1.6 Search in EPG add.
1.7 Low latency flag in config for sync live stream on multiple stb on same channel.
1.8 Exclude/Include lo network interface from server traffic.
1.9 Switch button to show/hide errors on channels.

2.Server Log in Tools
2.1 Global User and Live channel activity in server log.

3.1 TV Archive duration match to epg days in config.
3.2 TV Archive Continued on/off for stalker.

4.1 Mass edit/delete in users section by Date, Reseller, Balancer.

5.1 Fixes for ipset ban list (if user edit manually)

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1.New features
1.1 New dvr ( Ndvr ) is now part of re/streamer installation pakage.
1.2 Every channel now can be recorded for given time, if time is set 0 global record time is used.
1.3 Web managing config for ndvr is now in re/streamer ( Channels -> DVR),where you can edit,
check connections, save , chose location , restart and check disk needed space.
1.4 Ndvr is set static to id (100) when is local.
1.5 On existing installations where you update, run
[ /nice/nvdr.sh restart ] to enable ndvr as system service.
1.6 Remote installation remains but its not compatible with old dvr executable.
1.7 Existing dvr installation remote or local can be transformed to ndvr manually.

2.Channel Editor
2.1 Mass edit for User Agent.

Tools -> Database
3.1 Mysql Status.

4.1 Hls proxy and redirect model in case HLS make selected.
4.2 Size of epg select dropdown.
4.4 Server Log -> All errors.
4.4 Mysql random crash.
4.5 TV Archive Continued on/off for stalker.

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