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No ECM handled by dvbapi?

AW: No ECM handled by dvbapi?

And please rename the User "dvbapi" in the oscam.user and oscan.conf.
In recent times makes it a lot of trouble.
Thanks for the replies :-)

I know, but the mlc firmware wasnt specifically written for the MCA.
But in my case the MCA never worked from the beginning.
I tried it on two samsungs, one lg and one sony tv with the original xilinx and after writing the mlc firmware.
I've only seen a ECM request once or twies but it always froze afterwards.

I already tried renaming the user to 'local' instead.
I also tried many pmt_modes, reopenonzap, decodeforever etc.. no dice

So either the MCA died along the way causing these lockups on decoding or it simply does not handle the irdeto system used by my cable provider.
It cant be the TV since I tried four different models and they all lose communication after trying to decode.

Im having my MCA replaced atm.. wish me luck :)
AW: No ECM handled by dvbapi?

... Just to let you know. I've got the same Problem.
The original MCA with fw version 2.19? did work in Samsung and Philips TV, but with horrible zap times.
Then I've updated to the xmas release, which worked ok on Samsung displaying SD channels, but crashed on HD.
The I started using different xilinx flies and now it doesnt work in any device with the same Symptoms you describe. Every re-flash did not help so far.
AW: No ECM handled by dvbapi?

As this doesn't seem to have been stressed enough:
Once you flash the xilinx, there is currently no way to go back to the original!
Also the xilinx is not touched during normal firmware-update.

Sorry to bring up this old thread

In my case the xilinx wasn't the problem.

After doing some investigation, it appears my cable provider Ziggo (the Netherlands), is sending a special CI+ signal which ensures that only certified CI+ modules will work.
This is probably the reason why the TV cuts off the ECM stream and refuses to accept CW's by the MCA.
Other users reported that the Diablo Wifi isn't working either.

Bad luck I guess :P

However, my TV also features a satellite tuner, so I might give CanalDigitaal NL a spin, once I get my dish up ;)
AW: No ECM handled by dvbapi?

Can anyone please reupload file mca-cam-v326-FlashWithCASonly.bin? Thanks
Sorry to bring up this old thread

In my case the xilinx wasn't the problem.

After doing some investigation, it appears my cable provider Ziggo (the Netherlands), is sending a special CI+ signal which ensures that only certified CI+ modules will work.
This is probably the reason why the TV cuts off the ECM stream and refuses to accept CW's by the MCA.
Other users reported that the Diablo Wifi isn't working either.

Bad luck I guess :p

However, my TV also features a satellite tuner, so I might give CanalDigitaal NL a spin, once I get my dish up ;)


I see the same problem on my setup - was there any progress related to this issue?
Is the TV itself which is creating the problem or the CAM?
Hi, I have the same problem.
I tried with television of different manufacturer (Samsung and Philips), with different provider on 13E and the results is always the same, no ECM sent to the cam so no descrambling.
I also tried all the firmware that i can be able to find, many different version of oscam and ncam but nothing.
I believe that is a problem on the CAM ifself and not of compatibility with TV but I can't be sure of that.